Dylan's little sister-Thomas S

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You were Dylan's younger sister and you guys were going to Louisiana for filming The Maze Runner movie . You arrived on set for the first time and met Wes Ball ,the director.
"Hello Dylan and Y/N O'Brien. We'll start filming from tomorrow morning. I think you should get some rest so you don't look jet lagged. I'll introduce you to the rest of the cast at dinner."
"It's nice to meet you director Wes.",you said giving him a firm handshake.
He smiled at you and then some volunteers guided you and Dylan to your  respective trailers.
"I'm gonna go get some sleep. I'll meet you at the dinner.",your brother hugged you and kissed you on the forehead.
"Okay, sleep tight.",you said and walked over to your trailer. You climbed up on your bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

Your alarm buzzed and you were forced to wake up from your deep slumber. "What time is it? Do I really need to go get dinner ? Noo... I wanna sleep more.",you said to yourself. Eventually you woke up and decided to freshen up. You took a nice warm shower and put on some casual outfit. It was 9pm. Perfect. You walked out of your trailer and saw Dylan talking to someone. He saw you and signalled you to come near him. You walked over to him and saw the other young man. He had beautiful brown eyes and dirty blonde hair. You immediately recognised him. He was THE Thomas Sangster, your co-star, your character's love interest on screen and you had a huge crush on him too.He was quite famous, just like you, so maybe he knew you too.

Dylan pulled you in a small hug and said," This is my friend Thomas, and Thomas, this is my sist-"
"Y/N.",Thomas immediately recognised you and looked directly in your eyes. He took your hand and kissed your knuckles. You smiled at him as your cheeks flushed red from his kind gesture.
"Let's go get dinner now shall we?",Dylan interrupted you.
"You guys go ahead. I'm gonna go get my best friend or she's gonna eat me alive.",you said almost walking away.
"Oh come on sis, Kaya is not that bad. ",Dylan giggled.  You smiled and walked towards her trailer.

You met her and had some bff gossip while walking towards the dinner. You say across Thomas and she sat across Dylan. Wes introduced you all and you had a fine conversation with everyone except Thomas. He just kept gazing at you. Your cheeks were pretty red all the time. You kept playing with your food because he made you so nervous. Kaya leaned near you and whispered,"I think he likes you." You widen your eyes at her comment and gulp.
"I'm g- gonna go g-get some sleep.",you said, standing up from your seat and walking out of the dinner.

"Y/N, stop please.",you heard a familiar British accent and almost made up your mind to run away. You turned around and saw Thomas standing just a meter away from you.
"Do I really make you that nervous?", he asked, making you blush even more. At this point you simply nodded, not taking your eyes off his.
He rushed over to you and smashed his soft lips onto yours, his arms holding you closer to him. You weren't expecting this from him. He immediately pulled away when he noticed that you didn't kiss him back.

"I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean t-", you cut him off by kissing him back, passionately. He smiled while kissing as your lips moved in sync. You pulled away to breathe and he asked,"Can we be together... I mean... will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes Thomas,I'll be your girlfriend."you smile and kiss him again.
"FINALLY!!!!! HE ASKED HER OUT!! DYLAN !!!!! HE ASKED HER OUT!!",you heard Kaya screaming and running away to find Dylan.

"Why did she say "finally"?", You looked at Thomas and gave him a perplexed look.
"I was smitten with you ever since you came to check on your brother last year. We never actually met but I knew you were the one for me.", he confessed."
"I need to tell you something too.",you said.
"Go ahead."
"I was head over heels for you too and now I'm madly in love with you.",you said and he kissed you again.
"I love you too Y/N."

This was kinda lame but please don't forget to vote. I'll keep posting frequently. ❤️

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