Being cranky- Newt

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Warning: Swearing and violence ahead, read it at your own risk. This imagine is written at the time when Thomas and Newt follow Gally to see if they had a way in Wicked's headquarters to save Minho,i.e, (the death cure). It also contains the famous train scene from the movie which was deleted.


Your POV:

You woke up to the sound of Newt and Thomas talking about something. "Are you kidding me Newt? He's the same guy who killed Chuck and now you wanna trust him!"Thomas exclaimed . "Do we bloody have a choice! We don't shucking know anything about this klunk place and he's the only one whom we know from the start,"Newt said through his gritted teeth. You quickly got out of your sleeping bag and tried to figure out what they were talking about. "I'm not going to go anywhere with that shuckface," Thomas glared at Newt. "Newt, he's right, we must not trust Gally,"you supported Thomas. "Shut up Y/n, we're not in the bloody glade,"Newt snapped at you and you flinched . "Well if this is not glade then you're not the second in command too,"you made a strong point before storming off.

You were dating Newt from the past two years and he never raised his voice at you. You were a little too shocked and you decided to divert your mind. "Hey Fry, can we cook some bacon for breakfast? I really love the way you make it,"you asked him. "Yes ofcourse, I miss cooking,"he said and then you both went to make some breakfast. You went on the open terrace and sat on the broken edge with Frypan. "Hey y/n, I'm sorry about earlier," your heard Thomas behind you. " It's alright Thomas, you didn't even do anything,"you giggled and patted the floor next to you. He sat down beside you and snaked his arm over your shoulder, opening his mouth wide and pointing towards the bacon piece that you were holding in your hand. "You are such a baby,"you laughed and fed him the bacon. "Mhm, this is so good. I bet Frypan made this,"he said while chewing.

"Yes I made it! Now stop talking while eating you klunkhead," Fry made a weird expression that made you both laugh. "So where's Newt?"Fry asked Thomas. "I don't know what's wrong with him,"Thomas sighed and rubbed his temples. "I think we should give Gally a chance,"you said. "What if he does something terrible again?" Thomas asked. "Tommy, Gally was stung when he killed Chuck,I think we must give him a chance to prove himself,"you looked at Thomas. "I think she's right,"Fry sighed. "Okay then, we'll go with him and find out how to get in Wicked's headquarters tonight," Thomas said. "I'm going with you," you said.

Time skip-

Your POV:

"Where do you think you're going?"Newt asked you as you tied up your shoe lace. "I'm coming with you and Thomas,"you shrugged and kept tying the laces. "Who said she's coming?" Newt looked at Thomas and Gally. " Hello, I'm right here and I said I'm coming," you sighed and got up. "No you're not, you're gonna stay here,"Newt crossed his arms over his chest and stood in between you and the other two boys who were going with you. "I am going Newt, whether you try to stop me or not,"you said and tried to walk past him towards Thomas and Gally. He quickly held your arm harshly and glared at you," you are not bloody going anywhere, it isn't safe out there," he said as anger boiled inside him. "Hey Newt, stop! You're hurting her,"Thomas looked at Newt angrily. "Well Minho is my friend too and the last time I checked, you weren't the boss of me,"you scoffed and pulled your arm away from his death grip.

You climbed down the ladder and went in the sewer following Gally who was right ahead of Thomas. Newt was the last one to come down and you quickly saw him staring at his own arm but it was too dark for you to see what he was looking at. "Is everything alright?" You asked him. "Uh, yeah,"he looked at you and followed you. After crawling inside a smaller place, you four were literally sticking to each other ,waiting for Gally's signal. "So when I say go ,you guys will follow me and run as fast as you can, we only have three minutes to reach our destination,"he said and you all nodded. You waited for a few seconds and then he said 'go'. He jumped out of the hole with Newt quickly following him. It was your turn to jump so you got near the edge only to find out that it was a little too high for you to jump.

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