The twin link

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Jeongguk was driving around the streets like a madman. His shiny black Corvette reflecting all the lights thrown at it. The night was a little chilly and Jeongguk couldn't care less. In the midst of it all, he did feel a little tingle in his gut. A feeling like something was wrong. But as always, he completely ignored it.

His first initial goal for this escapade was to rid his mind of the terrible thoughts that were torturing him. But that vague goal turned into a specific mission altogether. His mind kept wandering out to Taehyung and what he had done at his sudden burst of anger. And while having those thoughts, his mind swerved back to the memory of their deal. He remembered how he accepted to help them in finding Eve. Yet, he hadn't done anything in the slightest to keep his end of the bargain. Except for sending Maze out on a bounty of course.

But that wasn't enough. Jeongguk needed to indulge himself more in this. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a good enough job from his part. And the devil takes his deals very very seriously. It's like a sacred oath of sorts. Just like his adamant stance on the partake to always speak the truth. So he changed his spontaneous escapade into a mission to search for the escaped soul by starting at the country he resides in.

He started going to clubs and places where he had his previous dealings, pulling in some favors people owed him, bribing some street people, and simply connecting with his vast area of network so he could get information from all parts of the country faster.

And maybe he caused a bit of mischief and trouble along the way. But it's Lucifer, what else could you expect?

Also, whilst Lucifer was going around town causing havoc and relinking with his connections, V was on his own little escapade. Which involved him walking down the streets of Seoul all by himself and eventually getting lost.

But for an angel, his luck didn't seem to be that good. Because not only did he get lost, he got lost in one of the shadiest and unsafe neighborhoods you could find around the area. At night. Alone.

A sigh left the silver-head's lips as he slowly and cautiously walked on the dark streets. An eerie silence surrounding him. He was trying his best to find his way back to the GCC building.

It wasn't that he was scared or anything (maybe a little). He was a celestial. An angel. And not just any angel, an archangel. One of the best warriors of heaven alongside his brother Amenadiel and former warrior archangel Semi-el.

Dealing with a bunch of mortals was nothing to him. One flick of his hand and they would go flying. But what worried him was that he was not accustomed to the mortals. And they are particularly fragile. If he used too much strength (which was highly likely) he could kill them. And that is something Taehyung was not willing to do. So his best option was to get back to GCC faster.

A loud groan and the sound of rustling could be heard in the distance. Followed by the sound of a fight. And Taehyung, due to his kind-hearted angel instincts, followed the sound of distress and violence.

His feet carried him to the mouth of another alleyway that had a dead-end. Some men in there were dealing some packets of powder that Taehyung was unaware of the usage of. A beaten and bruised individual laying in the middle of them. They were laughing obnoxiously loud and smoking cigarettes. The silver man was shocked by the situation. He was about to interfere with their second round of beatings when a click sounded from behind him and he froze.

"Seoul police! Hands in the air where I can see them! You are under arrest for drug trafficking and assault!" A loud voice boomed into the silence. After that, a few more clicks came behind them and when Taehyung turned around he was met with at least seven men. All looking fit.

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