Heartfelt apologies

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Jeongguk sat at his leather couch drinking away. His coffee table was filled with different liquor bottles and many cigarette buds. Time struck half past midnight when Jeongguk finished his third wine bottle, that wasn't the only type of alcohol bottle he had finished. He sighed and leaned against the backrest and sipped on the sweet beer. He lost count of the cans he had finished by now.

The night was still young for him, he had yet to finish more of these toxic liquids. It was times like these when he wished he had the ability to get drunk like the humans. Even if that was far fetched, he would have at least wanted the ability to forget. It's painful, how he can retain any memory, from the large happenings to the littlest of details. He shut his eyes tightly closed, willing himself to not think. Yet even his mind seemed to betray him.

The moment he shuts his eyes the face of a certain silver-head flash in his mind. His beautiful features, his bright rectangular smile. Then he remembers the tears of pain and hurt in his gorgeous sparkly eyes, pain that he was the cause of. More so for something so stupid.

He sighed in defeat and opened his eyes. The heavy rain was pouring outside, darkness as it's cloak. Even then, there was no sign of the pretty angel in his cold and lonely penthouse. Taehyung didn't return for the night.

Jeongguk finally let his tears fall. He was feeling lonely. So so lonely. His heart ached at the fact. He may be surrounded by people all the time, he may have had men and women to warm his bed too, but at the end of the day, nobody cared enough to stay for him. Nobody was with him to love him nor to at least give him company. They all wanted something from him, desired something from him.

It was hard being the being of desire. When they met eyes with him, all they saw their desires. Nobody saw Jeongguk. The broken, unloved Jeongguk. Nobody but him. His twin. His other half.

People may think the raven was overreacting, it's just wings anyway. But it wasn't. It's not just wings. Wings are the pride of every celestial, their respect. And Jeongguk cut those off like they were garbage. That's the biggest insult to any angel. Even more so because his wings were unique.

Jeongguk was the only angel ever to be created with pure white wings. Every other angel had grey wings regardless of their rank. His pure white feathers signified as his purity, the purest angel. Oh, the irony.

When he caused the rebellion he thought his wings would cease to exist because he angered his father. He wasn't pure anymore. Yet when he was cast out he still had those glowing feathers. And that angered him. He thought that his father was mocking him. And that's why he did what he did.

But it was an insult to Taehyung when he talked about them so carelessly. So it was justified that the older would be offended. But what made the situation worse was that Jeongguk couldn't handle the mockery in his tone, it reminded him of his failure, of his guilt. So he lashed out. And by the end of it all, he hurt his twin deeply.

The devil didn't realize that he was sobbing at this point. He had never cried like this before. Not even after being thrown out of heaven. he cried and cried till his heart was empty. But it never was. Had someone been there he would have stopped immediately. He never liked showing vulnerability to anyone. It made him feel like a failure.

So he never expected to sob even harder once a certain angel wrapped his arms around his frame. even though the raven was built like a bull, his frame seemed smaller as he was engulfed in his twin's embrace.

Taehyung wasn't planning on returning to the penthouse after the terrible fight he had with the latter. But something felt off, there was this sinking feeling in his gut telling him something was wrong. That's why he ran through the rain to reach the GCC building. And once he saw the heartbreaking sight of the younger, he couldn't help himself but hug him.

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