Chapter 1 - Day by Day.

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Jessica had arrived home after school, and it was like any other day. Asking the lunch lady to let her slide on the many missed payments, eating in the teachers lounge by herself, getting bullied for constantly wearing the same outfits, and other things that got under her skin.

But this time, she'd have off a whole years worth of school. Now she wouldn't have to be bothered by anyone or anybody.

Jessica got home, and her mother wasn't there. She walked into the kitchen and seen some crackers on the counter, and cheese in the fridge. She was used to eating this everyday, which is what she was used to eating for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The only full meals she would get, were the ones that were being served to her in school. Which is why she was so skinny. She went into her room and cut on her tv to watch channel 2. She only had basic cable, and a small tv in her room. But since this is what she was used to, this is what she enjoyed.

Her mom got there when it was getting dark, and she walked into her room. She had on a fancy red dress, red lipstick, red heels, and red nails. Her mother was a white woman in her 40's, who had her out of wedlock. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, and her skin was a little wrinkly from her aging. She had a box in her hand, as she handed it to her. When she opened it, it was steak, potatoes, and shrimp. Not seeing this type of food often, she was extremely happy. This food was like a gift to her.

"Surprise surprise!" Her mother smiled as she watched her open the box.

"Oh my gosh mom. Thanks!" Jessica cheered as she set the box on her bed. "What are you so dressed up for?"

"Momma's got a new man tonight." Her mother said wiggling her hips.

"Again?" Jessica moaned. Her mother was obviously a wild woman. She'd heard that phrase so many times in the past, that each time she said it, she found it more and more annoying. What she didn't like, was her mom having sex with all of the men that she brought back. And it was usually between 1 or 2 days.

"Yeah. But this one might be the one." Her mother whispered. "He's the one who brought me that steak. He has money!"

"What about that 60 year old looking man that tried to rape me?" Jessica cried. "You'd think that that was a lesson to keep all of these random men out of our house."

"I won't let that happen again, Jessie." She responded in an unconvincing tone. "Now me and Joe are about to go out clubbing! I'll be back later alright?"


"I love you." Her mother said giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Goodbye!"

After she got done eating on what could possibly be her last expensive meal, Jessica laid down and took a nap. When she woke up, she looked outside of her window to see if her mother was home. She seen a black escalade, which was the rich man's car that she brought home. She went downstairs and got some more crackers and cheese, and ate in the kitchen alone. It was moments like these where having no friends to talk to her, really got to her.

But while she was eating on the counter, she noticed something strange on the mans keys. Jessica picked them up, and seen a picture of Joe standing with a woman, and four kids. 2 older girls, and two younger boys. Then when she looked at the other 5 pictures, it was each of them by themselves. This angered Jessica, and her mother just so happen to be walking downstairs.

"What'chu doing, Jessie?" Her mom said grabbing a wine bottle.

"This man has children, mom!" Jessica shouted as she stood up, and showed her his keychains. "Look! He's standing with his wife and children."

"What?" Her mother said looking at the pictures in shock. "But...he never...he never told me about this."

"They're probably at home waiting for him to get back." Jessica snapped. "You should go confront him about it!"

Her mother gave Jessica an angry glare, then made her way up the stairs to confront the man. Jessica smiled at her mother as she turned around, and continued to eat her crackers and cheese. She was happy that her mother was finally realizing how much these men aren't worth her time.

Jessica heard yelling, and blew it off. But 3 minutes later, she heard rumbling and wrestling from upstairs. She dropped everything, and ran up the stairs to see what was going on. She seen Joe holding her by her wrists, as they both glanced at Jessica.

"Go into your room, little brat!" Joe growled angrily.

"It's okay Jessica!" Her mother lied as she looked at her in a worried way. "Just go to your room. I'll be there in a second!"

"Is he hurting you?" Jessica asked in an angry tone.

"You heard her! Go to your room!"

"Get off of my mother!" She shouted as she grabbed the man's arms, and yanked them around. Suddenly, Joe struck her extremely hard in the face, causing her to fly onto the ground and fall unconsious.

"You bastard!!" Jessica's mom yelled as she began to punch and wail around her arms towards him. "You hurt my daughter. You're gonna pay for this! I swear you are!"

Joe grabbed her mom by her blonde shoulder length hair, and threw her onto the bed. She scrambled around as she pinned her down, put both of his hands around her neck, and began to choke her. Jessica slowly woke up, and seen the man choking her out.

"Stop it!" Jessica screamed as she watched her mom slip into unconsiousness. "You're gonna kill her!"

"Shut up!" Joe yelled as he pushed Jessica down with one hand, causing her to fall onto the ground again. She looked under the bed, and seen her moms pistol laying under it. She quickly grabbed it, and shot him in the back twice.

Joe bobbed around a little bit, before falling over to the side, and onto the floor. She dropped the gun and ran over to her mother, and seen that her face was slight blue. She gave her CPR, and her mother jolted up and took a few loud breathers. She looked around in a dazed state, because she was confused about what was going on.

"What...what happened?" She said, still a little lost.

"I shot him because he was trying to kill you!" Jessica shouted. Her mom gave her an odd look, as she leaned over and seen Joe, not moving, and bloodied all on the floor.

"Oh my goodness! Oh my god!" Her mother screamed as she stood up, and looked at him with a full look of fear. She had never seen a dead body before, so this was new for her.

"Mom call the police!" Jessica said loudly as she looked at her. "Just call them and tell them what happened!"

Jessica's mom ran into the other room, and called the police while Jessica wiped up some of the blood splatter on the mini dresser. Out of nowhere, she felt somebody grab her sleeve. It was Joe.

"Oh my god!" Jessica screamed violently as she looked at him.

"Don't......tell.......Justine..." Joe said, before nodding off to the side, and dying from his gunshot wounds.

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