He ignores you- Newt

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Warning: Swearing ahead. Read it at your own risk.


You were roasting some mushrooms on the flame , helping Frypan to make the lunch. You kept glaring at your boyfriend ,Newt, who was talking to Alby about something serious and ignoring you since last night." Y/n, you're gonna burn the mushrooms.", Fry snaps his fingers at you." Oh, I'm sorry.", you said as you were pulled back into the reality. " Is there anything wrong my lady?", Fry chuckles. You look at him and chuckle slightly at his silliness." Everything is just peachy,my lord.", you laughed heartily. He nodded at you before going back to peeling the onion skins. You were really good friends with the keeper of the cooks since he was a kind and caring friend.

After you served all the gladers , you took your own plate full of food and sat with Newt and Gally. You scooted closer to your boyfriend and placed your soft hand on his calloused ones. "Baby, did I do something?", you questioned. He glanced down at you for a second and sighed as if he was tired of you. Without saying anything, he looked back at Gally and resumed their conversation. Gally gave you an apologetic look and you smiled at him. You looked down at your plate, not really wanting to eat anything, so, you got up and left.

In the evening, your best friend ,Thomas, came back from the maze . You didn't waste any time and ran towards him, hugging him tightly and shedding down a few tears. "Y/n, did someone hurt you?",he held your shoulders and asked sternly. "No, Newt's just ignoring me since yesterday... And the worst part is that I'm oblivious to what I have done to upset him.",you sighed. " That shuckface! I'm going to talk to that slinthead about this!", he said. " No no no no, please don't. I'll try talking to him again.", You pleaded. "Okay, but if that shuckface does anything to you, I'll be here to beat the klunk out of him.",Thomas assured."Okay, I'll meet you by the bonfire tonight.", you giggled and he sprinted towards the map room.

After preparing the meal for the bonfire , you and Fry cleaned up the kitchen and headed out to enjoy with the others. You saw Newt giggling with his friends and singing out loud near the fire. He was drinking Gally's secret recipe. Why does he have to look so adorable? You smiled and walked towards the group of boys. You snaked your arms around your boyfriend's torso and hugged him from behind. He looked over his shoulders and detached you , pushing you away lightly. "Um..., Can I borrow him for a moment boys?",you asked. "Ofcourse lovebirds.", Minho giggled and made annoying kissing faces at you and Newt. You dragged Newt away from the rest of them and sat behind a log of wood that was facing the maze walls.

" Baby, have I done something wrong? Can we please atleast talk about it?", you pleaded and put your arm on his thigh. " There is nothing to talk about, just leave me alone.", he sighed and sipped Gally's recipe. "Just ple-", you began but he never let you finish. " I said just leave me alone. ", he glared . He was never so rude to you. You got up and left him, you never wanted to ruin his night , atleast not the best night in the glade when everyone just forget about their worries and enjoy. You spent the rest of the night with Thomas and Chuck, laughing and giggling at the others who were drunk and passed out. You carried a drunk Thomas back to his hammock and pulled the sheets over his body, covering him from the cold and chilly night wind." Y/n, you're the best.", Thomas slurred. You giggled and placed a kiss on his forehead before he drifted into deep sleep.

You climbed up the stairs on the second floor of the homesteads and dragged yourself back to yours and Newt's shared room. You almost plopped down on the bed when you heard the room door open and Newt stepped in. He looked half - drunk and tired. " Let me help you . ", you quickly got up and took the empty jar from his hands and pulled him towards the bed. " Get your hands off me and stay away from me .", he pushed you away violently. " Newt, let's just get you to bed.", you caressed his back." JUST GET OUT OF MY ROOM AND STOP BEING SO CLINGY. YOU'RE MAKING ME SICK,Y/N.",he yelled. You flinched and tears welled up in your eyes."Newt what is wrong with you? What did I ever do to upset you so much?", you tried to speak calmly but all of it only came out as a whisper." I SAID JUST GET OUT. DON'T MAKE ME PUSH YOU OUT OF HERE . I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR BLOODY FACE.", Newt snapped at you.

You flinched again and ran away out of the room and towards the deadheads. You sat below a huge tree and bawled your eyes out for the rest of the night till sleep and exhaustion overcame your mind and body. The next morning, you woke up early to go check on Thomas and Minho since they were going to go to the maze soon. " Good morning ,both of you.", you smiled. " Morning y/n , why do you look like you were chased by the shucking grievers last night?", Thomas laughed. " I guess I'm just a bit exhausted. ",You sighed. " No seriously y/n, is everything okay between you and Newt.", he asked. " Yes, everything's fine . It's time for you to leave, be safe. Don't get yourself killed.", you smiled. He hugged you and giggled before sprinting into the maze with Minho.

Three days later:

Your head was throbbing with pain and your body was completely weak because you refused to eat anything. You slept outside in the deadheads and avoided talking with anyone. You stopped seeing Newt, not that he cared to check on you. Basically, you were a complete mess. You took the vegetable basket and walked towards the gardens to get some fresh tomatoes from Zart. " Hey, you don't look fine y/n. Is everything alright?", Zart gave you a concerning look. " I'm fine, just tired.", You lied and walked away with the tomatoes. Your vision blurred as a few tears welled up in your eyes and you tripped over something, falling face first on the ground. You winced as you sat up, looking at your palms which had cuts on them. " Love, are you okay? Let me take you to the medjack's hut.", You heard the familiar sweet voice .

Newt pulled you up by your waist and turned you so you faced him. He was shocked when he looked at your week ,tear- stained face. "D-did I do this to you ?", he tried to caress your cheeks but you flinched and moved away from him. " Love, don't be scared of me.", his eyes filled with tears. You wiped away your tears with the back of your bloodied hands and sprinted away to the deadheads. You sat behind a broad bark and rested your throbbing head on it. "I know you're here ,Newt. ", you said as you felt someone looking at you. He immediately crouched beside you and placed his fingers below your chin, making you look at him.

" Love, I'm sorry. I was being a complete slinthead. I never meant what I said that night and I shucking love you .Please don't cry because of me.", he said. "I- I don't know what to say, Newt.",you suppressed a sob. He immediately sat beside you and pulled your petite figure towards his chest. Being this close to him and resting your head on his chest always made you feel better. " Being stuck in here puts me in a lot of stress . I don't want to be stuck here, especially with you ,love. I want to take you out of here, I want to be with you in a place that we can call our home, real home and I want to be your soulmate and marry you and have kids. All I can see is my dreams being crushed as days pass and we don't find a way out of this hell.", Newt sighed. You looked up at him and see tears streaming down his face.

" Newt, you are already my soulmate. I can't imagine my life without you in it. Don't loose hope, we're going to make it out of here , together. I love you.",you kissed him on the cheeks and wiped away his tears. "I'm sure we will, love. I'm really sorry for being rude to you. Now, let's go bandage your palms and I'll get you something to eat. You really look weak and I don't want to see my princess like that. I love you too, y/n. ",he kissed you on the lips and lifted you bridal style, carrying you back to your shared room.

A/n: Please don't forget to vote.❤️

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