Isn't that my hoodie?- Newt

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You arrived in the metal box just a month ago and made good friends in the Glade. Minho was your closest friend, you practically told him everything that came to your mind. You were also good friends with Thomas and Chuck. Chuck was the sweetest boy in the entire glade. Since you were the only girl, spending time with Chuck was much more fun than being around a bunch of horny teenage boys. Newt was the only exception, you had a huge crush on him, but he never really talked to you .

It was pouring heavily today so Alby allowed everyone to take a day off. You were in your room, changing your clothes after a cold shower.

Your POV:

Why am I so dumb!? It's so cold outside and I had to take a cold shower just because I was late and the boys used up all the hot water, you thought as you took out your favourite camouflage shorts and put them on. You started searching for your jacket but didn't find it anywhere. Great. Note the sarcasm. You decided to head out in your tank top itself. You examined yourself in the metallic crap that according to Frypan , was a broken serving spoon. You opened the room door and a long sweep of cold air touched your warm cheeks, sending shivers down your spine. Bad decision. I'm definitely going to catch a cold. Wait...what if I borrow someone's shirt, you thought.

You immediately opened the door and headed out towards the room that was next to yours, i.e, Newt's room. He was the second in command so he had the privilege of having his own room too. You knocked on the door and waited for a few seconds but he didn't answer. Without any second thoughts, you stepped inside his room and locked the door behind you. You saw his crème hoodie lying on the bed and decided to wear it. This is perfect, warm and soft. It also smells like him, you smiled. The hoodie was very huge for you and fitted you like a mini dress.

You opened the door slightly and peeped out to check if anyone was nearby. You stepped out and almost tiptoed till your room when you heard Minho right behind you.
"Hey Y/N, what were you doing in Newt's room and why are you just wearing a hoodie?", he smirked.
"It's not what it looks like Minho. First of all, I was cold and all my shirts were out for washing, so, I had to borrow Newt's . Second of all, I'm not just wearing a hoodie. I'm wearing my shorts too. It's just that this hoodie is quite large for me.",you said with your arms crossed over your chest.
"Doesn't look like you "borrowed" it.",Minho sassed.
"Yeah I didn't . He wasn't in the room so I had to steal it. Now, don't you dare tell him about this or I'll break your bones.",you said.
"Geez Y/N, relax. I won't tell him . But I might tell him that you like him very much.",he sassed again. Your cheeks turned bright red at your best friend's comment but you decided to sass him out.
"I might tell Fry that you're head over heels for him too.",you smirked.
Minho raised his hands as if he was surrendering in front of you and said,"okay okay... you win. How about we keep each other's secrets?"
"Sounds great.",you replied and hugged him before walking inside your room.

Since you were free for the entire day, you decided to help Frypan in the kitchen to cook lunch.
"Hey Fry, you need any help?"
"I can't believe you're here to help me?",he said in an exhausted tone.
"Why so?", you gave him a perplexed look.
"Because everyone else is just sitting and enjoying the rain and the thunder."
"Oh come on,even if the others aren't here to help , I'm here. Let me help you. Then we can go and hang out if you want. ",you smiled.
"You're the best. Come on help me chop some mushrooms then.",he laughed.

After helping Frypan for sometime, you walked out of the kitchen and sat in the homesteads.
"Hey Y/N, why are you wearing Newt's hoodie? ",Thomas approached you.
You snapped your head in his direction and hushed him. He came and sat beside you.
"I don't want Newt to know that I stole his hoodie. Please don't tell him,I was just feeling cold. ",you replied.
"You might be a little late for that.",Thomas replied looking towards Newt who was already asking everyone for his hoodie.
"Hey, have you seen my hoodie? I was wearing it in the morning and now I can't find it.",you heard Newt from a distance.
You widen your eyes and look back at Thomas. "Shit shit shit shit, I gotta go.",you reply in a hurry and run outside the homesteads making sure not to be seen by Newt.
You run back to your room and shut the door, sitting in silence for sometime. Eventually you curl up into a ball and fall in a deep slumber.

"Y/N, wake up. It's time for lunch. ", Minho shakes you violently.
"Go away Minho, why are you even here? Go back to the maze , and have your lunch there.",you mumbled.
Suddenly he yanks you up and picks you up like a small kid. You hug him and put your legs around his waist. He starts walking outside but then you realise that you're still wearing Newt's hoodie.
"No no no, put me down Min! I can't go out like this."
He puts you down and starts laughing like a psycho.
"Shhh, stop laughing you Slinthead! You're gonna catch someone's attention.",you hushed him.
"Come on now let's go get the lunch.",he says and starts walking towards the kitchen.
"Wait , where's Newt? ",you ask.
"He's not in the kitchen, he's probably roaming around in the Glade in his tank top , searching for his hoodie. Let's go now, you're gonna get soaked otherwise.",he replied.
I shouldn't have done this. I don't think he'll mind if he found out that I'm wearing his hoodie, you thought.

You walked over to the kitchen looking behind to check if Newt was around and bumped into someone. You turn around and see Newt standing right in front of you, his arms crossed over his chest.
"Love, isn't that my hoodie?",he asks sternly.
You widen your eyes and your cheeks turn bright red. You look at Minho who is sitting with all the other boys, silently giggling. It's a trap. I can't believe my best friend trapped me with my crush, you thought. You look back at Newt and gulp hesitantly. Without saying a word, you start sprinting outside the kitchen, towards your room. You were just about to reach your room when strong arms gripped around your waist, pulling you inside Newt's room.
"Where do you think you're going, love?",Newt said in a deep, raspy voice.

He shut the door and pinned you on the wall immediately. Your cheeks blushed even more and you looked at him directly in his brown orbs. He placed both his arms on the wall beside your shoulders, locking you in. Slowly, he slid his hand on your waist and leaned closer to your ear.
"Were you feeling cold, love?",he whispered in your ear and you nodded nervously.
"I'm s-sorry. I shouldn't have-",you spoke but he kept his finger on your lips. He looked at your lips hungrily and licked his lips.
"Shh, it's okay,love... you look beautiful in my clothes.",he said and leaned in, kissing you slowly , biting your lower lip .You snaked your arm around his neck, bringing him closer and kissing him passionately.
"I wanted to do this from a very long time.",he said.
"Me too,I love you Newtie.",you giggled.
"I love you too babygirl, be my girlfriend?",he asked kissing you on the cheek.
"Ofcourse .", You giggled and pressed your forehead against his.

"Come on , let's go outside now... You can keep my hoodie. ",he smiled .
"Can we come back in sometime and cuddle? I'm really cold ...",you asked , making a cute puppy face.
"Anything you say ,love.", he giggled.

A/N: Please don't forget to vote.❤️

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