Jealous of them- Newt

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Warning: Swearing ahead.
This imagine is written after the death cure when all the immunes escape to an island and make a new home"the real safe haven". Newt is alive and you have a huge crush on him since the time you were in the glade with him.


Your POV:

" Newt, do you want to hangout with me today?", you asked, smiling sheepishly. "Umm, maybe some other time, love. I've already made plans with our guys and the Group B girls. ", Newt said as he rubbed the back of his neck. " Uh- okay, that's fine.", you said and he walked away towards Minho and the other girls. Yeah, ofcourse you have plans with them. You mentally scoffed as Newt rejected you for the second time in this week.

"Hey,y/n. You wanna have a little girls night out?", Teresa and Brenda , your best friends said as they giggled and approached you. Your eyes widened in excitement and you said," Ofcourse girls, we haven't done that in what feels like decades." You three giggled and then went to Teresa's room for the night out. These both were really close to you and you pretty much told them every single thing , they even knew that you had a huge crush on Newt. Brenda and Teresa were crushing on Minho and Thomas too. You did a lot of gossips , played 'spin the bottle' and ate all the cookies kept in Teresa's secret place.

" So, what happened between you and Newt today?", Brenda asked. "Um, nothing. ",you avoided her gaze. "Y/n, I've seen your face. Now, spit it out.",Teresa said. "Ugh, fine. I asked Newt to spend time with me ,just like the old times but he said that he had already made plans with the other girls.", you shrugged. " Yeah, Minho and Thomas are with him too.",Brenda scoffed. "And so are the other boys.",Teresa said. "Don't you think they've been avoiding us since they met the other girls?", you asked. " It's been a week since we had a good chat with any of them. Everytime we try to put up a conversation, some weird girl whom I don't even know comes in the middle and takes the guys away.", Teresa sighed." Hey, we shouldn't be ruining our night  because of these boys.", you grinned widely and all of you broke into a fit of laughter. Stupid, dumb boys.

The next morning:

Your POV:
" Hey, Frypan , have you seen Teresa?", you asked him because you hadn't met her since morning. "Oh yeah, she went in the supplies room. ",Fry smiled. "Okay, thanks.", you smiled and walked towards the supplies room. You entered the room and saw Sonya and Teresa arguing over something. Harriet was standing there, her hands crossed over her chest. "What is going on here?", you glared at Sonya and Harriet. " Sonya thinks that Thomas likes her. ", Teresa sighed. You giggled and then laughed. Teresa looked at you and laughed too. Suddenly Sonya punched Teresa in the face and Harriet giggled at your friend. "Hey, don't touch her you shuckface. ",you tackled Sonya to the ground and punched her in the face. You looked up at Teresa and saw her nose bleeding heavily.

"Go to Brenda.", you assured her. "  You're going to pay for that. ", you yanked Sonya up and kneed her in the gut. "Aaah, stop.", she screamed. "Get away from her y/n.", Harriet tried to punch you but you caught her wrist and twisted it behind her back. She fell to her knees and you kicked her in the back violently. "NEVER. HURT . MY. FRIENDS. EVER", you yelled and punched Harriet. Suddenly you felt strong arms around your waist, pulling you away from Sonya and Harriet. "What the hell are you doing ,y/n.",Thomas asked as he held you tightly. "Let me go, Tommy.", you said sternly. " Oh bloody hell! ",you heard Newt as he rushed near Harriet and Sonya, lifting them off the ground. "Are you okay ,love?", he asked Harriet. Is he insane? Those girls just hit Teresa, oh wait , he doesn't know.

"Newt, Sonya punched Teresa in the face.", you sighed as you struggled against Thomas's grip. By now, Minho, Gally, Zart, Brenda ,Teresa and Frypan had arrived too. "No, she's lying.", Sonya said. " No, bitch you did punch  me.", Teresa said and instantly earned a glare from Thomas. " You did it purposely ,y/n, didn't you? You did it because YOU are jealous of them. I've seen it, the way you look at them, the way you hate them because we go and spend time with them and not you. You are bloody jealous that they get all our attention and not you. Tell me Y/n, isn't this the reason?", Newt said as he gritted his teeth, clenched his fists and towered over your petit figure, backing you up near the wall. "N-no, that's not the reason, Newt- she's lyi-", you tried saying but Newt cut you off by holding your shoulders roughly and slamming you on the wall. " DON'T LIE TO ME. DON'T. LIE. TO. ME.", he yelled at you and you flinched, Newt had never been aggressive to you.

