Mistakes of the past

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"How have you been detective?" The raven asked as he placed the fruit basket beside the hospital bed.

You might be thinking how the insensitive devil thought of bringing fruits on his own accord? He didn't. Jimin practically forced him to. The raven had called in to check up on how the investigation was going but Jimin picked up Taehyung's phone instead. The latter was apparently busy with interrogations.

When Jeongguk had accidentally mentioned of going to see the detective Jimin asked what he was going to bring with him. In which case of course the devil didn't plan on anything.

But Jimin being Jimin convinced the king of hell to bring fruits. And thus, here we are.

"I'm fine Lucifer. How have you been?" The detective asked in return. He was looking in much better shape than before. His skin had gotten its color back and his dimples were now more visible as before. Namjoon was slowly starting to get restored.

"Just peachy. How's your time passing in this dad awful place?" The devil asked whilst his scrutinizing eyes gestured the entire room. Namjoon seemed amused by the reference the raven used. "Dad awful place?" The detective mused.

"Of course. He is my dad and he is awful at it. So dad awful" the man truthfully said, and that cracked up Namjoon even more. "It's alright here not to worry. I read books, the tv sometimes airs something decent. My daughter visits me more often than not." He recited. "Oh, who has been taking care of your little vermin while you're here?" Jeongguk asked.

"I'm going to ignore the fact that you called my daughter a vermin. One of my good friends is looking after her. He is a very trusted friend so I don't worry much" Namjoon explained.

Jeongguk just hummed. "By the way, Lucifer?" The officer called. "Yes, detective?" The devil turned to him from the tv. "Why do you not call me Namjoon hyung or something? You always refer to me by my profession" the man curiously asked.

Jeongguk snorted, literally snorted. "I call you by your profession because that is how I identify you. And what makes you think you are older than me?" He naughtily asked.

"Am I not? You don't seem a day older than twenty-three" Namjoon asked in surprise. Jeongguk laughed at his sheer astonishment. "Oh, detective. I assure you I am far older than you can ever imagine" the devil disclosed. "That sounded creepy. Not gonna lie." The detective retorted. They both shared a laugh at that.

Namjoon and Jeongguk had a unique bond. It was formed quickly but it held great depth. The usually picky devil had become fond of this human quite quickly and naturally. Jeongguk had come to admire the passion and extreme drive for justice Namjoon had. And Namjoon loved the wit and tactfulness of how the raven talked and the confidence he carried himself in. The two had found a friend in each other.

"I never asked. Detective, where is the little vermin's mother?" Jeongguk asked looking as Namjoon's dimples slowly disappeared. "I'd rather not talk about her if that's okay" Namjoon kindly requested. A sort of dark gloom had covered his face that the devil could not fathom. "Absolutely. Why don't we talk about the little vermin instead. How is your relationship with her?" Jeongguk successfully changed the subject. And then he sat there hearing Namjoon beam about his daughter.

Though the raven never had a proper father figure, he figured he wouldn't have minded if he had a father like Namjoon.

He stared in fascination as the latter's eyes sparkled from adoration. Namjoon really dotes on his daughter.


"Tell me Areum-ssi. What is it that you truly fear?" Taehyung's voice echoed through the lady's mind, putting her in a sort of trance.

"I-I fear death," the lady said out in her trance. Taehyung looking at her for something more but that was all she said. So she fears death, does she? He thought to himself.

"I guess that's quite understandable. Well, Areum-ssi I won't keep you for much longer" he kindly spoke. And when the woman seemed to have realized what the situation was, she quickly got to her feet and scurried away from the room.

The rest of the interrogation went almost the same.  Asking the same questions, almost getting the same answers. The women had different forms of fear they had to tell the silver-head about. But at some point, it had become repetitive.

Taehyung sighed as another nun left terrified from the room. No useful information was gotten out of them except maybe a few. Apparently sister Boyong was having some sort of outside connection with a man. It was quite scandalous, it took a lot of effort to get it out of them.

Taehyung now sat on that chair as he thought deeply about the situation. The nuns worship God on a daily basis. The purer their prayers, the kinder and cleaner the heart. That is why maybe they were more sensitive to the divine. And the angel's powers somehow projected on them beyond their controlling capacity. That is what Taehyung concluded.

So there were three divine beings that could make them cower in fear. That being himself, Azrael and Lucifer. Though he was doubtful about Lucifer since he was also the angel of desire before he became the devil. But the angel would rather not put that to the test.

A knock on the door snatched him away from his daze as he looked towards the wooden door. A nun peeked out her head. She was the one that was unbothered by the silver-head's presence.

It seems her time for interrogation has come. "Please, come in" he politely called her and gestured her to the seat in front of him. The nun smiled at him and complied to his request.


Jeongguk slowly walked to his penthouse after returning from the detective's hospital room. He sighed as he slipped off his suit jacket and placed it on a chair nearby.

He walked his usual route, straight to the mini-bar, and grabbed a drink of whiskey. He had completely ignored his surroundings as he was too busy thinking about how delighted Namjoon was when he was talking about the little vermin.

The devil remembered the time him and Taehyung almost fought because the angel thought of being with someone else and wanted to adopt children. Jeongguk didn't like children if was being honest. Mostly because they are noisy and require too much attention and love. Jeongguk can't give something he had almost forgotten the feeling of.

Plus the raven had no experience of having a father, he was afraid of how terrible of a father he would be. The child would have the devil for a father for hell's sake.

But, if Taehyung was with him, Jeongguk was sure he would be fine. Besides now he knew the ideal father he would like to become. A father like Namjoon.

The devil thought of many things. About how life would be like with Taehyung and their children running around the house. A new house where it feels like home. The thoughts were so preoccupying that the raven was startled when a sudden voice called for him.

"Lucifer! How have you been?!" A voice squealed. Jeongguk slowly turned around and a feeling of dread settled in his gut.

"Hello, Eve."

Jeongguk's past mistakes have come back to haunt him again.


It's a little short than the other chapters but I didn't want to drag it longer and ruin the dynamic.

Hope you liked it.

See you in the next chapter.

Love you 💗💗

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