He cheats on you part 2- Newt

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Just take a moment to appreciate the sheer fucking amount of talent and energy in this person .❤️
( He just went on a new photoshoot and he looks soo handsome!!!)
Warning: Swearing ahead.

Present day:

Your POV:

Thomas helped you to find a way out of this maze and it was the day when you all were supposed to escape. You put on your running gear and went near the north gate where you saw Minho and Newt instructing the other gladers. " Me and Thomas will guide you in the front and y/n will stay behind us all just to make sure nobody is lost ," Minho said. Everyone picked up the wooden sticks for defense and ran into the maze . You kept a good watch and Thomas and Minho guided everyone towards the griever's home which was your only escape route.

You all prepared to fight against the Grievers and Minho gave everyone a pep talk," okay, try not to die" he said. " Great, we're all bloody inspired," Newt replied and then you all attacked the Grievers. Newt fought beside you making sure that you didn't even get a tiny scratch while fighting. " Why are you doing this ,Newt? It's not like you care about me," you said. He quickly snaked an arm around your torso and pulled you towards his chest since you were just about to get stung," shut up and let me save your life, y/n,". He stabbed the Griever with his knife and it tried to attack you with one of its mechanical arms but you quickly moved away and shoved your knife in its gut, making it fall to the ground with a huge thud," I've killed a griever before, I can defend myself very well," you smirked and ran towards the Griever home.

After finally managing to get out of the maze , you climbed the helicopter with all the other gladers and Newt sat beside you. You were so tired that your eyes started drooping and he pulled you in his arms." I'm sorry about what I did to us ,love," he whispered caressing your hair but you were already asleep. It was dark when Newt shook you ," love, wake up, we need to get down now," he said. You were taken inside a massive building and you stood closer to your best friend, Thomas. "I have a strong feeling that this is Wicked again," you whispered and only he heard.

"Hello, I'm Janson and we need to run a few tests on you but before that, you need to freshen up, all the guys go this way and girls you need to follow me," he said. " No, she's not going anywhere with you," Newt quickly tugged you behind his back. " You don't want to take a shower with her now do you?", Janson smirked devilishly and took you and Teresa to another section.

One day later:

You sat in the dining area and talked to Brent , a new guy who you just met a few minutes ago and he was already flirting with you. " I've not met a lot of girls but I'm quite sure that you're the most beautiful one," Brent said and you blushed deep crimson. Thomas sat right across from you both and gave you a small thumbs up. You tried hard not to react when Brent scooted closer to you and placed his hand around your waist. Suddenly someone yanked you away from him and you felt a familiar pair of lips on yours.

Newt kissed you gently and glared at Brent," Back off, she's already mine." You looked completely shocked since Brent scoffed in annoyance and left , you turned to face Newt and glared at him," What the hell was that Newton! You can't just kiss me and claim that I'm yours after cheating on me,". " Can we please be together again, y/n?" Newt asked and Thomas glared at him from where he sat. " Get away from her Newt, you don't even know what you did to her all these days!" Thomas pushed Newt away harshly and pulled you behind him. " Tommy please, I love her," Newt begged. " No, you don't! Come on Y/n, were going right now," Thomas said as he pulled you out of the dining area.

Two days later:

You found out that you were with Wicked and managed to escape with the other gladers. You went inside a deserted mall and searched for food and essentials in the dark because you knew that tomorrow will be tougher. " Love,can we please talk?" Newt called you. " Yeah , what is it?" you said and kept searching for a scarf to cover up your face." Why can't we be together again? I really miss you..." he said. " I'm sorry Newt, I really want you back too but I can't trust you again ever," you said with tears in your eyes." Hey, back off! Didn't I warn you to stay away from her!" Thomas immediately came to your rescue. " What is your problem man? I'm just talking to her !" Newt defended himself.

" What is my problem? I'll tell you what's my problem," he said and grabbed Newt by the collar. " Tommy ,let him go,"you tried to pull Thomas away but he was too strong. He pinned Newt on the wall and said through his gritted teeth," You have no idea huh Newt? She fucking didn't eat for two weeks, she didn't sleep, she didn't talk about it to me , she kept sobbing all night, cried herself to sleep and kept mumbling your name in her sleep! Where were you when she needed you huh?? You fucking cheated on the sweetest girl Newt. Where were you when she left her job in the gardens? Where were you when she woke up early and went into the maze with tears in her puffy red eyes! Accept it Newt, you don't love her, you never did," . Newt looked at you as tears streamed down his guilty- looking face. " Tommy please, I really love her, just give me one chance," he begged. " Don't lie to me ! ,DON'T. LIE. TO. ME," Thomas yelled at him.

" Tommy, it's okay, let him talk ," you tried to calm Thomas. He looked at your tear stained face and softened immediately but his expressions hardened again before turning back to face Newt." I'm giving you one chance and I'll kill you if you don't make it up to her, do you understand shuckface?" Thomas threatened. Newt nodded his head and Thomas left you both alone. "I'm sorry for doing this to you, please just take me back and let me prove you that I always loved you. I accept it that it was my mistake, I'm a total jerk , I shouldn't have cheated. I couldn't sleep all these days without you in my arms and that's when I realized that I'm nothing without you. Love ,please give me one last chance, I know it's hard for you to trust me but I promise you I won't break it ever again," he sobbed endlessly.

You put your thumb on his cheeks and wiped away his tears. " I forgive you , Newtie," you said and threw your arms around his neck, pulling him closer for a kiss. He put his arm on your waist and pulled you closer firmly and kissed you gently. " Please don't leave me," you said and touched your forehead to his. " I won't, I promise, I love you so much," he said and caressed your back. " I love you too,Newt,"


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