Afraid of him- Newt

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Warning: Triggering content (bullying, sexual abuse) and swearing, read it at your own risk.


Newt's POV:

"I have no clue what's wrong with her,ever since she came back from the maze that day, she never talked to anyone, not even me , I'm her best friend but she always runs away when I try to talk to her,"I explained to Thomas, the new greenie."Wait, she is a runner?" Thomas asked and I was so tired of him. Bloody hell, why does he keep bugging me with all these questions! " She was, not anymore. She refused to go into the maze and she works in the gardens with me," I sighed. "Oh so did you ask her why sh-," Thomas tried asking something again but I cut him off. "Enough questions for today ,Tommy,I need to get back to work,"I got my empty plate and put it in the kitchen sink before going back to the gardens.

I picked up my shovel, and glanced at y/n who was working on the grape vines. I smiled at how peaceful she looked but something seemed a little off about her. Her eyes, they were ... glistening... wait, was she crying? She caught me looking at her and quickly turned away, starting to walk towards the homesteads. "Love, wait!" I called and jogged behind her. She was going to her room, she glanced at me and quickened her pace, getting in her room and almost shutting the door on my face but I placed my foot in between. "Ow! Bloody hell ,y/n, that hurt,"I cried and held my foot, jumping like a kid on the other one.

She giggled and that made my heart skip a beat...she giggled after so long, oh God, I've missed her. "What do you what ,Newt?"she smiled and I knew that she was faking it. I know her so well, I know everything about her but there's something that she's hiding from me, from everyone. " I uh, I wanted to ask you why you were crying?"I came straight to the point and looked into her moist eyes. " I'm not crying, just got a little dust in my eyes while working,"she said. Really? Such a lame excuse! Am I that easy to fool? I walked towards her and held her by her arms but she flinched at my touch. "What's wrong?" I tried to hold her arm but she moved a little away.

"I'm just a little tired," she said. Lies, again. "Take off your jacket,love, I don't think it's cold right now," I said sternly. "I can't, I've caught cold," she said."I'm going to say this one last time before I take it off by myself, Take. Your. Jacket. Off," I raised my voice and she looked really scared but I had to know what was wrong. She turned around and took her jacket off, not wanting me to see anything. I went closer to her , placed my hand on her small waist and turned her around. My eyes widened at the sight of two fresh, deep scratches on her right upper arm and bruises around her both wrists. Anger boiled inside me and I glared at her," Who the bloody hell touched you,y/n?"

" Nobody, I got scratched from the garden tools while working," she said. I yanked her by her wrist and pinned her on the wall roughly," DON'T LIE TO ME!"I yelled and she shut her eyes tightly. I pulled away from her and pinched my nose in frustration, clenching my jaw tightly. I saw a tear flowing down her pale cheeks before she started sobbing silently. "I'm so sorry love, I didn't mean to snap at you, please, look at me," I placed my fingers below her chin and made her look at me. "It's not you Newt, it's not you," she whispered and hugged me. I quickly pulled her into a tight embrace and caressed her back. "Shh, stop crying, do you wish to talk about it?"I asked.

She sniffled and nodded her head and we sat on her bed as she laid her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her waist, trying to calm her down. "Go on love, I'm listening," I said. She fiddled with her fingers and said," It started when I was made a runner, at first I thought that it would be fun to go out into the maze and try finding a way out, but everyday became a living hell for me.  When Minho took me in the maze for the first time, he told me that I was supposed to run with him for a week and then he'll give me my own section. We kept running and while coming back to the glade, he pushed me against a wall and tried kissing me against my will. He hit me and threatened me not to tell anyone. I had no choice but to come back to the glade with him,"

I looked at her with tears in my eyes and she continued to tell me everything,"At first I felt relieved when he didn't do anything for the next three days but then it kept getting worse when he gave me my section. I was not afraid of the grievers, I was afraid of him finding me while coming back to the glade,". I looked at her and my voice cracked,"What happened that day, when you came back and stopped talking to everyone," I asked. "I ,I can't tell you," she sobbed. "Please y/n, I need to know everything," I said.

"That morning I was running my own  section, plotting down everything on my little diary and cutting the vines so that I couldn't forget my way back. It was time for me to come back to the glade so I kept running back until I bumped into Minho. He had a huge smirk plastered on his face and before I could run away, he grabbed me and slapped me hard on the cheek. I fell on the cold concrete but he yanked me up by my hair. He whispered disgusting things in my ear and he promised me that he'll do all of them if I didn't pleasure him right now. He pushed me on my knees and I had to do everything that he said. When he was done with me, he left and I sat there crying for almost half an hour. I realized that the doors will be closing soon so I sprinted back to the glade. I was so scared and broken that I shut everyone out including you,"she said.

"What about these?"I asked, pointing at the fresh marks on her arms. "He came back early from the maze today. While everyone was gone to have lunch he came to me. He dragged me to the deadheads saying that he wanted me. When I denied to have sex with him, he hurt me with the knives that he carried while running," she said. "Love , you don't have to worry about him anymore," I kissed her head as hot tears streamed down my cheeks. "Newt, please... It's fine," she said. "NO, ITS NOT OKAY! Don't you see, what he's done to you, how dare he shucking touch you!" I snapped at her at stormed out of her room while she followed me and tried to stop me.

"MINHO! YOU BLOODY SLINTHEAD, HOW DARE YOU SHUCKING TOUCH HER!" I yelled as I kicked the door of the map room open and charged at Minho. I tackled him to the ground and punched him in the face twice before Tommy and Ben got me off him. " HEY, NEWT ! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!"Tommy yelled at me and signalled Ben to get Alby. "THIS KLUNKHEAD HURT HER AND TRIED TO RAPE HER ALL THESE DAYS!" I slipped out of Tommy's grip and straddled Minho, punching him so hard that he coughed up blood. "Newt stop, you're gonna knock him out," y/n, tried to  grab me but I was quite stronger. "Thomas, a little help please,"she asked Thomas who stood their with his jaw clenched. "Yeah, ofcourse!" he said and pulled Minho up on his feet.

"Stop it, Newt!"Minho said as he wiped his lips. "OH YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH SHUCKFACE!" Thomas turned Minho around to face him and kneed him  where the sun don't shine. "Ouch, what was that for!"Minho complained as he dropped down on his knees." LOOK, I MAY BE THE GREENIE HERE BUT NOBODY TOUCHES THE ONLY GIRL IN THE GLADE! WHY DON'T YOU ASK FOR HER APOLOGY BEFORE YOUR SORRY ASS GETS BANISHED BY ALBY,"Thomas said and I smirked. I knew that Tommy would be on my side. Soon Alby arrived with the other gladers and I explained the entire situation to him. We tied up Minho and banished him before the door closed and his screams were stopped forever.

I went back to my room and started sobbing silently. I heard a knock on the door but I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone,"Whoever it is, go away, I'm not in the mood to talk,"I said. "Newt, it's me," I heard Y/n and I immediately opened the door. She shut the door behind her and hugged me tightly. I sobbed on her shoulder and said," I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you when you needed me,". She looked at me and caressed the back of my neck," it's not your fault, I should have told you sooner," she said and smashed her lips on mine. I kissed her back, realising that I love her a lot and that I would never let anyone lay their hands on her. "I love you , Newt," she mumbled as she pulled away for breath. "I love you too, y/n," I said and pulled her closer to my warm chest.


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