My loving husband- Thomas S

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You opened the door to your apartment and turned on the lights. Thomas followed you inside and closed the door behind you. " Ugh, I'm so tired .", you sighed. Thomas snaked his arms around your waist and put his head on your shoulder. " Yeah, it was pretty nice having you by my side during the entire premiere night.", Thomas smiled and kissed your cheek. You turned around to face him and threw your arms around his neck, gesturing him to carry you to bed. He giggled and lifted you up, holding your thighs closer to his torso," You're so adorable,love."

" Nah, your more adorable.", You looked at him and poked his nose. You both gazed into each others eyes for a few seconds and then he carried you to the bed. He placed you lightly on the bed, took off your jacket and shoes and pulled the sheets over you. " I think I'm going to change, this isn't comfy.", you made a cute face. "Alright love, get changed. I'll be waiting outside. ", he said and walked towards the kitchen. You quickly wore a tank top and cute pajama shorts. "Tommy, you can come in.", you said and slipped under the sheets. He walked in and took his shirt and pants off. He was only wearing his boxers and you kept staring at him."Like what you see ,love?", Thomas smirked.

You blushed and hid your face under the sheets. " Don't hide from me ...", Thomas chuckled and slipped under the sheets, beside you. He gently pulled the sheets away from your face and put the stray strands of hair behind your ear. "My sweet,innocent Y/n, I know when you're thinking dirty about me.", he cooed. You giggled and leaned in to kiss him. Your lips connected, making you shiver as he rubbed light patterns on your cheeks. He pulled himself over you and slipped his hand under your tank top. You moaned in pleasure as he placed sloppy kisses on your neck and jawline. "I love you,y/n, get some sleep.", he plopped back beside you and you whined. " But I need you, pwweease?", you begged. " Why don't we continue this in the morning, love? I know you're tired and you need some rest.", Thomas kissed your forehead. " Promise?", you asked. " Pinky promise.", he chuckled.

" I love you too ,baby.", you smiled and put your leg over his waist, holding him closer to you. He pulled your head on his chest and ran his hand through your hair, playing with the curls. " I love to cuddle with my princess every night. ", he looked down at you. " You stuck out your tongue and scrunched your nose , making a cute face. He giggled and intertwined your fingers with his. " Being Mrs. Sangster is not easy, I have to keep cuddling with my loving husband all day.", you giggled. " Don't you like to cuddle?", he made a sad face. " Oh I love to cuddle with you and cling to your body all day.", you laughed. You both kissed again and you fell asleep in his arms.

A/n: please don't forget to vote.❤️

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