Who do you love?- Newt

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You were the new greenie and the only girl in the glade. You've been in the glade from the past two months and you quickly made friends with the keeper of the runners, Minho.(Wckd didn't send any greenies after you. Just the supplies.) He was just like an overprotective ,sassy brother who made sure that nobody laid their eyes on you, let alone talk to you. You were only allowed to talk to Alby, Chuck,Gally, Thomas and Newt. This was because Minho trusted them a lot and was good friends with them. He also knew that Newt and Thomas were head over heels for you and they even verbally fought over you, a lot.

You liked them both since they were always kind to you, looking out for you, all the freaking time. You were a runner so you spent your day in the maze and Thomas made sure he got you back safely to the glade everyday. Newt always waited by the doors for you to return, hugging you everyday as you came back and you spent the rest of the day with him. Sometimes you even ended up cuddling with him during the night because he was warm all the time. You always heard about the rumours of Thomas and Newt fighting over you, but they never really fought in front of you. They would just send death glares to each other and walk away.

Some random day in the glade:
You were running in your section of the maze from the past three hours, trying to figure out a way to get everyone out of this place as soon as possible. The doors were going to close in an hour so you decided to head back towards the Glade before it's too late. You were extremely exhausted from running the entire time and you didn't even stop to eat your lunch. You gasped for breath as black dots surrounded your vision, making you fall on your knees and faint immediately. Thomas was on his way back to the Glade too ,so, he found your limp body lying in the middle of the corridor.

"Oh shuck ,Y/N! What happened to you?",he crouched near you and immediately checked your breathing. "You sacred the klunk out of me. This is not the time and place to pass out!",he whisper- yelled as he picked you up bridal style and started sprinting towards the glade. The doors were about to close and a lot of gladers gathered around it, including Newt. They saw Thomas carrying you and all of them freaked out. "OH BLOODY HELL! THOMAS COME ON, RUN FASTER", Newt yelled. Luckily, he squeezed through the closing doors, holding you closer to his tall frame, making sure that you were safe. Newt immediately got you out of his hands and called for the medjacks. Thomas fell on the ground and gasped for breath," Don't worry, she's not been stung. I found her unconscious in the middle of one of the corridors."

Newt's face softened at Thomas's comment, knowing that you didn't get any major damage. The medjacks quickly carried you to their hut and examined you. "She's gonna be fine. She's just a little low on glucose and maybe she passed out due to over exhaustion.",Clint assured Newt. After an hour , you woke up during the dinner time and saw Newt sitting right beside you."Love, how do you feel now?", he said with concern laced in his voice."I think I'm hungry .",you replied with a small smile. He pulled you in a tight hug and kissed you on the temple. "Newt, I c- can't bre-ath." He quickly released you and said,"I'm so sorry, love."
"It's okay.",you smiled.
"Come on let's get you food because I don't want you to faint again in that shucking maze. Looks like you skipped lunch too.",he said sternly, holding you by the waist and walking you out of the medjack's hut.

He quickly guided you to an empty table and went away to get some sandwiches from Frypan. You kept thinking about the fact that you actually fainted in the maze and made it out alive, just in time. You didn't realize that tears were slipping down your face but someone placed their arms around your waist, snapping you out of your thoughts. You saw Thomas sitting beside you and quickly wiped away the tears. "Shh, it's okay. You're safe sweetheart.", he pulled you closer to him. "Who got me out of the maze, Thomas?",you asked curiously. Thomas looked down for a few seconds before looking up at you again,"I got you out. The doors were almost closing, we just made it out in time."

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