Harry's Pov

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"It was my dad Hermione! I saw my dad," I said.


We were by the whomping willow tree after Ron's rat had run off near it.

"RON RUN, GET AWAT FROM THE TREE," I said. "Hermione, Harry Run, It's the Grim!"

We all ran towards each other to stick together as Ron starts talking, "Its a trap, he's an animagus,"

"If you want to kill Harry, you have to kill us too!" Hermione said. "No only one will die tonight," Sirius said. "It'll be you," I said.

"You're gonna kill me, Harry," Sirius said. "Expelliarmus," Lupin yelled out. He hugged Sirius as they talked.

"It's him, let's kill him," Sirius said. "NO! I trusted you and you've been his friend this entire time," Hermione yelled. "He's a werewolf, that's why he's been missing class," Hermione said looking at Harry and Ron.

"You really are the brightest witch of your age," Lupin said. "Enough talking, let's kill him," Sirius said. Lupin motioned him to wait and Sirius yelled," I have waited, 12 years of waiting in Azkaban."

"Harry has the right to know first," Lupin said. "You betrayed my parents, You're the reason they're dead!!," I yelled.

"Harry it wasn't him, someone did betray your parents, somebody who we assumed was dead," Lupin said. "Who was it then," I asked.

"Petter Pettigrew, He's in the room right now," Sirius said pointing Ron's way. Ron was about to talk when Professor Snape came in.

"Expelliarmus! Vengence sure is sweet," Snape said. "I told Dumbledore you were helping a friend into the castle, and now here's the proof," Snape said.

"Brilliant, you've jumped to the wrong conclusion, Now if you excuse us Remus and I have a business to attend to," Sirius said. They went on and argued but I couldn't take it anymore I had to find out the truth.

"Expelliarmus!" I yelled pointing my wand at Snape. "HARRY," "YOU ATTACKED A TEACHER," both Ron and Hermione yelled in the back.

"Tell me about Peter," I yelled. Sirius started explaining but I didn't believe him, "Pettigrew's dead, You killed him," I yelled.

"Let me show you," Sirius said looking over to Ron again. "What, no!" Ron yelled. "Give him scabbers Ron," I yelled, Sirius made his way for the rat as Ron yelled to stay away.

All of a sudden Scabbers was no longer a rat. "Remus, Sirius, My old friends, Oh and Harry you look just like your father," Pettigrew said.

"How dare you speak to Harry! How dare you talk about James in front of him!" Sirius yelled. "You sold out his parents to the dark lord," Lupin said.

"I didn't mean to, the dark lord, you have no idea the weapons he possesses! Think about what you would have done" Pettigrew said.

"I would have died, rather than betray my friends!" Sirius said. I believed what Sirius and Lupin had said, Pettigrew was the one who betrayed my parents.

"We're taking him to the castle," I said. "Bless you, boy!" Pettigrew started saying.

"After that, the dementors can take care of you," I hissed. "Sorry about that bite," Sirius told Ron. "You almost tore my leg off!" Ron cried. Everything that just happened completely made me forget about Ron being attacked by Sirius. "I was going for the rat," Sirius said.

"I'm sure Madam Pomfrey will fix it in a heartbeat," Hermione said. We exited the Shrieking Shack and started making our way to Hogwarts.

Sirius pulled me aside to talk. "That was a noble thing you did back there, He doesn't deserve it," He said.

"I don't think my dad would have wanted his best friends to become killers, besides if he's dead, the truth dies with him, if he's alive you're a free man," I said.

I heard Pettigrew try to convince Ron to not let him near the Dementors then try to talk to Hermione but Ron shut that down real quick.

"I don't know if you know, Harry... but when you were born your parents made me your godfather, I get if you would want to stay with your aunt and uncle but if you ever wanted a different home..."Sirius said.

I was about to answer as Remus started acting weirdly, "Remus my friend, did you take your potion tonight," Sirius said. After a bit Remus changed to his wolf state, Sirius tried controlling him but failed.

"There you are Potter," Snape said coming toward us, He heard Remus making him turn around shielding all of us.

I watched as Sirius attacked Remus in his wolf state but Remus pushed him away. Remus was going to attack but he heard wolf calls and headed to them. I ran to Sirius and we ended up by the lake, The dementors started coming towards us, I tried to fight them off as long as I could but they were taking both of our souls slowly.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!!" I heard coming from the other side of the lake.

I woke up in the hospital, no longer with Sirius. "I saw my dad," I told Hermione who was sitting next to me.

"They've captured Sirius, in any minute the dementors are gonna perform the Kiss, They're going to suck out his soul," she said to me.

Dumbledore walked in and I went on to explain Sirius was innocent, and how it was Scabbers and how he was actually Pettigrew.

He believed us but it was our word against everyone else's. He indirectly told us to go back in time and more than one life would have been saved.

Since Ron was injured, only Hermione and I went, We saved Buckbeaks life and then went on to save my godfathers.

We were back at the lake, I was waiting for my father to show up and save us again but he wasn't coming. I went and shouted the spell to save my own life and my godfathers.

We went back to the original timeline after sending Sirius away with Buckbeak.

"You were right Hermione, it wasn't my dad, it was me!" I smiled proudly.

We ran back into the hospital to see both Ron and y/n looking at each other confused when they saw us walk through the doors.

I ran to Lupin's office and saw him packing, I thought they had sacked him but he has resigned since parents would have not wanted a werewolf teaching their kids.

"I'm proud of everything you have learned this year Harry," he said as he walked out. I walked into the Great Hall to see people surrounding the Gryffindor table. I walked over and checked it out.

"it's a firebolt, the fastest broom in the world," Ron said. "Who sent it," I asked. They all shook their heads since they had no idea who it was but they handed me the paper that was with the broom.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good, Mischief Managed."


I'll try to post once more it might be short though I'm not sure.

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