The happy drunk(smut)- Newt

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Warning: Smut ahead. Read it at your own risk.

" You're not allowed to drink much and you'll stay near me all the time. You're the only girl here, it's my responsibility to protect you and I don't want these slintheads messing around with you.", your overprotective best friend Newt said as he took you to the bonfire. " What if I want to get wasted?", you asked challenging him. " I'm not going to let you.", he shrugged. " Oh come on Newtie, just one night, pweaseee?", you made a puppy face."Nope.", he said, popping the 'p'. "Ugh, you're no fun.", you said in an annoyed tone as he took a jar of Gally's recipe for himself and sat with you near a log of wood.

"Newt? ",you mumbled and rested your head on his shoulder."Yes, love?", he said as he sipped his drink. " Can I really not have some of that?", you pointed towards his drink. He giggled and passed you the jar,"Just a few sips." You scooted closer to him, stealing his warmth as you shivered from the cold breeze . "Hey ,Newt. Alby wants to talk to you, he's waiting for you in the homesteads.", You both heard Zart from behind you. " Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes.", Newt replied and Zart walked away. "Love, don't go anywhere, I'll be back in sometime.", Newt kissed you on your cheek and you blushed," Yeah, sure."

You were completely zoned out when someone tapped on your shoulder. "Hey, y/n. You okay?", Thomas asked. "Mhm, I'm fine.", you smiled at him. " I know you're pretty bored , wanna have some fun?",he smirked and held out his hand for you to grab. " Hell yeah.", you giggled and grabbed his hand. He pulled you up and took you to Gally who gave you a jar of his drink. You thought about Newt for a second but then pushed it away and chugged down the drink. " Come on, let's dance.", Thomas dragged you to where the other gladers were dancing. You danced with him and chugged two more jars of Gally's drink. You were completely drunk and were dancing with Thomas. His hands snaked around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You put your hands behind his neck and rested your forehead on his chest. " Why do I feel uneasy?", You mumbled to yourself and took off your shirt, discarding it in the bonfire.

" Woah, didn't see that coming.", Thomas smirked as he eyed you . You were now in your lacy black bra, your back towards Thomas's chest as you threw your arms behind his neck, pulling him closer. He gripped his hands on your bare waist and you heard the other boys hooting and some looking disappointed. " Why does he get to have all the fun?", you heard Minho yell from a distance as he glared at Thomas. Thomas smirked and whispered in your ear," You are gorgeous,y/n." You turned to face him but someone pulled him away from you." Get your hands off her , Tommy.",Newt said furiously. Thomas held up his hands in surrender and walked away.

Newt turned to look at you , his eyes filled with anger, "I thought I made everything clear to you, y/n." He took off his sweatshirt and put it on you, covering your exposed body. "I'm taking you back to your bloody room.", he said as he tried to pull you towards the homesteads. "N-no, I'm not going.", you giggled and pulled your hand out of his grip. " I'm not going to repeat myself.", he said sternly. " Goodbye ,Newt.", you slurred as you ran away from him , giggling. "What are you,five?", Newt scoffed as he tried to catch you. You ran around the bonfire and inside the kitchen. You made your way to the dining area and got trapped when you realised that there was only one exit." You can't escape anymore.",Newt smirked.

" Oops, I really can't. But I think you're pretty annoyi... woah...", You gripped a chair as your vision blurred and you almost lost your balance. "Hey, let's get you back to bed.", Newt quickly gripped your waist and lifted you up , bridal style. " Nuh, n-no, no, you're not annoying. I -I love you .", you mumbled in his chest and he giggled at your childish nature. "I love you too,y/n.",he kissed your forehead as he carried you to your room and placed you on the bed. He took off your boots and pulled the sheets over you. Before he could leave, you gripped him by the shoulders and pulled him towards you. " What are you doing, love?", Newt asked. "Shh, don't speak.", you put your finger on his lips. " I like your lips, they're so soft and kissable. I mean, can I kiss you?", you asked innocently.

Newt gazed at you for a few seconds, his eyes visibly darkened with lust and he quickly pulled you up and pinned you on the wall. He smashed his lips on yours and you let out a loud moan. His hands gripped your waist tightly, sending sparks of electricity up your spine. You kept kissing for another minute and then you pulled away for breath. "That was amazing.", you mumbled. He attacked his lips on your neck, biting and nibbling on your soft skin, definitely leaving a purple hickey there. He kept his hands on you and laid you down on the bed. He crawled on top of you, pulling his hoodie off of you and leaving sloppy kisses on your breasts. " I wanted to do this from a very long time, love.", Newt said and you blushed deep crimson. He took off his tank top and you placed your hands on his chest, admiring him before you leaned in for another kiss.

He gripped your thigh tightly as he unclasped your bra. " You're more beautiful than I imagined. You have no idea how I'm going to make you feel tonight.", he said before holding your breasts and massaging them lightly. " Mmhh, N-newt , you're so good at this.", you moaned . What he did next , startled you completely. Lust completely took over his mind and he suddenly became very wild and rough. He took off your shorts and panties, leaving your pussy fully exposed to him. He spread your thighs wide apart and slid two fingers inside you, never taking his eyes off you. You moaned loudly and threw your head back in pleasure as he kept moving his fingers at a faster pace and lapped his tongue against your clit. "Oh Newt, don't stop, I'm close.", you groaned." Cum for me princess.",Newt said in a raspy voice. You were drowned in pleasure as you reached your orgasm.

He licked you clean and stood up from the bed, taking his pants off. He pulled down his boxers and his hard cock slapped on his stomach. "On your knees, now.", he demanded in a dark tone and you kneeled down , right in front of him. "Show me what you got ,love.", he said as he put his tip inside your mouth. You giggled and looked at him through your lashes, taking all of him inside you at once. He groaned in pleasure and gripped your hair," I'm gonna fuck you." You nodded and opened your mouth wide enough for him to go in and out of you. He kept going deep down your throat, gagging you every time as tears welled up in your eyes. "Just a little more." he said as he came in your mouth and you swallowed it all.

He lifted you up and threw you back on the bed. You got on all fours and begged for him to fuck you," Newt, please, I need you."He quickly held you hips in a death grip and slammed into you. "Aahh, your dick is so fucking huge.", you screamed. He kept fucking you deeper and rougher in doggy style and you literally kept screaming all the time. "That's it girl, keep screaming my name. Let everyone know how I make you feel.", he smirked. He held your hair in a ponytail and fucked you harder. His thrusts became sloppier as you both reached your orgasms and he came inside you. "Ugh, this is the best night I've ever had in the Glade.", Newt panted and plopped down on the bed beside you. He pulled you closer to his chest and whispered,"I love you, will you be my girlfriend?" You looked up at him and pecked him on the lips,"Yes, I love you too."

The next morning:

You went to the kitchen to get breakfast along with Newt and sat on the table with Minho and Thomas. "Good morning.",you smiled at them. "Looks like you had a brilliant night,y/n.", Thomas smirked. "Um, yeah. I think so.",you put your head down and tried to hide your red cheeks. "Oh Newt, don't stop, I'm close. Ugh Newt, I need you.", Minho mimicked your voice and your eyes widened in embarrassment. " Leave us alone will ya dumb shanks!",Newt glared at them and they got up and left for the maze. " The walls of your room are pretty thin. ",Newt said. "Or maybe we were too loud.",You said and you both burst out into a fit of laughter.

A/n: please don't forget to vote.❤️

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