A single tear rolled down your cheeks as you looked around to see the gladers looking at you and Newt, shock written on their faces too. Newt softened and backed away from you, " I'm sorry, love."  You looked up and said," Save it, Newt. " You quickly entered and your room and shut the door behind you. How could he do this to me. Why did he snap at me that way, doesn't he care about me anymore? You cried yourself to sleep, not wanting to go out for days because Newt humiliated you in front of everyone. "Y/n, open up please. Let us in atleast.", Brenda tried to convince you. "Go away I'm fine. ", you said.

Newt's POV:

I was sitting on the steps, drinking coffee as Harriet kept telling me the stories from her maze. I wasn't listening to her, I was thinking about ,y/n. I yelled at her, I yelled at the only one who was there by my side all this shucking time. She was there when I tried to kill myself, she was there when we fought the shucking Grievers, she was the one who got me the cure when I was about to turn into a disgusting crank. I avoided her all this time just because I got distracted by some other shucking girls? I'm a terrible person, how couldn't I understand... all this time I've loved her more than anything and this is the way I treat her for being by my side . I'm going to go talk to her right now. I haven't seen her in two days, it's probably late but I'm not giving up on her.

Your POV:

You were sitting in your room, tired of crying over a boy who didn't even care about you ,even after everything you did for him. You sighed as you cleaned up the mess you made in your room. There was a knock on your door so you opened it and said," Go away Teres-". You stopped when you looked up to see the least expected person ,Newt. "Oh, it's you.",you smiled weakly. " Yeah, it's me.",Newt looked down, avoiding your eye contact. "Um, I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting you.", you said as you gestured for him to come in. " Love, I'm sorry for yelling at you that day. I shouldn't have done that, I should have handled the situation calmly.", Newt sighed.

"It's okay, forget about it.", you looked away. "Hey, please look at me. I'm really sorry for humiliating you out there. Please let me make it up to you.", he caressed your cheeks. You nodded your head and he hugged you as you shed a few tears on his chest. " I don't like when you cry. Let's go outside.",he said and grabbed your hand , taking you out near the bonfire . He sat beside you and gave you a cup of warm coffee. You saw Teresa and Brenda sitting with Thomas and Minho, right across from you. They looked at you and giggled, giving you a thumbs up sign. You rolled your eyes and raised your cup at them. Newt scooted closer to you, putting his arm around your shoulder.

"Are you cold ,love?", he said with a concerned look. "Yes, a little bit.",you shivered. He pulled you towards his chest and snaked his arms around your body. You rested your head on his chest and closed your eyes, embracing the perfect moment. "Newt, come on dance with me.", You heard Harriet say . "No, I'm with my y/n.", Newt said, not even looking at her. Wait, did he just say 'my' y/n!!!!! "Oh come on , I'm bored. ", Harriet said, pulling one of Newt's arms. " I don't want to spend time with you or the other girls, I know what I want.", Newt said, taking his arm away from her grasp. " I think I should go.", you said, getting up on your feet. "Hey, there's no way I'm letting you go anywhere,love.", Newt said as he pulled you on his lap. He looked at Harriet once and smashed his lips on yours, kissing you gently.

You immediately snaked your hands in his hair, pulling him closer to you. You kissed his soft lips , smiling slightly as he held your waist. "Mine.", he said to you and you giggled. Harriet scoffed and walked away. "Newt, I love you. I've always loved you, since the time we were in the glade. ",you confessed. " You have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss you. You are different from the others, there's something about you that makes me fall in love with you all the bloody time. Yes, I love you too.", Newt smiled, pulling you into another passionate kiss. He pulled away and asked,"Tell me love, weren't you a little jealous?". You blushed and said," Yes, I was. I don't like to share what's mine." Newt looked at you and giggled,"I'm all yours princess."

A/n: please don't forget to vote.❤️

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