Scars and tattoos

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"I'll see what I can do about this situation, don't stress ok?" Yoongi says softly. The two archangels were discussing the Eve crisis and how Taehyung was stressed about it.

"Alright hyung. But it's just..." Taehyung sighed. "Just what bub?" The older asked. "I like it here, you know with the detective work, going around with Jeongguk and all. I don't want to go back there. It's not home anymore. And I know, the minute we find Eve they are going to drag me back" the silver angel explained painfully. "Hey, no one is going to forcefully take you back, ok? When that time comes, we'll figure something out." Yoongi assured. The silver-head looked unconvinced but there was nothing he could do for now.

"Anyways, I'm thinking of getting a job or something." Taehyung relayed. "a job?" Yoongi quirked an eyebrow. "Yeah, you know, Jeongguk has his own club and he's helping the police right now too. I'm thinking of doing something of my own. Leave a mark of me here regardless of what the future holds." The petit angel said determinedly.

"Hmm, alright. Do you have something in mind?" The older angel asked. "Um...not really..." The other said sheepishly. Yoongi chuckled at that. "How about we go out tomorrow and figure it out. We can hang around the city and see what suits you best." The older angel advised. Taehyung nodding in approval.

"Oh. And before I forget, there is someone coming here in a few days who is going to meet you eventually. You'll know who it is later. But for now, I want you to remember to treat him right and take care of him once you meet." Yoongi foreshadowed. Taehyung quirked an eyebrow but didn't question it since Yoongi was notorious for his vague messages that seem to come in handy later on.

"Take care of who?" A new voice was suddenly heard. The two angels looked towards the source and found a smirking devil.

"You'll know, eventually," Yoongi said unbothered. "Still as vague as ever I see" the raven scoffed. "Still as impatient as ever I see" the older mocked. Taehyung stifled a laugh once he saw the irritated scowl on the youngest's face. "What brings you here Yoongi?" The raven asks as he pours himself some champagne. "It's hyung to you, you bitch. And I just came to say hi" the elder huffed.

"Well hello hyung. Now leave" the other said irritated. "Fine you little shit! Be that way. Bye little flower" Yoongi shouted at the youngest and softly bid the little angel farewell before flapping his gray wings into the midnight sky. Jeongguk "tsk"ed at the older's retreating silhouette. Taehyung furrowed his brows at his twin. "Do you have to be so rude?!" He scolded. "I can do whatever I want" the other said nonchalantly.

Taehyung was ready to start up an argument but choked on his words when Jeongguk swiftly took of his shirt. The raven was feeling suffocated because of the heat. He partied with all his might and now he was heating up and sweating. His chiseled body glistening with sweat, hard muscles flexing as he moved around. Taehyung stared at the man's defined body, his throat turning dry. This man was a sin, sex on legs.

Lucifer had a body to worship for and Taehyung wasn't ready to deny that. He stared at every ripple and curve of Jeongguk's toned torso licking his lips unconsciously. Jeongguk was too busy drinking his whiskey to notice how his twin was literally drooling over him. He turned around to refill his empty glass, Taehyung's eyes watching him like a hawk.

But once he saw the markings on Jeongguk's back the angel gasped in horror. Jeongguk turned to him with a questioning look as he saw the petit man walk towards him with a horror striken face. "What-" the silver angel didn't finish his sentence as he tried to turn the other around. "What are you doing?" The raven asked. "Your back... What happened?" The older questioned. "My back?" The other asked confused for a second before his eyes widen in realization. "Oh! That! That's an old scar darling no need to be afraid. It's a little memoire from when I cut off those feathery nuisances." The younger explained. Taehyung's eyes widened more in horror. "You have scars on your back because you cut off your wings?!" Taehyung exclaimed, his eyes turning watery. Jeongguk pursed his lips into a thin line. "why are you crying? Those were my wings, plus I cut them off eons ago" he said nonchalantly.

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