Get down on your knees-Newt(smut)

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A/n: Why is he soo cute and handsome, ah I'm gonna die...

Your Pov:

You looked at your boyfriend, Newt, he was looking hot, just as he always did. He was busy working in the gardens and you were a medjack. Since nobody was injured, you actually had nothing to do. You were getting horny, thinking dirty about that blonde haired guy you loved so much. You walked over to the gardens and he saw you coming, an innocent smile plastered on his face. Little did he knew what you were planning to do to him. "Baby? Don't you have time for me? I'm bored." you played with your hair and battered your lashes at him. "Love, I still have to work for the next two hours."he said, wiping off some sweat that trickled down his temple.

You smirked, going closer to him and hugging him. You held his hand and placed it on your left boob, making him blush like a tomato. " Everyone's watching. They don't need to know that you're horny."he glared, getting away from you. " Aw, I don't think I'm the only one who's horny." you looked at the other guys who were working just a few meters away. "I'll meet you in our room."you winked and turned around to walk towards the homesteads. You were just a few meters away from Newt when you heard Minho coming back from the maze with Thomas. "Hey Thomas, Newt's got an eggplant in his pants." Minho said loudly, almost making everyone look at Newt.

Realisation hit Newt. He was so embarrassed that he dropped his shovel and held his crotch. He shot a deathly glare and you giggled, running to the homesteads. "Get back to work you bloody slintheads." Newt barked at Minho and Thomas. They left in the map room while Newt chased you to the homesteads. You quickly went in Newt's room and almost shut the door but he stopped it with his foot. He got in and towered over you, his bulge brushing against your clothed clit. "You might wanna fix my problem, love." he glared. He turned around to shut the door while you took off your shirt, revealing your lace bra. " Don't you wanna be inside me right now?" you mumbled and placed a soft kiss on his neck.

He clenched his jaw, pushing you away lightly. "Aw, don't be mad. I'm just a little horny for you." you cooed innocently. "Y/n, you can't do that to me and get away easily, get down on your knees now!" Newt said and you obeyed. You giggled as he took out his hard cock, letting his pants slide down, pooling near his feet. "Suck it." he demanded. You looked at him through your lashes and kissed his tip, licking the pre-cum that was dripping. You slid your tongue down his length, making him throw his head back in pleasure. "Ugh, I shucking love your pretty little mouth."he groaned.

You took his length deep in your mouth and he held you by the hair, sliding in and out of your mouth, gagging you mercilessly. "Fuck y/n!I'm gonna cum." his cock twitched inside you and he came down your throat. " That was soo good."he breathed heavily. You smiled, getting up on your feet and felt his fingers between your womanhood. "I'm going to make you feel good. I'm going to fuck you fast and hard." he said, lifting you and throwing you on the bed.


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