He whispers dirty things -Thomas S

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Warning : Mature content.


You were filming on set with your boyfriend , Thomas, for The Maze Runner Death Cure. While shooting your scene with Dylan and Will, you caught Thomas checking you out. A smirk was plastered on his face, his eyes darkening with lust as you made an eye contact with him. Your cheeks flushed red as you tried to focus on your scene instead of him. "Okay, that's perfect! Go get some rest,y/n. I need you and Thomas for the next scene in half an hour.", director Wes smiled. You walked over to your boyfriend who was seated in his chair , grinning widely at you. "What is it baby?",you questioned. "What is what, love?",he looked up at you innocently. "I caught you staring at me.",you smirked."I was gazing.",he said." It's creepy.", you said . He stood up and put his arm around your waist, pulling you towards his tall frame,"It's romantic,love."

He leaned in to kiss you, pulling you closer as you opened your mouth to let him slide his tongue in . You fought for dominance but he was quite good at dominating over you. "Eww, stop sucking each others faces off. Get a room, guys.",you were interrupted by Kaya. You pulled away from him as you both looked at her and giggled. "What do you want?", you smiled. " It's lunch time. You promised me you'll get lunch with me. Mind if I borrow my best friend for sometime, Thomas?",she looked at your boyfriend expectantly. " Ofcourse, go ahead.", Thomas smiled. You gave him a peck on the lips before going to get lunch with Kaya.

You guys were halfway through your lunch when Kaya's boyfriend Dylan and Thomas approached you. "Hey girls, mind if we join you?", Dylan asked. "Um, yeah ofcourse.", Kaya replied. Thomas quickly sat beside you, leaning closer to you,"You look beautiful,y/n."  You blushed and smiled at him before looking at Will who had just arrived at your table. "Can I join?", he asked sheepishly." You don't have to ask, mate.",Thomas welcomed him. You continued eating and chatting with Dylan when you felt Thomas's hand on your bare thigh. You glanced at him but shrugged it off when you saw him eating sushi and talking to Kaya and Will about something.

You almost choked on your drink when he started tracing light patterns on your thigh, sliding his hand under your skirt and brushing his fingers against your clothed clit. You gulped hard and suppressed a moan, looking up at him. He was still busy talking to Kaya but he knew exactly what he was doing to you. You cleared your throat in order to seek his attention. " What's wrong, love? Are you okay?", he whispered and smirked. "Take your hand off my clit.", you whispered back and smiled to cover up if any of your friends noticed. He inched closer to your ear, his hot breath fanning on your neck as he whispered," I know you want to feel me deep inside of you y/n, don't act so innocent." Everything he said was true. You made him stop even if you wanted him to continue all the time. You finished your lunch and went back to the set where you had to film with Thomas.

" Y/n, I want you to stand right here. Thomas, I want you to walk over to her, lift her up, place her on the table and then, kiss her. Very. Passionately.",Wes commanded. Thomas smirked as he looked at you , knowing that you'd be very nervous kissing him ''passionately'' in front of the others. You had to do the scene five times since you weren't able to relax yourself around him. He made you nervous. Like, really, really nervous. "Okay. That's perfect, pack up everyone.",Wes smiled. "Hey Tom, y/n, let's go get some jell-O shots,be there at Kaya's room in five minutes.",Dylan said. "Okay, I'll just go get changed.",you replied.

Thomas quickly grabbed your wrist and dragged you towards the empty ,dark corner."What do you want,baby?", you giggled. " Shh, you have no idea what you're doing to me, baby girl. Daddy needs to teach you a lesson. I will make you scream from pleasure as I fuck you senseless tonight.", he whispered and bit your earlobe. Your eyes widened at his comment and you were left speechless as he dragged you back to Kaya's room. You kept exchanging glances with your boyfriend as everyone enjoyed the jello shots. " It's time for us to leave, she needs to rest.", Thomas told Kaya as he looked at you with hunger and lust. He took you back to the room and shut the door behind him. He pinned you on the wall and your hands above your head as he attacked your neck, leaving hickeys all over your collar bone." I want you riding me right now , love.",he whispered huskily and started grinding his hardened shaft on you. You realized that you weren't going to be able to walk all day tomorrow.

A/n: please don't forget to vote.❤️

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