Shots fired

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Maze was ready with her black evening gown and spike clutch. Her makeup was dark and her heels were sharp like a knife. They clacked every time she took a step towards the casino where the poker night was being held.

She arrived at exactly ten, on the dot. It had long become her habit to be punctual since the devil wasn't known for his patience. The demon walked seductively towards the main entrance and found Jisoo already making her way to her. The lady was again in red. This time she wore a slit gown that was a blood red colour. Her lipstick was matching her dress and overall she looked bold and confident.

"Welcome miss Jennie. It seems that you are very strict of your time." The red madam praised. "It's a habit from work. Let's go in, shall we?" The demon suggested and Jisoo immediately complied. She led her to a room withing the restricted area for the common public and then went into a large hall. By the end of the grand hall there was a special lounge where a poker table was set.

The room was luxurious to say the least. A bar in the corner, lush sofas, a large balcony and whatnot. But Maze wasn't looking at all those details. Her eyes were stuck at one thing and one thing only. A young woman sitting on a rich man's lap laughing at one of his jokes. She knew the moment she stepped into the room that this woman was her bounty.

She found Eve.

One of the gentlemen was getting eager to start the game, and now Maze was excited too. She had a goldfish to catch. The demon smirked as he looked at the eager businessman "let the game begin" and so it started.


"Jeongguk, don't make so much sound! He'll get alert!" Taehyung hissed as they silently walked through the abandoned warehouse.

The pair of twins were currently in the middle of an arrest. A man had robbed two banks near the wealthy areas of the city and used that money to smuggle in large amount of drugs.

They had found the stash that was being shipped in through one of Namjoon's informants and successfully stopped the distribution to the drug cartels. Most of the asiliants had been arrested and it was time to take down the mastermind.

The man was hiding within the abandoned warehouse where Jeongguk and Taehyung were sneaking around. Namjoon was coming from the back. And backup had already surrounded the building.

"Sorry darling," the devil said sarcastically. The angel rolling his eyes at the childishness. The two celestials managed to locate the criminal mastermind who was currently pacing around in the middle of an open area. "How stupid can he get," the angel remarked since the man was now basically an open target. "Tell me about it" the raven whispered.

They could see the man was about to get out of one of the exits when Jeongguk decided to step in. They couldn't let the man getaway.

"Why hello there," the devil said cheekily as he boldly stepped forward. The man instantly propped his gun at the raven's face as he started to panic. "Who are you?!" He screamed in panic. The two circle each other. "Me? I'm the devil" the man said truthfully, a mocking grin on his face.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" The man screamed again. "The literal meaning" the devil again answered with a tease. "Don't play with me!" The criminal shouted. Jeongguk laughed at that. "Play? I haven't even started anything yet" he replied playfully.

Before the man could retort some more Jeongguk stepped forward a little making the robber panic more. "No need to be so scared. I only have a question" the devil said teasingly, a dark meaning hidden under his words. "W-what question?" The man asked sweating profusely. "Everyone has a desire in life, so tell me, Mr. Lockhart, what is it that you truly desire?" The devil asked looking straight into the man's eyes, pulling him into a trance. A daze where he could hide nothing from the other.

"I-I I want to wreak havoc on this city" the man whispered dazed. "Is that so? Well, that's a very bold desire to have" the devil mocked. He looked at his twin who was standing behind the man, silently asking if the detective was near or not. When the angel shook his head it made him sigh in frustration.

Breaking the eye contact made the man come out of his daze as he shook his head multiple times to clear his head. And when he realized what he had said he panicked more. "What the fuck did you do to me?!" The man screamed loudly as he prepared himself to pull the trigger. "Woah there, calm down Mr. Lockhart. I just asked you a question" the devil acted innocent. But unfortunately, the man wasn't planning on dragging this facade for longer.

"Bullshit," he said and aimed his Glock steadily. Just then Taehyung saw Namjoon coming from behind Jeongguk. The man saw Namjoon and screamed in fury. "JEONGGUK!" Taehyung's voice rang through the warehouse as the sound of gunfires faded away slowly.

Jeongguk stood there shocked for a second as the man before him dropped to the ground with a thud. But what shook him out of his shock was the thud that came from behind him. He swiftly turned around as Taehyung ran past him to the bloody Namjoon laying on the cold warehouse floor. The detective was clutching onto his abdomen tightly whilst the man behind Jeongguk stayed completely still.

Jeongguk stared at the detective wide-eyed as he saw the man scrunch up his face in pain. Taehyung's screams completely blurred out by his ears as he stood still, completely shell shocked. He didn't realize when the officers came in and took the criminal's body away, he didn't realize when the paramedics' laid Namjoon onto the stretcher and carried him away in an ambulance. He didn't even realize when his twin got so close to him, staring at his face with those worried silver orbs.

Then Taehyung shook him, and slowly Jeongguk's hearing came back. He suddenly became aware of all the chaos happening around him. He became aware of the sirens and the shouts of the officers barking orders. He became aware of the sobs being emitted from his beautiful twin's lips. The realization started to sink in the fact that Namjoon took a bullet because he wasn't fast enough. He started realizing that an innocent man got punished because he couldn't do his job right.

And that didn't sit well with Lucifer. No, this was unacceptable. The devil never punishes the innocent. Never. He just did a taboo.

He slowly sank to his knees, his expression still shocked. And Taehyung understood why. So he didn't say anything and just embraced the younger in his arms and slowly swayed back and forth. His slender fingers carding through his raven locks.

And Yoongi was flying above them as he spectated everything. He didn't know that the soul he came to take would become the reason why his youngest brother would be fighting for his sanity.

Taehyung cradled Jeongguk till he was okay enough to speak. He made the younger face him and softly asked "are you going to be okay Ggukie?". Jeongguk slowly met his eyes and the angel could see the despair in those charcoal orbs. "It's my fault. It's all my fault" Jeongguk mumbled softly, completely devastated. Taehyung quickly denied the claim. "You did nothing wrong Ggukie. Detective Kim is going to be just fine. We are going to meet him tomorrow at the hospital, okay?" The angel consoled his twin. Jeongguk slowly nodded, not in the state to talk nor think clearly.

The rest of the ride was a blur to him as well. Because the next thing he knew he was back at his penthouse, Taehyung tucking him to bed. The silver-head was about to leave for his own room when his twin tackled him to the bed and wrapped him in the cocoon of his embrace.

Taehyung tried to reason with the other to let him go and tried to get away from the iron grip but it all went in vain. The only outcome he got from it was Jeongguk completely covering him under the sheets and scooping him into his arms tightly before burying his head into the crook of his neck.

So the silver angel decided to give up from trying to get away and just laid in the warm cocooned embrace as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Unaware of the storm that was about to hit him hard.


I just wanted some fluff is all.

See you in the next chapter!

Love you 💗💗

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