Eye of the tiger

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Taehyung was sitting in a café waiting for Maze. The girl had called him the previous night to talk about something. But Taehyung being Taehyung started blurting out what happened between him and Jeongguk.

But Maze didn't seem to be in the mood, somehow tensed about something. She had told the latter to meet her in the said café saying she had something urgent to tell him.

And so Taehyung was waiting for the demon to show up. It didn't take long for Jennie to make her appearance though. And as Taehyung had presumed Jennie was indeed tensed about something. She looked quite agitated and fidgety as she took her seat. Taehyung looked at her concerned. "Are you okay Jen?" The angel asked.

Maze sighed shakily before looking at the silver-head dead in the eyes. "Something happened Mike," she said. The angel urged her to continue.

The previous night

Jennie was walking down the streets of LA trying to find the casino she visited during her bounty with Eve. But unfortunately, she got lost and found herself in a park that didn't have many people. She was walking along the pavement when someone called her from behind.

When she turned around she saw nothing. But she could hear someone speak. The things the voice said sent chills down her spine. "You helped him escape from me once. But this time I'll get him for sure. And when I do, it'll be the end of all of you" the entity chuckled darkly before disappearing without a trace.

"So what was that thing?" Taehyung asked now scared slightly. "It was a fallen. they lurk behind the shadows and wait for their prey. And Mike, you're in danger right now" Jennie spoke. "What do mean?" The angel asked even more sacred and confused.

"From what you've told me last night, that fallen is looking for you. I helped Lucifer in the rebellion which separated you two." Maze explained. "Why do they want me though? What's so special about me?" Taehyung asked sarcastically. Jennie shrugging unable to answer.

"How did it find me?" Taehyung asked worriedly. Now finally understanding what that feeling was.

"Lucifer," she said. Taehyung furrowing his eyebrows. "What?" She sighed again. "The fallen don't have a form. They are just dark entities that move around in the air. They rely on their sense of smell to find targets. They tracked you down by following Lucifer's scent" she explained. Taehyung scoffed. "What are they, dogs? How can they smell Ggukie? Is he that distinguishable?" He huffed.

"Lucifer reeks of death and burning souls. The fallen can smell him from miles away." she deadpanned. Taehyung's face fell.

"How do you know so much about them Jen?" The angel asked. "I've hunted down a few of them before. I have a little grasp of what their kind could be like" Jennie answered.

"W-what do we do now?" He asked shaking slightly. Maze looked at him sadly. "We have to send Jeongguk back to hell and figure out how to deal with these things without causing you to perish" Jennie truthfully answered.

Taehyung felt his entire world come crashing down. Why can't I have one moment of peace? He thought and silently cried. Jennie held his hand gently. "Let's go together okay? Stay strong Mike. You'll get through this" she encouraged. Taehyung nodding slightly.


"Hey, baby" Jeongguk held Taehyung by the waist and pecked his lips softly. He then smiled at the latter, his eyes holding so much love that Taehyung felt his heart squeeze.

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