Love triangle- Newt

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Warning: swearing and abuse ahead. You are a runner. Word count:2909.


You arrived in the Glade along with your best friend, Teresa, almost a year ago. She was the best type of girl you'd ever get to share your secrets with and you always poured out your heart to her. She knew that you were madly in love with Newt from day one. Since she loved Thomas, you always teased them and they literally ended up dating because of you. However, it wasn't the same with Newt. You remembered him from somewhere in your past, before you had been put into this maze but you never had the courage to tell him about your feelings. He was your best friend too. Everything was perfect until one day, a new greenie was put in this glade by the creators. It was a girl, just like you and Teresa. Her name was , Alexa.

15 days after Alexa's arrival:

Newt gave her the Greenie tour, just as he did to all the greenbeans. He would always spend more time with her, try to make her laugh and act all different around her. Today, you planned to tell him that you loved him, before it was too late."Umm... Hey Newt, I need to tell you something. ",you said shifting nervously, as you sat down beside him in your favourite spot in the deadheads after dinner. "Go ahead,love.",he smiled.
"I think that... n-no, I know that I'm in l-",you almost told him about your feelings when you heard dead leaves crushing under someone's foot as they got closer to you both. "Newwtt! Where are you?",Alexa said in a sing song voice. "Right here,love.",your heart shattered a bit when he called her love. "How about we talk later, Y/N?",he asks , getting up and almost starting to walk away in Alexa's direction." Ofcourse.",you muttered sadly, not looking at him.

The next morning:

You were in the map room, preparing your backpack for running in the maze as you did every morning. Minho let you train Alexa to be a runner because he trusted you and your skills. Alexa was going to meet you at the gate , it was her tenth day of training and you were going to assign her an entire section today. You stepped out of the room and ran into someone's chest. "I'm so sorry,love.", you heard the familiar British accent. "It's alright Newt.",you blushed. " I need to tell you something before you leave for the day.",he said excitedly. " What is it.",you smiled up at him. "Alexa asked me out yesterday night, we're dating now.",he said with a grin on his face. "Wh-what.",you almost sounded hurt but managed to push back the tears . You hugged him tightly and said," Wow, that's amazing. I'm so happy for you guys." You flashed a fake smile at him and ran towards the doors of the maze, crying.

You quickly wiped away the tears as you saw Alexa waiting for you near the doors. "Hey ,Y/N.",she smiled. "Good morning Alexa,are you ready?," she simply nodded before you saw Newt coming to greet her."Good morning, love. Be safe , I'll be waiting. ",they shared a long kiss before the opening of the doors interrupted them." Time to leave.",you said, without looking at either of them. There was a time when Newt waited for me, I always thought there was only one reason to come back alive and it was him. Now, there's literally nothing left here. The one I love is never going to be mine, no matter what relationship we had before we were put here. A million thoughts raced your mind but you pushed them aside and sprinted into the maze, Alexa following you closely.

It was one hour remaining until the closing of the maze doors so you sprinted in full speed ,towards the glade. You turned around the corner when you heard a loud screeching sound. You immediately froze in your tracks, signalling Alexa to stop. You peeped around the corner to see a disgusting Griever. It was your only way to the glade so anyways, you had to face it. You took out your machete and banged it on the wall to create a distraction. The Griever immediately saw you and charged at you, it's metallic arms creating loud annoying sounds. You signalled Alexa to run from the other side as you created a distraction. You managed to stab the Griever in its side and ran away in the direction of the glade, catching up with Alexa. "Come on, run faster!", you said. The Griever reached closer and closer, aiming its metallic needle at Alexa. Even though you hated her for dating Newt, you couldn't let anything happen to her. Newt loved her and he was happy with her. You pushed her out of the way and dodged the metallic needle but the creature managed to slash your lower calf muscle. You yelled in pain and your body started burning . "Y/N!", Alexa freaked out and put her hand around your torso, supporting you. "Alexa, I'm not gonna make it.",you whimpered. Suddenly the Griever caught her and stung her in the arm. "NO! YOU SHUCKFACE GET AWAY FROM HER!",you yelled and pulled Alexa from its grasp. You stabbed your machete in its body and dragged Alexa with you, towards the glade.

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