The only girl in the glade- Newt

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Ever since you came up that box, every boy in the Glade eyed you like some kind of desert. Everytime you walked out of your room to get something or simply do your work, you heard the boys whistling and checking you out. Sometimes, a few of them even fought over you .Being the only girl in the Glade was indeed a very difficult job for you.
The only boys who stood beside you were Newt , Minho and Alby. Alby being the leader of the Glade made it easier for you to live here. He arranged a private room for you so that you could have some privacy. Newt on the other hand was your best friend. He was very overprotective for you and always kept you safe from the hormonal teenage boys.  He being the second-in- command made sure that the boys minded their own businesses. The second you came up that box, you knew that you fell for him.
You secretly loved him but never told him about your feelings, afraid that he didn't feel the same and that it would ruin your friendship.

Your POV:

I was bending and picking up the basket filled with fresh vegetables from the gardens. It was a very cold day and I was trying to keep myself warm.
"Nice ass you got there Y/N. I'd love to hear you scream my name when I f*** you senseless.", yelled Thomas.
I was so done with his comments. I walked over to him and smacked him right across his cheek. " Don't you dare say anything like that again you shuckface!",I yelled at him.
"Love, what was that for. Are you alright?",I saw Newt coming towards us.
My stomach flipped everytime he called me that in his heavy accent.
"Back off Thomas, stop passing nasty comments on her or I'll put you in the slammer for a week.",Newt said fuming with anger.
"Alright buddy, I was just messing around with her.", Thomas said retreating away from me and Newt.
"He's really creepy. Anyways,thanks Newtie",I said.
He smiled and walked away with his slight limp.

Newt's POV:

I was waiting for Y/N to come get her dinner and sit beside me and Minho. I saw her and as usual blushed. Why was this happening to me . Was I really in love with her??
"Come on Newt, ask her out already.",Minho caught me off guard.
Shit! Was I staring at her for such a long time? I made a straight face and looked at Minho who was already smirking at me," It's nothing like that Minho. She's just my best friend."
"Oh really? Coz I always find you getting all overprotective and jealous if someone else talks to her. " he sassed.
I was going to reply but Y/N already came and sat beside me.

"Hi Newtttttieeeee and Minmin",she sighed and leaned her head on my shoulder.
"What's wrong love?",I pulled her towards my body and put my hand on her shoulder, comforting her.
"I'm so tired. I worked all day and I also skipped lunch. I'm hungry and sleepy.",she said.
"Okay then, why don't you have dinner and then I'll take you to your room."
"Nooo, not in the room pweeeass. Can I sleep under the willow tree tonight?",she said in an adorable baby voice.
"Ofcourse love. But I'm not gonna leave you alone. I'll be there with you too. Is that okay?",I ask her .
"Yes , sure."she looked up and smiled at me innocently.

"Aww , you two look so adorable together.", said Minho.
I rolled my eyes at him and we continued finishing our bacon sandwiches that Frypan made. We got up and placed out plates on the washing platform.
"Hey Y/N, why don't you go ahead, I'll talk to Alby and be there in fifteen minutes.",I smiled at her.
She simply nodded and walked out of the kitchen.

Your POV:

I walked over to the willow tree that was situated near the homesteads , it was Newt's and mine spot. We always spent time together here when we were free, sad , happy or drunk.
I plopped down near the bark and closed my eyes, working all day completely exhausted me.
I was half asleep when I felt someone sit beside me. Thinking it was Newt , I didn't bother to open my eyes. I felt strong arms on my waist, pulling me closer to their body. I snuggled closer to him and put my head on his chest.
I was just about to doze off when I realized something weird. He doesn't feel or smell like Newt. I sensed danger and immediately shot my eyes open, sitting up straight and looking at him. It wasn't Newt! It was Thomas!!
"What the shuck Thomas!",I stood up and shifted away from him.
"Aww, I thought we were more than just friends. Everything was perfect until you found out that I wasn't Newt. Come lay down beside me.",he patted on the ground next to him.
"I'm sick of you.",I sighed and started walking away when he covered my mouth with his hand. I tried to turn around and punch him but he held both my wrists in his other hand. Why does he have to be so strong? He pushed me on the ground and straddled me, holding out a piece of cloth, tying it around my face so I couldn't scream.
"You shouldn't have slapped me earlier. You'll pay for that right now."he whispered in my ear. Suddenly he yanked me up from the ground and threw me over his shoulder. I was using every ounce of my energy to kick and punch him but he managed to carry me to the deadheads.
He put me down on the floor and said," Don't scream alright?! I'm gonna take this cloth out of your mouth. Do you understand?"
I nodded and he immediately took off the cloth. Just as he did, I gave the loudest blood curdling scream that I could and started sprinting away from him.
He was a runner , so I couldn't last long in this. I was definitely trying to beat him in his own game.
"COME BACK YOU LITTLE BITCH!", he yelled . He was getting closer every second. I managed to reach outside the deadheads but he tackled me to the ground.
"HELP ME !!! PLEASE HELP ME ! NEWT! NEWT PLEASE HELP ME!",I yelled as tears started rolling down my face.
I was working all day and I was really exhausted. I screamed and yelled but had no energy to push him off of me.

"Look at you beautiful face ... please don't cry, I'm just here to have my way with you.",he leaned down , dangerously close to my lips. I closed my eyes and turned my face towards the side.
But he didn't kiss me. Instead, someone pulled him off of me and punched him. He landed on the hard ground with a loud thud.
"N-newt! ", I said.
"Run away Y/N!", he said fuming with anger.
"But what about y-",I was cut off.
"JUST GO !",he yelled.
I glanced at Thomas one last time before sprinting towards the homesteads where everyone was, probably asleep.
"MINHO!!! HELP ME PLEASE. ITS THOMAS AND NEWT!",I yelled, practically waking up everyone else too.
"What's wrong Y/N?", Minho asked with a perplexed look as he saw my tear stained cheeks.
" Thomas tried to force me but fortunately Newt saved me before he could do anything wrong and now they're fighting!",I explained fast.
"Wait here till I bring him back okay", he patted on my shoulder and left with the others.

Newt's POV:

I walked back to the homesteads where I saw her eagerly waiting for me to come back. As soon as she saw me, she ran towards me and pulled me in a hug.
"Thanks again Newtie... You're my hero.", she whispered in my ear. I smiled and kissed her on the top of her head.
"I'm sorry, this is all my fault. I should have never let you leave alone. ",I said.
"It's okay , you're still gonna be my hero. I love you Newt.",she said.
I almost skipped a heartbeat and I felt butterflies in my stomach. Was this real? I immediately pulled away from the hug and looked at her directly into her  eyes.
I smashed my lips on her soft ones as she quickly melted into the kiss. "I wanted to do this from a very long time love.",I said.
We kissed again and pulled away. "I love you too Y/N.


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