Bad boy -Newt

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Warning- might be triggering due to the character's rude nature.


Your POV:
I've been stuck in this place from the past 5 months . I can't even remember who I was before someone put me in this place. Being the only girl among a bunch of hormonal teenage boys wasn't helpful either.
It was a long day in the Glade and I was working as usual. The sun was blazing hot and it was not easy being a track-hoe. I was just about to finish with all my work when Chuck came running to me.

Chuck's POV:
I went running to Y/N . She was like an elder sister to me . I didn't remember my actual family so she always treated me as her's. She was really beautiful and I loved her long brown hair. I always made her flower crowns which she gladly accepted . Alby asked me to bring her to the homesteads. So , here I was . Looking for her in the gardens.
I found her working near the tomato plants so I rushed there.
"Hey Y/N!!"
"What do you need Chuckie?", she said in a nonchalant manner.
"Alby needs your presence at the homesteads. He says it's urgent."
"I'll be there in 5 mins."

Your POV:
I tell Chuck that I'll be there at the homesteads in 5 mins. So he leaves . I wonder what Alby needs so urgently. After winding up with my work, I head over to the homesteads. I find a sleep deprived Alby sipping some weird smelling drink. He was sick from the past two days and he hardly slept. Clint and Jeff made sure he got all his medications and took proper rest.
"Hey Alby! What do you need?"
" Hello Y/N. I've been really sick lately and I can barely get out of my room . I need you to help Newt in looking after the Glade. I'm making you third in command for 2 days. Make sure everything runs smoothly."
"But why me ?!!! Why not Minho or Thomas? They've been in this place for a longer time."
"Y/N , everyone respects you here. I know they'll listen to you more than they'll listen to Minho or Thomas. Now get up and just do as I say."
"Yeah. As you wish Alby."

Little does he know that Newt is my worst nightmare. He acts so rude and careless around me. Maybe he hates my guts. Last week he literally threw all my newly washed clothes in a dirty puddle and walked away like nothing had happened. God knows how I'm gonna deal with him for the next 2 days.

Newt's POV:
I saw her walking out the homesteads and towards me. I knew that I had to work with her for the next few days. She was just so perfect at handling any kinds of problems in her own way. She was intelligent, kind and breathtakingly beautiful. All of the guys in the Glade fell head over heels for her. I don't even stand a chance against all those shanks.
So, I decided to act like a careless shank around her.

Your POV:
I was walking towards Newt and I caught him staring at me as soon as I stepped out of the homesteads. " Is he trying to intimidate me?!", I muttered to myself as I approached him.
"Hey Newt."
"What is it Y/N?", he said in an annoyed tone.
"It's about Alby. He asked me to help you for a few days."
"Well, I don't need your help. You're just a weakling. A fat cow who can't get anything done perfectly. You always mess up everything. I hate your ugly face and you ruin my mood every single day."
By this time all the boys around us are looking at us .I feel hot tears streaming down my cheeks. I don't wait for Newt to respond and start running towards the doors of the maze. All I can hear is Gally yelling loudly for me to stop . But I can't. I've had enough of this. My mind was running faster than my feet but I pushed all the thoughts aside and entered the maze before the gates closed behind me.

Newt's POV:
What have I done!! I'm such a shucking shuckface. I let her leave. I let the only person who kept me sane in this hell leave. She went in the shucking maze. It's all my fault! What am I gonna do now! What if I never see her again? Nobody survived a night in the maze except Minho and Thomas.
With all these thoughts racing in my mind I see Minho running towards me with pure rage. He tackled me to the ground and punched me in the face. I knew I had it coming.
" What the shuck have you done Newt! If anything happens to her I'm gonna tell Alby to banish you! "
He was pulled away from me by some other boys. I ran away to the deadheads and climbed up a high tree. I sat there for hours thinking about her. I sobbed endlessly as I realised my biggest mistake.

Your POV:
I've never been in the maze before. Eerie  silence was observed everywhere in here. I remember Thomas talking about the deadly Grievers. I never had a death wish. I decided to find a hiding place somewhere.

Click click. Whirr. Whirr. Click whirr.

I heard some weird mechanical noises. I bet I heard a Griever screeching loudly somewhere nearby. Without any further delay I pushed myself behind a thick covering of ivy vines. I curled up into a small ball and sat there in silence thinking about Newt. I recalled everything that had happened earlier and sobbed silently until dawn. I knew I was gonna make it out of the maze safely. As the sun rose a little higher, I heard the gates open . I heard a couple of footsteps coming in my direction. I peeked out of my hiding place and saw Thomas. I quickly got up and ran into his arms. He embraced me tightly and then caressed my cheeks. Last night's events were so overwhelming that I started crying.

"Shh, it's gonna be okay dear. I got you. I'm gonna take you back to the Glade.", he said in a very calming voice.
He lifted me bridal style and carried me out of that shucking maze. I heard Chuck and Minho on my way back to the medjacks before everything blacked out.

I don't know how long I've been here. All I can hear is someone sobbing continuously. I think I know who it is. It's him! It's Newt. I opened my eyes and looked towards him. He was holding my hand and looking elsewhere. I was completely baffled. Why was he crying? Did he really care about me?

"Y/N!!! You're awake." He said happily.
"Yes Newt. I'm awake. Why are you here?"
"Love, let me speak please. I'm really sorry. I never meant anything that I said to you . I've loved you ever since I pulled you out of the supply box. I knew you'd never feel the same for me. I'm so sorry for being so rude to you. Please forgive me. I love you Y/N."

By this time he was holding my small hands in his large ones and sobbing loudly.
"Newt... Please look at me. I forgive you and I feel the same about you. Now please stop being such an adorable baby."
Without any warning he smashed his lips onto mine and I melted in his arms. Our lips moved in sync and it was a perfect kiss. Just as I imagined.

"I love you Y/N. Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes Newtie. I love you too."

This was my first imagine. Please like and comment. Tell me if you guys have any suggestions . ❤️

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