Deal with Satan

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The silver-head took in a sharp breath once the man dressed in much darker coloring advanced slightly towards them. His eyes were trained on everything else besides the dark eyes that felt like were glaring holes into his skin. He could feel it, the menacing gaze that was pinning him to his spot. This wasn't the first time he has experienced such a look. Yet it was confusing for the petit male to earn this type of stare from the former archangel.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit, brother? Had you informed me before, I would have set out better for your little kitty party" the deep voice mocked the presence of his siblings as they were standing in his property without his permission. Amenadiel sighed in frustration at the younger's crude behavior. "We need your help, Luci." The phrase containing the hidden pain he was feeling. The tall and handsome man quirked his eyebrows at the statement. "And what might this help be that you seek so desperately?" He interjects curiously as he sips on the bitter substance once the elder angel unfroze time.

"Someone has escaped" Ramiel replies hurriedly. Lucifer's dark gaze bore into her. "Escaped? From where?" The devil asked quizzically. "The silver city" Uriel decided to reply subtly. And that sentence alone made the tall man go rigid from laughter. A certain silver male enthralled at the melodic tune. "W-what?! Someone escaped the silver city?! Who would be ballsy enough to escape from heaven?" The raven-head spat out in between his laughing high.

"Eve" finally a deeper voice spoke. The room instantly went silent at the answer. All eyes cast on the small male who was at the corner trying his hardest not to cower in the intense gazes directed towards him. That was the time Lucifer finally took his time to stare at the other. His curly silver locks, tanned complexion, unblemished and flawless face, gray eyes that once held excitement but now turned into lifeless stones, ruby lips, and that petit frame. Even the devil was surprised seeing the man like this. He never imagined someone to change so much.

The silver man was silent until now, but he didn't like the fact that his presence was barely acknowledged. Though it didn't matter anyway. It has always been like this. For many many years. "So Eve decided to grow some balls finally" the raven-head sneered unintentionally. Gray eyes snapped to his direction. "But no one ever told me what I was needed for. A soul escaped, so what?" The raven nonchalantly said as he averted his gaze back to the elder archangel, ignoring the silver male's presence once again. "We want you to help us so that we can take her back to heaven as quickly as possible," Uriel says pleading. A fondness in his voice he never thought he would portray. "And why should I?" The dark prince mocks his brother once more, completely unbothered.

"Semi-el." Michael demandingly stated, his voice holding a sense of an elder scolding a child for bad behavior. Though the tone seemed to not sit right with the dark prince. Or was it the name that he used?

"Never call me that again. Ever." The dark-haired man sneered demonically once he heard the name rolling off Michael's tongue. His dark charcoal eyes burning a shade of ember. Lighting the flames of purgatory within his eyes. His nose flaring in anger. The other angels look at the said sibling in distaste. Whilst Michael was confused as to why the male got so triggered. Then it hit him, Lucifer changed his angel name the moment he was cast out of heaven. He resented that name to date. And the man bit his tongue for making such a slip-up. But old habits die hard.

He contemplated carefully on what name he should address the other by because he resented the name 'Lucifer' just as much as the other hated the name 'Semi-el'. He racked his brain quickly to find the proper name. Lucifer had many names from immortal to mortal differing from the regions to countries and even realms. But after thinking for some seconds a distinctive name caved into his mind and he did not hesitate a second time before blurting it out. "Jeongguk" his voice again caused the entire room to fall silent.

Even the burning gaze of the devil faltered at the name. His ember eyes showed an unknown emotion as he slowly started to calm down. This made the silver-head sigh inaudibly, sneakily getting unnoticed. Everyone else present in the room stared at the two astonished. Going back and forth between their faces to grasp the current situation. Had it been any other being, the raven wouldn't have thought a second time to start a brawl for calling him anything other than Lucifer or Satan. But here they were standing as the raven didn't even bat an eyelash when the silver-head called him by an unknown name.

"I ask again. Why do I need to help?" The raven again returning to his rude replies. "Jeo-" Ramiel started but instantly shut up at the pointed look the latter was giving her. And that's when she realized, that only Michael has the privilege of calling Lucifer anything other than 'Semi-el'. But he would not hesitate to fight if anyone else did so. The seeming unspoken rule that instantly formed within them was rather unintentional and unnoticed by the raven man. But Rami saw right through it. And the realization left a bitter feeling in her gut.

Michael who seems had also not noticed the sudden rule answered the raven-head "because of conscience maybe?" The gray-eyed angel replied with sass. The devil not appreciating the gesture narrowed his eyes at the latter. "And why would I have a conscience, darling?" the devil barked in hatred. The nickname falling off of his tongue as if he had years of experience in using it for the latter. And maybe he did. The silver man flinching internally at the tone but did not let it show in the lightest. Fighting the emotions that aggravated him due to the memories rushing back from the said nickname.

The dark prince watched in fascination as Micheal's expression turned from sassy to irritated. An expression Jeongguk found so foreign on that face. "For Dad's sake Jeongguk! We're angels!" The silver-head exclaimed in irritation. And the dark prince never thought he'd see the day when the silver-head would get irritated. He expected the other to roll out angry curses or even whine like a child-like he used to do. But he didn't expect to be met with such an emotionless and cold voice. But the devil wasn't really the one to back down. "No darling, you're all angels. I'm the devil." He said cheekily. His tone having a darkly childish undertone to it.

But the raven was getting bored of the pointless bicker and thought to end the drama but things started to get more interesting once Michael said "then let's make a deal." That sentence had slightly taken the devil by surprise as he blinked a few times in disbelief. The others seemed to be matching his expression. "what?" The muscular man inquired once again.

"You're the devil, and you do deals right? Then I would like to propose a deal." The demon king quirked an eyebrow in interest. "So I will help with your conquest, and I get what?" He asked for clarity. "Anything you wish for. What is it that you desire Jeongguk?" The silver man replied coldly but the statement was teasing.  The other smirked at the question. "I'll take a rain check on that one." The demonic celestial said with authority.

His smirk grew even more wicked once he saw the latter nod his head in Confirmation.

An angel just made a deal with Satan.


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Stay healthy.  And

See you again in the next chapter!

Love you 💗💗

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