Arianna's Return - Prologue

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Charles looked up from the sweet face of his daughter when the screaming began. They were heart-wrenching screams of those who needed help but would never get it. His heart tore at the fact he was powerless to save his people. It was the first time in his one-hundred-and-fifty-year reign that he felt such a way. He knew his and Anne's time on this plane was about to be up. The man moved from his place next to his wife and newborn daughter to recommence pacing. He watched as she cuddled and cooed the little girl in her arms as tears slipped down her cheeks. The warm smile that was on her lips, the light in her eyes, and the soft glow of her face reminded him why he fell in love with her. The vision in front of him was quickly overshadowed by the fact that his brother Lucas was almost there. Time was running out and Charles knew it. He quickly walked to the window and stared out over the snow-covered courtyard. It glistened in the moonlight like millions of little diamonds. Winter had always been his favorite time of year.

The sight beyond the castle walls though was another story. The homes and shops were burning quickly, and the dying screams of his people drifted toward the castle. Taking a deep breath, Charles knew that his time was about up. As was his beautiful Anne's. The child though, no, she would not suffer their fate. They would sacrifice themselves, so she may return one day, reclaim the throne, and take her rightful place as queen. The battle would be bloody, but it would now be her destiny. The pounding on the drawbridge distracted him from his thoughts. He turned his attention to the front of the courtyard and watched in horror as the bridge was wrenched free of his holding and fell uncontrollably. A group of men rushed through straight for the castle doors. Lucas was already here. Charles began to panic. He thought he'd have more time.

"Anne, it has to be now. He's coming down the hallway. We need to let Sarah take her," the king pleaded with his queen.

"I know, Charles. Just give me a moment with her. I've been waiting so long to see her beautiful face," Anne said as she held the small infant close to her, more tears sliding down her delicate pink cheeks. The baby opened her bright blue eyes and gazed at her parents. She would be too young to remember anything.

"She's going to be fine, Anne. I promise. Once she's older she will return and regain her rightful place as queen," the king began to pace the room again, "but for now we need to get her to safety, otherwise..." He let his voice trail off, not wanting to think about it.

A woman stood, silently, near a bookcase. A hooded cloak pulled over her eyes and a large basket in her hands. She stepped forward, toward the queen and princess.

"Alright Sarah, I'm ready. Please be sure to keep her covered. It's cold outside and I do not want her to get sick," Queen Anne said as she tucked the small child into the basket.

"Yes ma'am," Sarah replied pulling the hood up and hugging her beloved queen.

"I want to thank you for your loyalty to us. It has meant more than you can imagine. Once you leave, do not return. Run as far from here as you can go," Anne said, her eyes red and glassy from the many tears she had shed that dreadful day.

Anne unclasped a silver necklace from about her neck. The intertwined strands of silver enclosed a luminescent pearl. She pushed it into Sarah's hands. Sarah choked back tears as well. She slipped into the small passage hidden behind the bookcase cradling the small basket that carried the only hope for Coresova. The king and queen stood there, holding onto each other and weeping silently. She knew neither she nor their infant daughter would ever see them alive again. Sarah pushed the secret door shut, save for a small sliver of a crack so she could see. She clasped her hand over her mouth when she heard the rough male voice. She knew it was him. He strode into eyesight, approaching King Charles and Queen Anne.

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