Spilled Tea

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To say that Eve is persistent would be an understatement. Even after Jeongguk's countless brutal rejections she still continued her pursuit on making the devil fall for her.

She tried everything in her power to make Jeongguk notice her. From wearing revealing clothes, watching his favorite shows with him to even parading around the penthouse naked. (Jeongguk is sure most of them were Maze's ideas if not all)

But instead of making Jeongguk notice her it only made him more stressed. All of this within one day. And so by dusk, the raven had called it quits and fled to the hospital where an injured officer was recovering.

"Detective I need your help" was the first thing Jeongguk blurted out as soon as he opened the door. But what he didn't expect was to be engulfed in a hug by a tiny human. She barely reached his thighs but we'll call it a hug anyway.

"Get off me little vermin!" He screeched and carefully pulled her away from him and quickly scurried away from her reach. Namjoon laughed at the comical reaction. Eva didn't seem to care much as she went back to play with her dolls without another care in the world.

"What do you need my help for Lucifer?" Namjoon asked getting straight to the point. He was used to the raven's absurd behavior by now. "there is a girl in my house. She and I have a long history. And since the very beginning she has confessed to me of her affection but I had kindly declined. But she has been persistent and is still being persistent, refusing to leave me be. What should I do?" Jeongguk ranted out in one breath. He was far too stressed from keeping it all in.

Namjoon gawked at him for a few minutes before composing himself. "Do you have someone else in your heart?" He asked cautiously. Jeongguk thought for merely a second before nodding his head positively. His answer absolute. Namjoon hummed and thought for a minute. "Did you try to reject her a bit more sternly?" He asked again. "Oh detective, you have no idea how many methods of rejection I have washed over her. But she just won't listen!" He stressed.

Namjoon sighed. "You remind me of someone." He solemnly said. Jeongguk looked at him in confusion. "Sorry?" He asked the latter to elaborate but Namjoon just brushed it off. "It is nothing. If even that hasn't made her stop then maybe try to tell her what she really needs to hear. Not the harsh words or the bitter truth. But the thing she really needs to hear to understand that she needs to move on"

Jeongguk stared at him in confusion, clearly not understanding what he meant. Namjoon chuckled at that before he started to elaborate. "People don't persist over someone to this extent just because they love them. There is always another reason." He says. "Sometimes it is obsession or the sheer need to have someone. Otherwise, it is pain, the pain of their struggle and insecurities. Which category do you think she stands in?" he continues.

"The latter I believe, because it is certainly not obsession. She isn't really like that." Jeongguk answers. "Then maybe she feels insecure about herself. She doesn't acknowledge her self worth and tries to find it in you. That's why she tries to stay attached. She maybe feels afraid of letting you go because she fears she will be nothing without your support. It may be her belief that even if you don't love her, maybe her's would be enough for the both of you and she can somehow escape the black she put herself in" Namjoon explains.

Jeongguk nodded, finally understanding what he needed to do. "I believe I understand now. But if I may ask, how do you know so much about this detective?" The raven asked out of curiosity. Namjoon's face instantly turned blank.

The officer sighed and looked at his daughter who was in her own little world. He looked at his lap and started to talk. "Because I was like her once" he whispered leaving the raven in shock. "W-wha-" "we were so in love. We were young and passionate at that time. We dated for a long time but maybe along the way that spark disappeared. It was in our university times that she became pregnant with Eva. I was so happy. When she gave birth to her, it was like I gained the whole world. I loved her so much." Namjoon stopped for a second to compose himself before starting again.

"She was very ambitious. Her entire life goal was settled for her and she was driven to reach there. So I guess having a child became a hindrance. She wanted to leave since she was not prepared to take responsibility, but I persisted. I told her I would sacrifice anything for us. I was ready to give up my dreams, everything. I was losing myself slowly. But one day, she disappeared. All she left was just a text. After everything I did for her to stay, she disappeared." He whimpered. Jeongguk rubbing his back slowly looking at him in sympathy. He was still hurt.

"Even after she left I refused to move on. For a long time. I thought that if I moved on, all that I am worth would vanish. Because I identified myself through her. And that's when I met my friend Jung Hoseok. He really helped me get out of that dark space. And soon I was back on my feet. But I cannot deny that it still hurts at times. But I now live for myself and Eva. I just wish someone was there back then to tell me my worth and what I needed to hear so I didn't have to suffer." He sniffled a little before looking up at Jeongguk with a reassuring smile. " Tell her what she needs to hear. Be a little gentle if you can. It will help her a lot." He advised.

Jeongguk smiled at him and nodded. Now clearly knowing what he had to do. "Thank you for sharing your story detective," he said softly. Namjoon smiled. "I still have her picture you know?" He said and grabbed his phone. He tapped out a picture and handed Jeongguk the phone. "Her name is Lisa".

The raven looked at the screen and froze. Of all people, Eve just had to use the detective's ex's body?!


"Okay, I've got the reports. It is confirmed that it was indeed poison. I found slight traces of it on her water glass so it was most likely mixed in the water." Jimin informed.

The squad was in the local police station which was only a few blocks away from the hotel they were currently residing in. "If that is the case then the culprit most likely knew which one was going to go to Boyong,"  Mark interjected. "So all the cooks and servers are our suspects" Taehyung confirmed. The rest nodding.

"According to the report there were three nuns on kitchen duty and two of them were serving everyone." Jimin read out from his file. "So five possible suspects. How many were cleaning up after dinner?" The officer asked. "Three. And there is one person who is common in both groups." The small male answered.

"Who?" Taehyung asked. "Sierra Su Han" the small male replied. The other two were not that shocked. "So she is our prime suspect. Did you check on her background as I asked you to?" The silver angel asked the substitute. Mark nodded.

"She had two younger brothers and her father was an alcoholic. Her mother died from cancer. They became financially unstable due to their father's drinking and gambling habits. She used to work in a pub as an escort to provide some sort of money but most of it was taken by her father. The man was abusive as well. She took up more jobs to support her siblings and got sexually harassed by her father a few times. Her brothers soon started to do illegal activities and one got killed during a gang fight. They were growing in debt from both father and son. Sierra soon got tired of her miserable life and ran away from home. She took shelter in a church. And soon fell in love with the lifestyle" Mark finished reading the whole report.

Taehyung and Jimin left out a sigh they didn't know they were holding. "My, what an unfortunate past" the angel mumbled. "She is our suspect but what was her motive?" Mark asked.

"She has no connection to Boyong. Also, the man the nuns were talking about that she apparently had an affair with was actually a childhood friend who is happily married." Jimin said whilst tapping his laptop.

"Guess we will just have to question the kitchen staff again" Mark sighed out. And off they were off to question the nuns yet again. Jimin going to ask questions at the childhood friend's house.

For now, the investigation was at a standstill.


Y'all I'm having such terrible sleeping problems it's concerning 😭

Let me know what you thought of this chapter.

See you at the next one!

Love you 💗💗

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