Knockin' on heaven's door

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Frantic footsteps were heard as heels collided with pure white marble. The sound resonating throughout the silent hall. The woman's white trail flowed in the air, golden strands of hair bouncing with her steps. Her structure was alluring and so was her grace. The lady had a panicked look in her sparkly hazel eyes as she bared through the royal hallway towards a specific chamber. Rows upon rows of gorgeously decorated doors came into her view as she searched for a specific one.

As soon as the delicately carved double doors came into her vision, it was as though her pace had tripled its original speed. She practically crashed through the royal gates and barely managed to not fall face-first into the floor. The tall figure occupying the chambers snapped his head to her with eyes wide in astonishment. For its not everyday someone would so rudely barge into someone else's private space, much less his.

"We have a situation, brother." The blonde lady spoke. Her otherwise stern posture faltering due to her panic. "What has happened?" The tall man asked patiently. His shiny brown hair dazzling in the bright sunlight of the silver city. His chest was puffed with pride. A worrier's arrogance. His sharp jawline clenched and shaped eyebrows knitted.

"Someone has escaped" she replied shakily. "What do you mean? who would try to escape heaven, Ramiel?!" The deep voice raised slightly in complete surprise. Who would possibly wish to leave heaven? Every human ever born has dreamed of landing themselves a spot in silver city. Maybe much not the angels, since they were born heaven habitants. "Was it one of our siblings?" He asked quizzically. He was sure it would be one of the angels. Since his brothers and sisters weren't always the righteous ones they were taught to be. He himself may not be as godsent as humans might presume. So it was quite tangible that one of his siblings decided to leave unceremoniously.

But his astonishment only grew once he saw his sister shake her head into the negative. "It was one of the oldest inhabitants" she whispered. The tall, buff man's jaw clenched harder once he realized it was one of the former humans that had escaped. 'these humans get greedier and greedier. What more could they possibly want?! They were in heaven!' he thought to himself. He breathed deeply so as to not burst from his inner rage. An angel should never do so.

"Who is it?" He asked the name of the one who fled. But he regretted asking once he heard who it was. He always disliked that woman. "Bring Uriel and Michael. We are leaving for Earth right now" he ordered. But the angel named Ramiel had some opinions of her own. "Michael? Why are we taking Michael?" She asked in confusion. "Why not? He may be of help. Besides, we will be visiting our fallen brother. I believe he would like to have a little meeting with him after all these millennials" the brown-haired man said with melancholy.

Ramiel's expression turned scandalous as she heard the statement. "Why do we need to visit Lucifer?!" She asked horrified. "Because we are dealing with a human most associated with him, might I add 'in the human world'. Who else would we find with such vast knowledge in both?" He replied like it was the most obvious thing in the universe. "But Amenadiel!-" She raised her voice barely slightly. "No. I will not hear anything else. Prepare the others" the buff man named Amenadiel stated, ending the conversation. Ramiel huffed in frustration before leaving to get the other two of her brothers.

She hurriedly made her way to Uriel's room first as it was the closest to her current location. She didn't bother to knock into the dark oak doors and simply walked in as softly as she could. The less time she could use the better. And it was not like Uriel would mind her sudden intrusion. It was a daily occurrence at this point.

She saw the man sitting on his couch with a book in his hand. A sigh left his chapped lips as he slowly looked up to acknowledge her presence. His beautiful dusty brown hair brushing against his brows, sparkling doe eyes staring at her. "We need to go to the human world. An inhabitant has escaped the silver city." Ramiel said getting straight to business. "Who and why?" Was the only thing he mumbled as he stood up and made his way to his sister.

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