I'm your sister too- Thomas S

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Warning:  Swearing ahead, contains a lot of flashback scenes and quite emotional. You are Thomas's and Ava's younger sister but they ignored you their entire life. Read ahead to find out why and what happened in the end.
Thomas's age-28
Ava's age-26
Your age -25


Your POV:

Having a loving elder brother, a mother-like sister and wonderful parents made my childhood very much lively. I was considered as the 'cool kid' in school because The Thomas Brodie Sangster was my elder brother. Our family used to go on beaches every weekend and everyone treated me like I was their only princess. I used to play all day with my siblings and spend all my summers with them. But as we all know, the sun always sets in paradise.

So what went down? My parents and I were returning from a family gathering and our car crashed, it was an ugly accident and I was the only one who survived. I was just twelve and my brother blamed me for their death. Ever since then, my life went downhill. We lived with our grandma and I spent all my time in my room. I spent all day upstairs when my sister celebrated her birthdays , I wasn't allowed, they said that I would spoil everything. I was the family outcast that nobody liked. My company was not preferred and they always made fun of me around their friends.


"Hey Ava, happy 16th birthday!" I said with excitement.
She gave me a mean, fake smile and called Thomas, " Tom! Why is she down here?"
Thomas walked out of the kitchen and came to the living room where I  was sitting next to Ava, offering her a gift. He looked at me and his eyes darkened with rage. He yanked me away from Ava and threw my gift in the fireplace.
" How many times should I remind you that you are not supposed to spoil our birthdays , not supposed to talk to us and not supposed to interfere in our lives!" Thomas yelled at me as he dragged me upstairs and put me back in my room. "Tom, wait!" I stopped him before he left and he turned.
" What?" he spat harshly.
" Please, forgive me brother, It wasn't my fault," I begged .
" It's all your fault,y/n. Why don't you get that in your thick skull,"he said and left.

_end of flashback_

I remember when I was younger, Thomas and Ava were nothing like this. They would protect me, bring me candies, play with me , take me to the parks and bring me my favourite comics too. After our grandma passed away, Thomas and Ava got a nice , expensive house for themselves after Thomas filmed for the maze runner film series. Ava grew up and became a very famous singer. They stayed together and I was left out as usual. It was Thomas's birthday today and his girlfriend Gzi had invited me. She told me that I should be there because she really liked me and she wanted our entire family together.
I got dressed into a nice evening dress, put on some makeup and decided to wrap his gift in some beautiful papers.


Ava and I sat in our room and giggled as we wrapped up all the gifts we got for our dear brother. " Girls, come downstairs real quick," our mother called.
" Yes mum, do you need help?" Ava asked.
" Yes, could you go to the market and get me some sugar and eggs, I need to prepare the cake," mom said.
We nodded and got all the groceries that she asked for. She prepared a cake, we set up the table for dinner, we decorated the house for Thomas and in the late evening, father got him back home for the surprise. Birthdays were quite different back then.

_end of flashback_

After I wrapped up the presents, I took my car and went to his house. Gzi greeted me warmly and I saw him and Ava talking to all their friends. I saw Dylan, Ki Hong, Kaya, Will and Dexter. There were many other people whom I didn't recognise but I was sure that I was not welcomed here. I walked over to Ava and greeted her, "Hello, sister".She glanced at me and said,"Gzi has invited you here , this doesn't mean that you get to talk to me". I sighed and walked away from her. I wanted to go talk to Thomas so bad but I decided not to spoil his mood. Somebody patted me on the shoulder and I turned around to see Gzi and Kaya.

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