Pregnant - Newt

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You were running in the maze with your best friend Thomas, cutting the ivy with your knife to mark your way ,since you both were not running your section today. "Hey, yn? Are you okay?", Thomas asked you , keeping his hand over your shoulder while running. "Yeah, I'm  absolutely fine,"you grinned. "Come let's go back to the glade, the doors will be closing soon. ",Thomas said. "Yeah, let's go.", you followed him . You kept running back towards the glade, desperate to get back to your boyfriend,Newt, as soon as possible. You ran down the long, creepy corridor and then turned right, then left, right, right, straight and right." Y/n, I think you are a complete slinthead. I mean , I told you to get me some bacon yesterday morning and you got me an apple, you know I hate apples ,right? You did it purposely, right? And when I went back to Frypan, he said you ate my share of bacon too. Y/n,are you even listening?", Thomas said as he kept running .

He turned his head to look at you but he was shocked when he didn't see you ."Y/n? This isn't funny, we are in the shucking maze! Y/n?", Thomas stopped and went back to the corridor he came from. "Y/N? WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?", he panicked and searched for you. " Shit, what happened to you?", he said when he saw you , fainted on the ground in the middle of a corridor. He quickly crouched near you and patted your cheek gently. "Y/n?", he shook you worriedly. "Alright, there's no time for this. ",he said as he lifted you up bridal style and ran towards the glade.
He took you out of the maze and yelled for Newt, "NEWT!!! GET YOUR ASS HERE! ITS Y/N , SHE PASSED OUT IN THE MAZE."Newt came rushing towards Thomas and you, panic written all over his face. "Bloody hell, what happened ? Is she stung?", Newt asked as he took you from Thomas's arms. "No, I've checked, she isn't stung.", Thomas assured and they both carried you to the medjack's.

An hour later:

You woke up and tried to sit straight. " Oh love, you're awake.", you heard Newt from beside you. He came near you and helped you to sit . "Hi, Newtie.", you giggled. " You scared the klunk out of me, love. First you threw up in the morning and then you bloody fainted in the maze. You are sick, you need to rest and I'm not letting you go in the maze. " Newt said, giving you a kiss on the forehead. "I'll be fine, Newt. ", you said. " No, first let's talk to Clint and Jeff about this. I'll go get them.",Newt said, and walked out of the medjack's hut. Clint arrived with Newt and sat on the corner of your bed. "It's so good to see that you are awake. Newt and Thomas practically chewed our brains out.", Clint sighed, and checked your pulse. " Aww, did you both trouble them Newtieeee?", you giggled. " We were just worried about you.", Newt sighed. " Okay Newt, you need to wait outside, I need to ask her a few questions.", Clint said, smiling at you. " You can ask her right in front of me.", Newt said worriedly. " Newt, just wait outside ,okay.", you assured him, he smiled and walked out , leaving you and Clint alone.

" How are you feeling? Can you taste anything lately?", Clint asked. " Weird, everything I eat tastes bland actually.", you said. "Okay, let's come to the point. Did you and Newt have sex?", Clint asked."Umm, y-yes.",you blushed deep red. " Let me guess, you missed your period too, didn't you.", Clint said. "Yes, I did.",you shook your head. Suddenly realisation hit you and your eyes widened. " Oh my goodness, am I ...?", you said. "Yes, maybe you are pregnant. But ,we need to confirm first. Here,this came up the box when you were resting. ", Clint smiled and handed you the small box that read'for the girl'. You opened it and found three pregnancy kits ." They gave me these kits to check." , you said, pointing towards the box. " Yeah, you should confirm it by tomorrow morning. ", Clint says. "Yeah, I think I should go now, thank you. ", you said as you walked out of the medjack's hut.

Time skip to next morning:

You got up early morning and did the tests , they were all showing positive results. You quickly took the sticks showing the positive signs and rushed out of your room. "Good morning, love. Where are you going so early?", You heard Newt behind you. "Morning, Newt. I'm going to the medjack's hut.",you said honestly. " "Are you okay, you still feeling sick? I'm sorry, I was a little busy yesterday, I'm a terrible boyfriend. ",Newt said. You giggled and said," I'm fine, baby. You are the best boyfriend , I can understand that you're the second in command and that you have a lot of work, I'm the going to help Clint with something. " He kissed you on the cheeks and said," Okay love, I'll get you the breakfast then. I'll be waiting outside the medjack's hut.", Newt smiled and walked away. You found Clint and said ,"Hey Clint, they're all positive. " He looked at you with his jaw dropped and hugged you," This is unbelievable! I'm so happy for you."

