Exhausted- Newt

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Warning: fluff❤️


Your Pov:

Being the second in command wasn't easy for your boyfriend, Newt. All day, the gladers would bother him and by the time it's night, he would be so exhausted that he would skip dinner and go to sleep only to repeat the same next day. He wasn't looking out for himself, his eyes were getting nasty eyebags underneath them and he was barely able to spend time with you. Tonight, you decided to help him and relieve him of all the stress. You placed the sandwiches, bacon strips, and the cookies that you got from Frypan on the little makeshift table in yours and Newt's shared room. It was past the dinner time, all the gladers were going back to their respective hammocks but Newt was still in the council room with Alby. "Alby? I need to talk to you about something important." you interrupted their conversation.

"Just give us a minute." he said. You waited for them to come out of the council room but instead, Alby called you inside. " What do you want to talk about? Is someone bothering you?" Alby asked. He was always a little protective over you. "What's wrong ,love?" Newt frowned. "I need you to wait outside." you sighed. "But I -" Newt tried to say something but Alby cut him off. " It's alright Newt, go outside." Rubbing his temples, Newt went out and shut the door, leaving you and Alby in complete silence. " I just wanted to say that Newt needs a break. Handling the entire glade ain't easy for his skinny little arse. Could you please, give him a day off?" you pleaded. "You're right, I need my second in command in good shape. Take care of that slinthead. He can take a day off tomorrow." Alby smiled. "Thanks ,Alby!" you giggled and ran out of the council hall to find Newt.

He was leaning on the bark of a tree nearby, his eyes were focused on the ground, his arms were crossed on his chest, he looked deep in thought. Can't he stop thinking for some buggin' time! You thought. You surprised him with a kiss on his lips and he melted into the kiss, his arms snaked around your waist. "What are you thinking about?" you asked him when you pulled away. "Nothing, love." he smiled, but he looked tired. "Go take a shower and come to our room." you told him. "What did you tell Alby?" he asked, ignoring your command. "Baby, you'll find out tomorrow. Now get your curious arse in the shower." you said, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Alright,love. Can I atleast hug you for sometime?" he asked. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his torso, his warmth immediately comforted you.

A few minutes passed in silence, the only thing you heard was his hot breath fanning your neck. "Newt? Are you sleeping?" you giggled. "Yeah, I love your scent. But I've to go take a shower." he mumbled. He pulled away from your embrace and pecked your lips once before walking towards the shower room sleepily. You went back to the room and made the small bed which was pretty comfortable as compared to the hammocks. Newt came back in the room with a towel wrapped around his torso, his chest was bare and droplets of water dripped from his wet, dirty blonde hair. Shit! This shank is really hot. How did I get him as my boyfriend? Holy grievers, I'm drooling... " Like what you see, love?" Newt snapped you out of your thoughts with a seductive smirk plastered on his attractive face."I love what I'm seeing." you said with a glint of lust in your eyes. "Come here, love." he opened his arms. You wasted no time in slipping your hand in his hair and smashing your lips on his, biting them hungrily.

He kissed you back with pure hunger and lust but you stopped him. "Not now. You need to have dinner." you said. " I'm not going to get anything to eat at 12 midnight." he sighed. You dragged him to the bed and made him sit. "I saved you some food." you smiled at him. You took a towel from your little shelf and wiped his hair, he easily caught cold when he slept with wet hair. " You're the best, I love you " he said before grabbing a sandwich and taking a huge bite. "I love you too." you giggled. "Let me give you a massage." you said. He sipped some water and then he placed his head on your lap, closing his eyes.You rubbed and kneaded his shoulders for a few minutes and he relaxed his tense muscles. "You're so good at this." he smiled. After a while, he slept with you in his arms. Your head was rested against his chest, his breathing was even. You hummed a tune and made him sleep easily, making him forget all of his troubles.

Time skip to next morning:

Newt's Pov:

I woke up around six in the morning. I was feeling great but I definitely needed some more rest. But I can't, I have to go, I've got work to do. Y/n was still sleeping, her head was on my chest, her hair were messy, I couldn't see her face. I didn't wanted to wake her up this early so I made very little movement, making her stir in her sleep. "Don't go, Newtie." she mumbled adorably. "I thought you were sleeping." I said, moving her hair out of her beautiful face. "I'm not. I was waiting for you to wake up." she said, placing her chin on my chest to look up at me. "Didn't you get enough sl-" I tried saying. "Shh, you were in a nice, deep sleep. Now go back to sleep." She said with a stern look on her face. "No,I have to go." I sighed.

" Nah, I told Alby to give you a day off. " she said. "Really? That's what you were talking about yesterday?" I asked. "Mhm..." she mumbled. I didn't realize that I really needed a buggin' day off until now. She's the best, I'm gonna marry her. I pulled her closer and kissed her cheeks, her soft lips , her forehead, her nose, oh I could keep kissing her all day. " What is it ,Newt?" she giggled. " You're the best girlfriend ever!" I smiled. " I know you needed this." she said. " Okay then! We can go spend sometime alone in the deadheads in the evening." I said. " You're the best boyfriend too." she squealed and we made out for what felt like eternity.


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