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A/N: Remember this story won't always go along with the original HP storyline.

After what Malfoy did school life hasn't been too easy between the constant rumors being created and the constant staring...but I had the twins, Harry, and Ron.

I avoided my own house in the great hall, often sitting with the Gryffindor table whenever we went to eat. I ate with them, did my homework with them, spend every second with them and only went to my common room to sleep.

I avoided Draco like if he were Dragon Pox. Parts of me wanted to just run away from him but other parts wanted to make him suffer...make him regret what he did.

I could send a letter home saying he's insulted me and our family name and his family status could be ruined, but I disliked asking my parents for anything. It's not like they'd listen to me. They'd just be more offended about our name then about him insulting me.

Over the time of sitting with Gryffindor. I developed a closer relationship with some of them. I spoke to Hermione quite a lot since it seemed she had more common sense than Harry and Ron some times.

Neville although forgetful and it was questionable why he was placed in Gryffindor in the first place, was generous and thoughtful.

My relationship with Ron and Harry increased, watching Harry and the twins practice Qudditch with Ron was always fun.

Ron and I spent some time together in between waiting for them to change in and out of their quidditch uniforms. Getting to know him more and how he felt being the sixth child in such a big family. He was truly a good friend.

My relationship with the twins... that itself is something that I don't think I could find with anyone else. They're funny, great, irritable at time, but they were protective.

Especially Fred. He's been by my side the whole time. He's the closest one Ive got because of that. He calls people out when he hears them whispering about me and defends me.

When Harry and Ron are rushing to get their work done because they waiting till the last day I spend the day with Fred and George running around Hogwarts.

"I don't get why you two forget to do your work, it's due tomorrow, and the day is almost over" I said.

"You could have helped us!" Ron said.

"A little help would have been great," Harry said.

"How will you learn without me," I said shaking my head.

"We won't be without you then," Ron said.

I put my hand to my face as I shook my head.

"Plus I reckon you're only doing your work for the house points," Harry said.

"Its been working so far, plus I've got to beat the twins one way or another," I said.

"Plus watching you guys do your work so late is stressing enough" I said.

"It's not like you're the one having to do work when we do it late! You're always running off with Fred," Ron said teasing.

"And George," I said nervously.

"But you want to be with Fred most of all right," Harry said laughing.

"What, no," I said looking away.

"Oh come on, my friend and my brother?! Really!?" Ron said.

"There's so many other guys in this school," Ron whined.

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