He cheats on you- Newt

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Warning: Swearing ahead.


Your POV:

Ever since then, I spent all my days working with the runners and all my nights, crying over him because he broke my heart. I left my job in the gardens because it only reminded me of him and everyone was fed up of me crying over him. They said that he was a slinthead, they said he didn't deserve me and that I shouldn't waste my energy and my precious tears on a person like him, but I knew who he was. He was the most caring person I had ever met, he used to take me to the deadheads and we used to spend all day in each others arms, he was the one who kept me sane in this shucking place.

So many of his promises were broken, "y/n, I'll never leave you, I'll protect you and take you out of here, we'll start a family once we get out, I'll always be your Newtie". Everything he said was so fake, I should have known that I fell for the wrong person. I should have known that he would find someone else once he was done with me, but I was blind in love. It was my mistake that I kept holding him, I should have let him go, I should have known that he had fallen out of love with me.

Flashback: one month ago...

Your POV:

I pulled the weeds in the gardens and kept looking at my adorable boyfriend who was talking with Teresa. I giggled to myself when I noticed how cute he was, his tousled blonde locks kept coming over his eyes and from time to time and he kept running his hands through them. I did all my job and went to the kitchen for dinner. I always took out time for him , we always had dinner together but today, something was off, he wasn't here. I went and sat beside Thomas and Minho and asked them.

"Hey guys, have you seen Newtie?"
" Yeah, I mean, uh- no , I haven't" Minho hesitated.
" Have you ?" I looked at Tommy, my best friend.
" No, I'm already tired y/n, don't trouble me" Thomas said.
I had dinner and went to the deadheads to check if he was sitting near the pond, his favourite spot. When I didn't find him there, I sighed and decided to go back to our room in the homesteads.

"Hey y/n, you shouldn't go there, come on let's take a walk," Minho said when he saw me going near my room.
"I'm just gonna go sleep, Minho. I'm tired," I whined and walked towards mine and Newt's shared room.
"Babe, are you here?"I said and opened the room only to see Newt holding Teresa against the wall and sucking each others faces off.
Tears streamed down my face and anger boiled inside of me when I found out that my boyfriend of two years was kissing some other girl who came up the box just a month ago.
Newt quickly looked at me and tried to stop me," y/n, it's not what it looks like"
" Save it ,Newton" I yelled at him and ran out of the homesteads to find Thomas.

"Tommy, Newt and Teresa were kissing," I cried as I ran towards him. He quickly saw me coming and his face dropped at the sight of my puffy ,red eyes. " What the hell, I'm going to kick his ass!" Thomas said while he hugged me for what seemed like eternity. " Love, I'm sorry, I don't know what came up my mind," I heard Newt . " You've done enough harm to her , now get out of here before I beat you to death," Thomas said furiously. " Please, let me explain," Newt begged. " Fine, you've got a minute," I said and I asked Thomas to leave us alone for sometime.

"Love, I'm sorry I don't know what was happening to my mind, I love you, please don't leave me," he said with tears in his eyes. " How long have you been cheating Newt, coz you looked quite comfortable kissing her like that," I asked. He looked down and didn't answer. "HOW LONG?!" I yelled. " He looked up and said," fifteen days,"

I wiped away all my tears because I never wanted to show him how weak he made me at that very moment. "Do you still love me?" I asked , biting my lower lip to control the tears. " I -I don't know, I'm confused," he looked down. " It's okay Newt , we're done here," I said and started walking away towards Thomas who was still very furious. Newt stopped me and grabbed my wrist harshly, " no , I'm the one who decides if we're breaking up or not,"

I looked at him with disbelief and tried to yank my hand away from his grip,"Leave me alone, you're hurting me," Thomas saw me struggling against his grip and quickly rushed towards us. "Hey, get your hands off her asshole," he punched Newt in the face and tugged me behind his back." What is going on here?" Alby said as he approached us with a few other gladers. " This shank cheated on Y/n with Teresa and now he's forcing her to stay in the relationship even if he doesn't love her!" Thomas explained.

"Put them both in the slammer," Alby commanded and the gladers took away Newt and Thomas." Be safe y/n, I'll be out by tomorrow," Thomas assured and I mumbled a small thank you. I kept thinking about him all night, I kept sobbing uncontrollably and Gally tried to comfort me. "Y/n ? Can I please talk to you?" I heard Teresa. I wiped away my tears and she quickly sat beside me and Gally. " What do you want now!" I spat. " Listen, I didn't knew Newt and you were still dating because he told me that you weren't. If I knew that you were still together, I would have never kissed him, I'm sorry Y/n, I was oblivious and he lied to me," Teresa said.

" What the hell is wrong with him!" Gally said in a furious tone. " Leave it, he didn't love me ,Gal, I was the one who was blindly in love with him," I sighed and thought why Newt said that we weren't together anymore.

End of flashback----

That one night took everything away from me , I decided to shut myself away from him, I decided to build tall walls around my heart so that a person like him could never break them . I loved him but he never felt the same for me. What was my mistake, did I make him feel unloved? Was I the reason he cheated on me?

A/n: Should I do a part 2 for this?

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