You. Are. Staying.

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Jeongguk was shaking as he looked at the black feather in his palm. He didn't know what this feather meant. All angels have gray feathers except for him who had white wings.

He didn't know who this feather belonged to. He brainstormed to think of any other being that could have a black feather. Because obviously there wasn't supposed to be a damn crow's feather down in hell floating about.

Plus this feather was huge in size, almost resembling his own.

The only being he could think of that could possess these wings would be...

A fallen.

Jeongguk snapped his head upwards at the sound of wings flapping. He clenched his jaw tightly and his palms formed fists.

If need be, the king of hell was ready to snap someone's neck.


The silver angel gently touched his wings for the nth time that morning and let out a shaky sigh. His eyes watered every time he felt them, it was proof that they were real.

He was shocked and confused, of course, when he saw his gigantic wings spread behind him earlier, he still is. But by no means is he complaining.

He finally got his beloved wings back.

It all seemed surreal to him at the moment.

"Those are some gorgeous feathers you've got there Mike" Maze chuckled at the adorable boyish grin that spread onto the angel's lips.

"Well, where do you wanna go? You've got to test out your wings!" Jennie enthusiastically spoke which was unlike her. But none of them cared as the silver-head was happy.

"I wanna tell Ggukie!" Taehyung exclaimed happily as he stretched his wings and got the feel of them again.

If anyone was to know of his wings first it would always be his Ggukie.

"But Mike, Lucifer specifically told you to not visit him in hell" Jennie reminded.

But she got goosebumps when she saw a mischievous grin spread onto the pretty angel's full lips. The grin resembled so much of Jeongguk's that it was uncanny.

"No Maze dear, he told me not to visit by borrowing someone else's wings. I'm simply using my own" the angel ironically gave her a devilish grin. Maze retuning the gesture amused. "I like the way you think" she chuckled.

"Would you mind coming with Yoongi hyung? I'm not sure if I'll be able to balance both of us. It's been so long since I've last flown" the angel requested guiltily. Jennie smiled at him "it's alright babe. You hurry down now. I'll go get myself a Yoongi" she giggled. Taehyung giggling along with her.

They nodded at each other one last time before parting ways. Taehyung taking his first flight in centuries. A wide grin was visible on his lips as he dove down into the depths of the underworld.


Jeongguk stared at the flying figure with wide eyes, completely still from shock. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

A gasp left the raven's lips unbeknownst as Taehyung's face came into view. His boxy smile and sparkly eyes were so blinding that Jeongguk had to blink a couple of times to realize that indeed what he was seeing was real.

We're Angels S1 (vkook)Where stories live. Discover now