"What is he doing?"

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There had been word that death eaters were attacking muggle places. Every time a new attack would happen all I could remember was what my mother told me.


"You stay away from my kids!" I yelled. "For now," she said.


No one had known what my mother told me that day so when one of the twins wasn't in my sight I'd panic. I was staying at the Weasleys place as I had no intention of going back home.

They would help me with the Twins and I'm sure Molly had fallen in love with them since she was the one helping me out the most.

One night as I was with Ginny having her help me with changing the twins we heard a loud noise coming from outside. I immediately panicked and grabbed ahold of the twins as we went to check what it was.

We leaned over the stairs railing and saw Harry's trunk and owl. "Harry?" I said.

"Mum when did Harry get here?" Ginny yelled. "I'd think I know if Harry was in my house," said Molly. "Did someone say Harry?" Ron asked. "Yea, is he up there with you?" Ginny asked.

"I think I'd know if my best friend was in my room, don't you think Ginny," Ron said.

Hermione walked out of the bathroom, "is that an owl I hear?" She asked.

I nodded, "it's Harry's, I guess he's walking around the house," I said.

"Really?" Hermione asked. "Really," we heard Harry say.
Ginny ran down and hugged Harry. I walked down holding the twins.

"There's my godson!" Harry said, reaching out for scorpius.

Everyone else came downstairs to greet Harry. "How did you get here?" I asked. "Dumbledore," he said.

Hermione,Ron, Harry and I all stayed downstairs as everyone left back up. He looked at Hermione, "when did  you get here?" He asked.

"A few days ago... though for a bit I didn't know if I was coming," she said.

Harry notices the glance we all give each other. "Mum sort of lost it last week... saying Ginny,y/n and I had no business going back to Hogwarts, she said it was too dangerous," Ron said.

Harry looked at us shocked, "She's not alone... even my parents... and they're muggles.. know something bad is happening," Hermione said.

"Anyways Arthur stepped in, told Molly she was being barmy, it took her a day or two to come around, she was a bit hesitant when it came to me and the twins, so I'm leaving them with her when we go back to Hogwarts," I said.

"This is Hogwarts we're talking about, Dumbledore? What could be safer?" Harry said. "Well there's been a lot of chatter, that's he's gotten old," Hermione said.

"That's rubbish! He's not that old," Harry said. "A hundred and fifty, give or take a few years," Ron said. We all stared at each other before breaking out into a laugh.

"Okay okay, we should all sleep, we get to go to Fred's and George's shop tomorrow!" I said. They all agreed and we started walking up the stairs to our rooms.

"Harry, Scorpius comes with me," I said laughing. I see a disappointed Harry make his way to me and hands me Scorpius. I walk in with the twins and place them in their cribs. "I won't let anyone hurt you little ones," I whispered.

I headed off to bed and once morning came I quickly dressed up the twins before myself. Ron came to my room for Stella and ran out. "RON WEASLEY IF YOU DON'T GET BACK HERE WITH HER, I SWEAR I'LL TEAR EVERY HAIR OUT OF YOUR SCALP!" I yelled before laughing.

I walked downstairs with Scorpius to find Ron talking to Stella. "Okay Stella we're going to go see your other uncle and your godfather, but I'm your favorite okay? Don't forget that," he said.

I laughed interrupting his conversation with my daughter. Everyone else came downstairs and we made our way to Fred and George's shop.

We entered the shop to find Fred and George shouting. "Step up step up we got Fainting Fancy, Nosebleed Nougats, and in time for school, puking pastilles!" They said.

They finally saw us and they both ran towards the twins. "Hey I was holding her," Ron said as Fred took Stella. "Twins have to stick together, plus she's my goddaughter," Fred said

Ron left defeated as I was left with the twins. "How are you doing today y/n," George asked. "I'm okay, a bit tired because of the twins but I manage," I said.

They handed me the twins as they had to go back to running the shop. I saw Ron run up to them and asked them for a price. "5 galleons," they said.

"But I'm your brother," Ron said. The twins gave each other a quick look, "ten galleons," they said. I let out a little laugh and Ron was left with his mouth open.

I walk over to Hermione and Ginny who are looking at love potions.

"They really work!" George said. "But then again why would you two need it? Fred said looking at Ginny and I. "Ginny aren't you dating Dean, y/n aren't you with Malfoy?" George asked.

"Hardly, he hasn't sent a letter to her all summer, not even to check in on the twins!" Hermione said. "Hermione shush!" I say.

I say my goodbyes as I walk out the door, followed by the rest. I look at how the rest of diagon alley looks like, broke windows and boarded up doors.

We walk pass this girl who gives Ron and flirty smile, I look at Ron as he looks oblivious. I slightly shake my head before being pulled behind a wall.

"Harry wh-" I get cut off. "Shhh, it's Malfoy," he said.
"Draco," I say as I sneak a peek around the corner of the wall.

"Is it just me or do mummy and Draco seem like two people who don't want to be followed?" Ron said.

I see them walk off. "Ginny take care of the twins, go find Molly to help you" I say as I hand them to her and leave with the trio following them.

We see Draco and his mum enter Borgin and Burkes. We ended up climbing the roof of one of the shops by the shop Draco and his mum were in, we were able to look through a window.

"What's he doing, he looks so focused on that cabinet," Ron said.

I see him in front of a cabinet, "he can worry more about this cabinet then his own bloody kids, he's a git," I say. "Shhh" Harry said as we saw a man through the window turn around to look our way, we immediately hide.

We go back to look but the window was covered. "Bloody hell," Ron said. We all go back to find Molly and Ginny.

We finally found them and head home to pack everything we need for Hogwarts as we were leaving the next day.

As I was packing I had the twins crawling on the floor. I sat on my bed for a bit and looked at the twins. "Your dad didn't even bother to check up on you two, it's like you two just died to him," I mumble to myself.

I finish packing and go to feed the twins. As I was feeding them Ron runs into my room. "BLOODY HELL RON!" I yell embarrassed since he saw my chest. "I...uh...sorry!..I...Could I-... I'll just come back later!" He said.

I put my kids to sleep and head to bed myself. Before sleeping I stared at the ceiling, "what's going on with you draco?" I asked myself before drifting to sleep.

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