Thunderstorms- Thomas S

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Third person's POV:

The wind hummed against the windows and the raindrops trickled down the transparent glass as she sat near the window pane, holding a phone close to her ear. She seemed to be drowning in fear and panic as she kept dialing his number again and again. "Hello?," she said nervously. "Love, I'm sorry for being late. I'll be back home in sometime, I'm stuck in traffic,"he said assuring her because he knew that she hated these days, days when the sun hid behind the dark clouds , completely consuming her dear soul in fear and darkness." Please be back soon," she said and he hung up.

An hour later:

Third person's POV:

She sat on the couch with her knees closer to her chest , drinking a cup of coffee and thinking deeply about something. The door bell rung, echoing through the empty flat and snapped her out of her thoughts as she rushed to open it. Her man stood right there, in front of her, opening his arms for her. She smiled gently and went in his arms ,for she always felt safe there. "Hello,love," he mumbled and caressed her back, embracing her closer to his tall and slender frame. "Hi, Tommey," she giggled gleefully and he took her back to the living room of their flat. They sat down on the couch, closer to each other and he kissed her gently on the forehead. She loved him, his eyes, his soft hair, his fresh scent and also the way he loved her. "I missed you," she said and a solitary tear trickled down her cheek.

" Hey, I know you are scared of the thunderstorms... I'm really sorry for being late,love, but I'm here now and you are safe with me,"he said, wiping the stray tear away from her cheek. " You should go get freshen up, I'll make some hot chocolate for us," she said and he nodded. "I'll be right back,y/n," he said and went to their shared room. She quickly made some delicious hot chocolate for him and went in their room. He got changed into his joggers and took her to the bed. He pulled the sheets over her carefully and laid down beside her. He pulled her closer to his chest, played with her soft, curly hair and hummed a soothing tune.

"I'm so happy that you are always there when I need you," she mumbled quietly as she drew light patterns on his bare chest. "I'll do anything to protect you, princess,"he looked outside the window as he ran his hand through her hair and lolled her to sleep. The storm was raging outside and the lightening cracked open the night sky, illuminating it as if it was daytime. The thunder made a loud roaring sound and she shrunk with fear in her sleep. He quickly caressed her back and then she relaxed , knowing that Thomas was right beside her. He smiled and turned off the night lamp as he slept with her in his arms. Sometimes all you need is the person whom you love the most right by your side to make everything seem perfect.

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