Pranking him- Newt

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" Oh my God, did you see his face?",you giggled with Thomas because you both had successfully pranked Minho. " Yeah, he looked as if a truck had hit him.", Thomas laughed as you both sat on the grass , panting heavily. You had put glue in Minho's hair gel and he ended up crying like a baby because his hair were practically glued to his scalp. " Y/n , Thomas.", Newt cleared his throat and looked at you sternly. "Yes, Newtie cutie.",you teased. He glared at you and you stopped giggling." If I hear any more complaints from the gladers about you two pranking them, I'll put you in the bloody slammer for four days.",he said seriously and walked away.

"I'll put you in the bloody slammer for four days.",you looked back at Thomas and mimicked his accent, giggling a little bit. "Um...", Thomas gestured behind you. You looked behind to see Newt standing there, his arms crossed over his chest. "Get back to work,y/n.", he glared. " I'm sorry", you mumbled and ran back to the gardens. Why is he so serious around me, does he hate me?

Time skip to dinner:

"Hey,Thomas!!! ", You waved and sat beside him. "I have a brilliant idea. Let's prank Newt. He's always serious and short tempered, it'll be fun.", you nudged Thomas. "Yeah ofcourse. Let's put some mud and fertilizer on him. He makes me get atleast a ton of fertilizer from the deadheads if I took a day off from running in the maze.",Thomas chuckled. "Revenge is sweet.", you winked and planned everything during dinner.

Time skip to next morning:

You hugged Thomas and he promised that he'll be back from the maze by afternoon and then he'll help you prank Newt. You finished plucking the tomatoes and then you took a bucket and headed to the deadheads to get the" fertilizer". You added a little bit of water in it to make a disgusting slurry . By the time it was afternoon, you hid the bucket in the deadheads and went back to get some lunch from Frypan. After the lunch, you met Thomas in the map room and you took him to the deadheads. "So here's the plan. I'm gonna fake cry, make up some excuse and drag Newt here, right below this tree. You're going to climb up there and empty the bucket right on his head.",you smiled ." Got it.", Thomas smirked and you walked away to find Newt.

You saw him laughing with Alby near the gardens . You opened your eyes wide enough for about two minutes and pools of water immediately formed in your eyes. You walked towards him and patted him on the shoulder. " N-newt, can I talk to you ?",you looked at him with" tears" in your eyes. " Is everything okay ,love?", his expression softened quickly and your heart skipped a beat when he called you love. " I need to talk to you , please.", you pleaded. "Ofcourse, what is it.", he asked. "Not here, follow me.", you pulled him towards the deadheads and smirked. You took him below the tree and he held both your hands in his. " Has anyone hurt you? I swear I'll break their bloody bo-", he was cut off as a huge amount of slurry fell right over his head.

His jaw dropped and you chuckled lightly. Thomas jumped down the branch and stood beside you. " I wish I had a camera.", you smirked. You both laughed and Newt stood there frozen , glaring at you two. " I just showered y/n. I'm going to make you pay.", Newt said frustratingly. "Let's go y/n", Thomas held out his hand , you took it and ran back to the homesteads, giggling and telling every other glader about your act.

Time skip to dinner:

You took a sandwich and some soup from Frypan and sat beside Thomas. " I'm so tired,y/n.", he sighed. " Yeah, we practically laughed all day. I'm pretty sure everyone's sick of us.", You replied. " No, I don't think anyone's sick of you. You make them laugh , even when they know that they're stuck in here. You make this place beautiful ,y/n.",Thomas smiled. " You too.", you smiled and hugged him. Everyone apart from Thomas was way too serious about work and the glade. Thomas was your perfect best friend.

"Y/n, Newt wants you in the council hall right now.", Winston said as he sat across from you and Thomas. " Yeah , four nights in the slammer, I remember.", you sighed as you took the last bite of your sandwich and stood up." I'm gonna go to Newt.", you smiled at Thomas as you left the kitchen. The cool breeze hit your cheeks and you shivered . You knocked on the council hall door as you stepped in. It was pitch black in there. There was only one candle placed in there which barely lit the room. "Newt?", You called nervously. Maybe he's not in here. You turned around to head outside but you heard something metallic falling on the floor as it created an eerie clattering sound.

" Newt, this isn't funny. ", you said as you stood still in your place. Suddenly you felt two arms snaking around your waist so you led out an ear piercing scream. "Shh, it's me .", Newt immediately turned you around and clamped his hand over your mouth. " What are you doing you dumb shank?! You scared the living shit out of me.", you placed your hand on your chest. " Y/n, I'm just here to give you the taste of your own medicine.", Newt smirked and pushed you away lightly. "What do you mea-", you were cut off when a huge amount of freezing cold water was thrown over your body. Your jaw hanged open and you realized that it was Minho who poured the water on you. You looked at Newt and then looked at Minho. They burst out into a fit of laughter ." I wish I had a camera.", Newt mimicked you.

" Are you serious, I don't have anything to wear, this was my last dry pair of clothes. I put them all to wash.",you shivered and walked out of the council hall in soaking wet clothes. You climbed up the stairs on the second floor of the homesteads and went inside your room. You took off your clothes and luckily, you had a dry set of lingerie. You slipped on your panties when you heard a knock on your room door. "Love, are you okay?", You heard Newt saying in his sweet British accent. You quickly wrapped yourself in your warm sleeping sheets and opened the door slightly. " Why aren't you wearing any clothes?", Newt smirked. You rolled your eyes and shut tried to shut the door but he stopped it with his foot.

He entered your room and shut the door behind him. He turned towards you and took off his crème hoodie, exposing his toned ,lean but muscular body. Your cheeks flushed red and you quickly turned away from him. " What are you doing?", you asked. Newt chuckled and said," Take it, I know you are cold and have nothing left to wear. " You slowly turned around and said," But what about you?" He walked closer to you and said," Take it before I change my mind, I'm not the one who's feeling cold."

"Uh, thank you.", you took the hoodie from him and he turned around so that you could change. The hoodie reached upto your mid thighs and you immediately drowned yourself in his scent. You cleared your throat and he turned around. " You look beautiful ,love.", he said inching closer to you. He snaked his arm around your waist and put his other arm at the back of your neck. He leaned closer and kissed you on the forehead. You were feeling so warm in his arms , butterflies flapped in your stomach as his soft lips touched your skin.

"Good night,y/n.", he started to leave but you caught his hand between your small ones. " No, please don't leave. I'm still cold.", you looked at him innocently. He smiled genuinely and guided you towards your bed. He plopped down on the bed and pulled you down too. He pulled the sheets over you both and pulled you towards his warm chest until he was spooning you. "Thank you ,Newtie.", you snuggled closer to his body . " Get some sleep ,love. ", he smiled and played with your hair until you both fell asleep.

A/n: Please don't forget to vote.❤️

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