Third Year

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Draco and I make our way to the train, we board our things and go to find a place to sit. Once we find a place to sit I watch as Crabbe and Goyle sit across from us.

"I'm gonna go find my friends, I'll be back," I said. Draco seemed to only hold on to me tighter but let me go when I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

I walked down to find everyone. I found the twins first and they greeted me like always, with a smile on their faces. Their hair started growing out and I messed it up as I sat in between them.

"Hey watch it y/n, we'll get you back," they said laughing as I continued to mess with their hair. "How was your summer y/n?" George asked.

"It was good, I spent it at the Malfoy manor again, my parents insisted," I said. They already looked shocked but I continue, "Also... Draco and I started dating, He asked me out on our birthday and I said yes."

I look back at Fred and see the hurt in his eyes, He puts up a fake smile and looks back down, "Congratulations y/n, I know you liked him for a while now, Hope things go well." I heard George say. I nodded, "I'm going to go look for the trio," I said. George nodded and I walked out.

As I was making my way to look for the trio I felt someone grab my arm. I look over to see Fred.

"Fred?" I say, he drags me into the restroom. I get pulled into a hug, "I still like you y/n, I know you're with Malfoy, I knew this day would come, but if he breaks your heart like lovers do, just know that I'll be waiting here for you," He said with his voice cracking. I hugged back as I knew he needed it right now. After a while, he left and I stayed in the restroom.

I walked out after Fred left. I continued to look for the trio and after a while I finally found them. As soon as I sat down with them the room got cold. I looked over to all of them and they were all as confused as I was.

We watched as the glass started to be covered with ice until finally, a dark shadow-like figure made its way into the compartment we were in. It stared right at me as I felt all the happiness within me disappear. All I remember seeing is the dark figure turning to Harry before everything went black.

(Draco's Pov)

The room started to feel cold as the train stopped. I looked outside to see what was going on when I see a dark figure in the middle of the walkway. I go back inside the compartment, then think of y/n. She was still outside, I started to worry and walked back out when the dark figure disappeared.

"Y/N!! Y/N!!" I yelled. I saw her with the trio and went towards them. She was unconscious when I went to hold her.

"What did you do to her!?," I hissed at them. They shook their heads and I noticed she was waking up. "Love are you okay," I whispered in her ear.

"I'm okay, I feel lightheaded though," she said.

(Y/n's Pov)

I woke up to see Draco holding me. He asked me if I was okay and I reassured him I was.

"I'm okay, I feel lightheaded though," I said. There was a Professor in the compartment, He handed me a piece of chocolate and told me it would make me feel better. I accepted it as Draco helped me up and walked me back to the compartment Crabbe and Goyle were in.

Once we walked in we weren't the only ones there. Pansy had joined in. "You look horrible y/n, don't tell me you fainted," she said laughing. I glared at her and was about to tell her off when Draco cut me off.

"Shut the hell up Pansy, who even let you sit here, get out," He said. "Dracy how could you speak to me like that, she's turning you against me, she's nothing but a slut," Pansy said back.

"I'm warning you, Pansy, shut the hell up, Don't you ever dare talk about my girlfriend like that," he hissed at Pansy. She looked over at me and ran out.

I looked at Draco and smile as he sat us down. I put my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I drifted to sleep for the rest of the train ride.

I got woken up as we got to Hogwarts.

"Love, wake up, we're here," Draco said. We got off the train and went on our way to the Great Hall. Draco had his arm around me the entire time and when we got stares he would pull me in closer and start to smirk. I sat with Draco as we watched the new first years get sorted.

Once it was over Dumbledore started to talk.

"Welcome to a new year! I would like to introduce the new Defense Against the Dark arts teacher, Professor R.J Lupin. Our care of magical creatures has retired but our very own Rubeus Hagrid has taken over. Finally, due to the request of the ministry of magic, Hogwarts will play host for the Dementors of Azkaban, until Sirius Black is captured."

Food appeared as we were now allowed to eat. I was deep in thought as to how the Dementors were now going to be at school, I was terrified.

Draco seemed to noticed and held my hand under the table. He leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"Don't worry love, I won't let anyone hurt you."

I nodded and gave a weak smile but I was still terrified as to what the Dementors could do. Draco put food on my plate and told me to eat since I still wasn't eating.

"I'm not that hungry," I said. He looked at me upset, "Please love, you have to eat, at least a bit but you have to eat something," he said.

I nodded and started to eat, I didn't want to worry him. He smiled at me and put his arm around my waist as he started to eat as well. —————————————————————————
I'm trying to update as much as possible. Keep voting and sharing!

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