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Warning: Swearing ahead, might be triggering, read it at your own risk.


You finished the work in the gardens and headed over to the homesteads to talk to your best friend ,Gally. Everyone in the Glade hated him because he had a bit of a temper. But he wasn't the same with you. He looked at you as if you were a little lost baby who needed a lot of care and pampering. You found him sitting on his hammock, thinking deeply about God knows what. "Hey,Gal! You alright?",you sat down beside him . "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just thinking about how to fix the kitchen platform. Frypan said it's breaking apart.", he sighed. "I know you'll figure out something.",you smiled. He ruffled your hair and you swatted his hands away." I think you should go check where your lover boy is.",he chuckled."Yup, I'll meet you at the dinner.", you waved at Gally and walked out of the homesteads to search for your boyfriend, Newt.

"Hey, Newtie.", you saw him sitting under a tree just outside the deadheads. "What do you want now?",he asked in an annoyed tone. You were pretty hurt by this but shrugged it off. "I just came to spend some time with you, you're being distant lately.",you snuggled closer to him and put your arm around his torso, resting your head on his chest. "Just leave me alone ,y/n.",he huffed. You looked up at him and said," Is there any problem baby?" He looked at you, his eyes turned dark with anger ," You're the problem ,y/n. Don't touch me, just go away." You scooted away from him, " did I do anything to upset you?" .
"Just stop annoying me with your stupid voice. Go. Away.", he raised his voice. Tears threatened to spill down your eyes but you pushed them back, looking directly into his eyes. There was no point in fighting with him, he was stressed and he just needed sometime alone. So, you left without another word.

Time skip*

You took a sandwich and some soup from Frypan as you came and sat between Gally and Minho for dinner. You looked around to check if Newt was here but you didn't find him anywhere. "What's wrong ? Were you crying?", You heard Minho who was looking at your puffy, red eyes. "What the shuck, y/n! Did someone hurt you?", Gally immediately snaked an arm around your shoulder. He was very overprotective for you but it wasn't that bad . He really cared about you." Uh,what? No. I'm just tired.",you lied. You smiled weakly at him and he believed you. "You should get some sleep. I don't want a sick girl roaming around in the Glade.",he tried to lighten the mood and you chuckled . After you finished, you took a sandwich and an apple for Newt and went to the map room where you knew he'd be.

You knocked on the door before entering and saw him staring at some new patterns that Thomas found out today. "Newt, I think you should have dinner.",you smiled. " Don't tell me what to do.", he snapped at you. " Baby, I'm just concerned about you. I think you should take a break. You've been working a lot lately.",you placed your arm on his shoulder. He slammed his hand on the desk , making you flinch at his sudden outburst. He looked at you with rage," You don't know how it feels to be the second-in- command, do you?". He walked closer to you, his tall frame intimidating you,so, you kept walking away from him till you felt the wall trapping you from getting away any further." I'm s-sorry, I was just looking out for you. I think I should go.", you slipped away but he grabbed your elbow harshly and pinned you on the wall, holding your wrists in a deadly grip. You were inches away from his face as he tightened his grip on you.

"DON'T YOU BLOODY UNDERSTAND?! I'M THE ONE WHO WORKS ALL DAY, TRYING TO FIGURE OUT A WAY FOR US ALL TO GET OUT OF HERE WHILE YOU SIT IN THE GARDENS DOING NOTHING! ",he yelled. You whimpered and turned your face away from his. "DON'T TURN AWAY WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!", he grabbed your jaw violently, making you look at him. "I'm sorry, please let go off me, you're hurting me." He clenched his jaw and yelled," GO BEFORE I MAKE YOU REGRET THIS." You quickly nod and sprint towards the deadheads. You stopped by your favourite tree, sat near its bark as you breathed unevenly and sobbed quietly. You looked at the freshly formed bruises around your wrists and kept crying until you were completely exhausted and fell in a deep sleep.

Time skip*

You got your breakfast from Fry and plopped down on a table across from Gally. You didn't want him to notice anything so you wore a full sleeved shirt to cover up the bruises."Good morning.",you smiled. "Morning, what's with the shirt?",he asked. "Nothing, she's just cold.", an accented voice said from behind you. You knew who it was so you didn't bother looking back at him. Newt sat beside you and smiled at Gally, placing an arm on your thigh. You flinched at his touch, but made sure that Gally didn't notice it. "I think I should give you lovebirds some privacy.", Gally said as he finished with his breakfast and walked away. You wanted him to stop and take you with him but you couldn't.

" I think I should leave.", you got up but Newt grabbed your wrist gently, pleading you to sit and talk to him. You hissed in pain and he immediately let go of your hand. "Love, please just let me talk.", he begged. You sat down beside him as tears welled up in your eyes. He scooted closer to you and placed his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. He gently rolled up the sleeves and saw the nasty bruises on your wrists. "Did I do it?", he asked. You just nodded and looked away as tears rolled down your cheeks. You looked at him and saw that he was crying too.

"I'm sorry,love. I don't know what was wrong with me. I was very frustrated from all the work and I took it out on you. I'm so ashamed of this. I shouldn't have done this to you." You looked down but said nothing. "Please say something, love. Don't do this to me. I promise I won't hurt you again. Ever. Just give me a chance?", he hugged you. " It's okay, I was just looking out for you.", you mumbled in his chest. " I know and I'm so sorry for yelling at you. I'll make it up to you. How about we go on a date near the pond in the deadheads ? ",he asked. You smiled and nodded. "Thank you ,y/n. I love you. ",he kissed you on the forehead. "I love you too, Newt."

A/n: please don't forget to vote.❤️

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