For you have sinned

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The twins reach the precinct as fast as the streets would allow them. The car comes to a screeching halt and they swiftly walk into the building. Excitement pumping in their veins as they were really close to solving their first-ever case.

The celestials decide to stay near the detective's work station and wait for him. As the two were waiting, they spot Jimin and motion him to come towards them. "Hey, guys. I think we found the killer" the small male said.

"We heard. But we don't know the details." The devil explains. "Choi Jongin had been in contact with all three of the victims. He was sighted near the areas during the murders by some CCTV cameras. He is the only person so far that had any kind of contact with all three of the victims." The forensic annalist explained. "Is there any way to confirm if he is the killer or not? I believe we hadn't found any prints or other forms of DNA on the body nor near the crime scene?" The angel asked. Jimin's face suddenly distorted into something that could only be described as disgust.

The twins look at him in confusion. "What's wrong Mr. Park?" The raven asked. "It's true that we didn't find any DNA on the body. But we did find DNA in them" the small male said as he shivered in disgust. "I'm not sure I follow" Taehyung retorts. "Um. It's...the victims had been raped. All of them. There are traces of semen inside them" Jimin again explained, his face looking like he was close to vomiting.

The twins looked disgusted at the thought of someone doing something so heinous. Even Jeongguk was having a hard time taming his utter disgust and rage. But simultaneously a question arose in his mind. "But wouldn't there be any sign of struggle or something like that?" He asked. This time Jimin looked like his soul just left his body. He was shaking but none of the two knew if it was from his intense disgust, rage, or all of the above. But the two celestials were definitely not ready for the answer that was given to them.

"Because he raped them after he killed them"

Taehyung was petrified. Simply petrified by the truly morbid action this man had taken. He was always to see the good in people. But this time he didn't even want to. A person like that shouldn't deserve mercy.

Jeongguk was clutching hard onto the detective's desk. If pressed any further, the material would break. His breathing was uneven and he was trying very hard to not let his devil eyes show. Taehyung noticed the way Jeongguk was trying to control his hate burst. So he placed a hand on top of his chest. Jimin had left for some documents and would be back later.

Jeongguk looked down at the hand his twin had placed on his chest then turned to look at the sparkly silver eyes he holds so dear. "Breath Ggukie. We'll find out if Jongin is the killer or not, today. Don't be so angry right now my love. Breath. Your time will come." The silver twin reassured as his slender hand caressed the latter's hard chest.

Jeongguk sighed and closed his eyes before leaning into the angel's shoulder, breathing in his flowery scent. His breathing slowly neutralized a few minutes later but he didn't move from the soft embrace.

"Alright guys, I got the warrant. Time to go" Namjoon said as he suddenly popped out of nowhere. The twins didn't need to be told twice. They instantly detached and dashed to the devil's wagon. Namjoon hot on their trail.

Taking the man into custody was somewhat of a blur to both Jeongguk and Taehyung. They went in and brought the man in for questioning as the other officers searched his premises.

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