I never betrayed you - Newt (part 2).

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Warning: Contains swearing.
Quite long. Word count-2887


Recap: You found out that Sonya and Newt have been dating from the past month. You push aside all your feelings and decide to help them save Minho from Wicked.

Your POV:
Me , Newt and Thomas were heading towards the main gate of Wicked's premises. Newt and Thomas were dressed in Wicked's army costume. They had their helmets on so that nobody could recognise them. We passed through the main security check safely as I already took the tracking chips out of their necks. I took them to the elevators. We entered the elevators safely without anyone suspecting us. Before the doors could close, Janson made his way inside the elevator. I was trying to keep a calm expression, praying that he won't catch us.
"Working late today huh?", he asks with a smirk on his face.
I simply nod , without looking at him.
"You know I heard about the rumours, looks like Thomas and Newt are here. I know they will try to get to you. If you find something or someone suspicious, you will inform me immediately. Do you get it, Y/N?",he asks coldly.
"I get it.", I reply. The elevator door opens and I  rush outside along with Newt and Thomas. We keep walking until we are stopped by Janson again. He jerks me towards his body and pins me to the wall. "You're definitely not good at hiding anything from me,Y/N. Tell me what you've done you cheeky little minx!",he says, inching closer to me.
"What are you talking about?",I try to act tough.
"Don't act innocent! If you don't tell me right now, I'll take your friend Minho and put him out of his misery.",he says.
"You won't do anything to him.",I say.
"And why do you think so ?", he asks.
"BECAUSE IM NOT HIDING ANYTHING JANSON. GET THE HELL AWAY FFOM ME!",I yelled at him, pushing him away. I had already warned Thomas and Newt not to react in any situation until I tell them to. So, they just stood calmly, looking at Janson and me.
"You shouldn't have done that Y/N. I must teach you a lesson.",he says with an intimidating look.
Suddenly I feel immense pressure in my head and my legs feel like jelly. I drop myself on the floor and pull my hair to stop the pain."Janson, please stop giving me an aneurysm. You're hurting me!", I say with tears in my eyes. He crouches beside me and says," You deserve this. Now let me go get your friend for leverage."He immediately stands up and leaves . I wipe away the blood that is trickling down my nose and sob quietly in front of Newt and Thomas.
"How much more time do you need to fix yourself bitch?", Newt says through gritted teeth. He yanks me off of the floor with a strong pull and points a shotgun at my head. "If anything happens to him, I'll not hesitate to kill you.",he says.
You feel more tears drip down your face.
"I need you to distract Janson while I grab Minho and get him out of here. Give me a chance please. ",I begged to him.
"I don't shucking trust you", he says.
"I'll go with her, I'll make sure she doesn't fuck up our plan",says Thomas.
Newt quickly agrees and storms off to create a distraction.
We run over to Minho's room and grab him before Janson could reach him.
"Minho!Teresa! Come on we gotta get out of here.",I say.
"Teresa's here?",asks Thomas.
"Yes she's here. Don't worry, she's on our side. She found out about Wicked's intentions.", I say.
Thomas smiles at me.

Minho's POV:

I hear Y/N call calling us. Me and Teresa look at each other before heading out carefully. I see Thomas,my friend. He rushes to me and pulls me in a firm hug.
"Is this really happening?Am I hallucinating again?",I ask looking at Teresa.
"No you're not",she says.
She rushes towards Thomas and kisses him passionately.
"Eww shuck off guys. Get a room already",I say .
They pull away and Y/N instructs all of us to escape. Teresa decides to take the lead.
Y/N starts to walk out of the room but I stop her.
"WAIT! Aren't you coming Y/N?"I ask her.
She looks at me and says,"No, I'm gonna run a few tests and get the cure for Newt. You already know I'm not gonna make it Minho. Janson controls me. I'll make sure I give the cure to Newt. "
I rush over to her and hug her. Tears roll down my cheeks. There's no way I'm losing such a good friend.
"I know you never betrayed us. I'm sorry for everything I did to you, I really am. You're the best person all of us could have. I can't imagine losing you,Y/N. I know you did this for Newt.",I cry burying my face in her neck.
"It's okay Min, there's nothing you can do to save me. ", she says.
"No Y/N! I'll take that goddamn choker off of your neck once we leave this place. You just have to stay away from Janson. I'll just perform a small operation.",says Teresa.
"Really? You know how to do it ?",asks Y/N.
"Yes, I figured it out for you.", replies Teresa.
"Okay then, I'll get the cure and meet you at the main square. That's where everyone's gonna meet.", Says Y/N.
I quickly release her from my grip and walk over to Teresa.
"I'll go with her",says Thomas.
We quickly start sprinting towards the exit.

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