"H- how, I mean what am I going to do. Newt doesn't want a baby in this shucking glade, does he?", you said, as tears streamed down your cheeks. "Hey, you need to talk to him about this before jumping to any conclusions. I am sure that Newt is going to love you even more and everyone is going to be happy about this news.",Clint assured you and wiped away your tears. "Yeah, you are right. I should tell him. ", you said and came out of the medjack's hut .

"Newt?", you called him. " Hey,y/n, Newt isn't here, Alby called him. How are you now ?", Thomas said. You ran into his arms and gave him a bear hug. "I'm fine, thank you. I'm pretty sure you saved my life yesterday. ", you mumbled into his chest. " Hey, you are my best friend, I needed to protect you. Now, tell me why are your cheeks stained with tears?", Thomas asked. "Um, I'm pregnant and I don't know how Newt is going to react.", you said. He pulled you away, holding your shoulders and yelled in excitement," ARE YOU DEAD SERIOUS !!!! AM I GOING TO BE UNCLE TOMMY?!!!". You looked at him and nodded," Yes, I'm dead serious. Now, stop yelling. I haven't told Newt yet and I certainly don't want him to find out from you. " Thomas hugged you once again and said, " Okay, then go and tell him, he's going to be so happy. I'm going to tell this to everyone after you tell Newt. " You pulled away from him and waved ," Okay, byee Tommy".

An hour later:

You were waiting in your room for Newt to arrive since you had called him to talk privately. "Love, I'm here.", Newt said, snapping you out of your thoughts. You quickly stood up and embraced him in a hug. " Are you okay princess, what did Clint say?", he asked as he rubbed your back comfortingly. You didn't reply, just started sobbing silently. "Hey, what's wrong? Did anyone hurt you ,love?",Newt asked, lifting your chin. " No, I'm fine, um, I want to tell you something.", you wipe away your tears. " Tell me ,love.", Newt looked at you patiently. "Uh, Newt, you are going to be a father soon. I don't know how we are going to raise a child here, I don't even know if you want this baby. I'm so sorry, Newt, are you mad at-",you were cut off as Newt smashed his lips on yours, kissing you gently. You kissed for a minute and then you pulled away for breath. You saw tears in his eyes and he he wiped them away quickly.

" Love, you have no idea how happy I am to hear this. I can't believe I'm going to be a father, but I promise you I'll be the best father. I'm so lucky to have you and the baby, I promise I'll look after you both. OH BLOODY HELL, I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER. SHIT THIS IS CRAZY! ", he jumped like a kid and dragged you out of the room." TOMMY, LOOK , WE'RE PREGNANT!!!", Newt ran towards Thomas , holding you closer to him." Slow down ,Newtie. ", you laughed." Y/N, SEE, I TOLD YOU HE WILL BE THE MOST EXCITED PERSON!!! CAN I TELL EVERYONE NOW, PLEASE?",Thomas jumped with Newt. "Oh you klunkheads ,stop jumping like kids first. ",you put your hands on their shoulders and giggled. "Oh , sorry, we're too excited.",Newt said. "Okay, go on then.",you smiled. Thomas ran away and gathered all the boys around you and Newt.

"Listen up shanks, I have a news for y'all.", Thomas said , glancing at you and Newt. Newt pulled you closer and intertwined your fingers. "Y/n and Newt are pregnant. ", Thomas said , looking at everyone. "Oh Grievers, congratulations !",Ben said . "Does it mean that we'll have little Newties running around the glade all day ?! Shucking hell, I'm so excited.", Minho jumped like a kid too. " This is lovely,y/n and Newt. I'm really happy and I'm sure everyone will love to help you raise your child.", Alby said, hugging you and Newt. " Okay, are you serious?!! This baby is going to have dozens of uncles. I bet I'll be the best one.", Zart smirked and everyone laughed. You looked at Newt and he kissed you on the cheeks, caressing your stomach gently." I love you y/n, I'm so lucky to have you as the mother of our child.", Newt said. " I love you more, Newt ,and I'm lucky to have you as my baby's father too.

A/n: please don't forget to vote.❤️

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