Frightened Hearts

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"Oh! You should get this! And this! Oh! How about that?!" Jimin was going rigid from seeing the beautiful outfits. He was going through piles and piles of clothes that would suit Taehyung, being the frantic fashionista that he was.

What made it worse was that Taehyung was the type of person that looked good in anything. Being the most beautiful angel even in silver city made him an irresistible sight. Thus causing Jimin's brain to go haywire.

"Alright, Jiminie. I think that's enough. I only need the bare necessities. No need to be so hyper. I will only stay for five days at most." The angel tried to calm the small male down. It looked like Jimin was about to blow his head into bits from how frantic he was being.

Those words made Jimin calm down a little as he sighed out all his fuzz. Taehyung gathered only a few clothes that he actually needed and paid for them with his own money. Money that he earned from his consultant work. The silver-head refused to spend Jeongguk's money since he was already staying with him. Though it's not like Jeongguk would mind. But that's just how the angel was.

Taehyung didn't care how rich his twin was. He was not going to be so dependent on him. So the black card the dark prince gave him stayed in his wallet, unused.

Jimin went off get a proper travel bag to keep all the clothes in whilst Taehyung paid. Once the silver man was done he waited by the slide doors of the shop. He looked at the time and gasped when he realized they took over an hour to finish everything.

"Mr. V? Is that you?" A familiar voice spoke out which made Taehyung turn around. The angel was met with the heart smile of his suit tailor. "Ah! Mr. Jung! Long time no see" the angel chirped. The tailor seemed to be taken aback by the attitude since he looked at him shocked.

"Is something wrong?" The angel asked confused. "No no, it's just that... The last time I saw you, you were very cold. It's a little surprising seeing you so lively" the shop owner politely explained, a warm smile always gracing his lips.

Taehyung made an 'oh' sound from realization. "I apologise for that. That was very rude of me. I was just in a bad place. I hope you don't take it to heart" the angel kindly requested. Hoseok shook his head vigorously in denial. "Oh! Of course not. I'm glad you are doing well. It's good to see you so lively Mr. V," the man warmly stated. Hoseok was the type of person who would give off this aura that made anyone relax and smile. His beautiful personality just added to that charm. Taehyung noticed this and smiled at how humble the man was.

"Just V is fine. May I know how old you are? If that is not rude to ask" the angel asked. The reason he asked this is because he knew Hoseok would ask it if he didn't. And Taehyung didn't want to reveal his age since it was clear he was much much older than the said redhead.

"I'm twenty four!" The man answered. "Ah! Then you can call me V and I can call you Hoseok if that is alright with you" Taehyung answered tactfully. You see if there is one trait Jeongguk has rubbed off on Taehyung is that to never lie. Jeongguk hates lies and thus he warned Taehyung to not do so too. And that is what the silver-head abided by no matter the cost, for all these millennials.

"It is fine by me V!" The redhead replied excitedly. "Um, V?" Taehyung heard a timid voice call out to him. And when he turned around he was met with a blushing Jimin. The small male handed him the bag he bought and proceeded to introduce himself to the tall redhead who was chatting with his friend. Jimin was a very confident and positive individual. But he couldn't hide the way he felt as his face was very expressive. Especially to an observant person like V. So it was a clear indication that Jimin liked Hoseok by the constant blush of his cheeks.

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