Mystery solved

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"This victim clearly knew the assaulter. No sign of struggle during entry. They were on good terms it seems since the victim brought food and drinks for the assaulter. They were talking from across each other when the murderer drew out his knife and stabbed her right under her ribcage. Then proceeded to stab her six more times with excellent precision. The wounds on every victim are almost totally identical in terms of position and depth. We might be dealing with someone who has good experience in handling knives." Jimin explained the entire murder that transpired. The two celestials looking at him impressed.

They were currently in the third murder victim's crime scene and Jimin was driving them through how things happened and what directions they could take. "So like a butcher or a professional knife thrower?" Taehyung suggested. Jimin nodded. "Could be. Or a surgeon maybe. Since the murderer knew exactly where to puncture." The small male suggested. The two nodded. Taehyung noting down everything so he can report it to Namjoon later. Jeongguk just listened carefully since we've already established that the man never forgets anything. 

The two were observing Jimin as the male made bold hand gestures to prove his point and to emphasize his claims. The diary was still in their possession as they have yet to turn it in for evidence. They refrained from looking into it since, again, it was Namjoon's call to make.

When Jimin was done with his explanation he proceeded to look for any connections and outer family relationships he could find on the victim. The twins left him to it and went to Namjoon's house to give him the report. They got his address from his boss who surprisingly (yet not so surprising) didn't mind giving them the information.

Taehyung rang the doorbell and the two waited for Namjoon to open the door. Jeongguk would have just broken the lock and barged in if not for Taehyung giving him a pointed look.

When the door opened, it was someone they had not imagined. A pretty little girl was peaking through the door and shyly looking at them. Taehyung smiled sweetly at her whilst Jeongguk tried to stay as far as possible. It was obvious that the devil didn't like children. Never had never will.

"Hello dear, we are here to meet detective Kim. Is he home?" The angel asked softly. "What do you want with Papa?" The little lady asked. "Oh! Um, we want to tell him something about what a bad person did. Your papa wanted to know about it" the angel answered. "Can I have your names please" the little lady demanded. "It's V and Lucifer Morningstar, darling" the silver-head replied. The girl furrowed her eyebrows at the odd names.

"Wait here please," the girl said and shut the door. The soft pitter-patter of her footsteps being heard. "Never thought detective Kim would be a dad. He's so young" the angel said astonished. "Yeah. I thought he knew better" Jeongguk grumbled. Taehyung gasped at that. "How dare you! That girl was adorable. When I have children in the future you are not going anywhere near them!" Taehyung screeched. Jeongguk scoffed. "Angels can't make children. They are created. And what makes you think I'll consent to you having those terrible little pests?" He said with a quirk of his eyebrow.

"I'll adopt a human child if I have to. Doesn't matter. I'm having a child and that's that. Why would your consent matter? It's my future lover who needs to give consent" the angel scoffed in disbelief. Though his heart ached at the thought of a lover for some reason.

Jeongguk's eyes flashed red at the exclaim. "Children are a discussion for later. But you are highly mistaken darling if you think I will let you be in another man's arms. And don't even think about saying your lover could be a girl too because we both know that's not happening in this eternity." The devil spat furiously.

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