Summer with the Weasley Family

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It took a bit of time adjusting to the craziness of the Weasley family, not that it's bad but I just wasn't used to being around so many people all the time.

Fred and George would always play pranks on everyone else. Once I planned a prank with them on Molly.


"Guy's we can place a frog in the jar, so when she wakes up and makes breakfast it jumps out on her!" I said. They laughed and nodded, we slowly made our way into the kitchen and put the frog into the jar.

In the morning we woke up to a scream. Both George and Fred made their way into the room I was staying in, "Y/n, did you hear mum?!" They said laughing. We all ran down and Molly came out of the kitchen.

"FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY HOW CO-," I cut her off, "No no Molly it was my idea, I'm sorry," she looked at me with a softer facial expression, "oh no dear it's not your fault," she said.

She turned back at the twins and continued, "HOW DARE YOU PUT THE FROG IN THE JAR, SCARING THE BLOODY HELL OUT OF ME LIKE THAT!" She yelled. I hid behind the twins and giggled a little bit.

I ran up to my room and after a little while the twins came up, "Did you see how she yelled at me, your handsome boyfriend, and you ran away, leaving me with monster mum," Fred said starting to fake cry.

"Don't be such a baby,if I was her I would have ran away too, mum is scary" George laughed. We all started laughing at how Molly reacted.

*Flashback ends*

Ginny woke up and came to my room, she sat down on my bed, "So how are things going," she asked. "Nicely, why?" I said, she looked at me as if she had just mentally face palmed herself.

"Y/n I meant with Freddie," she laughed. My eyes widened as I realized she wanted to know about the relationship, "Ohhh, it's going well too, he's so caring and loving, but..."

I look at Ginny as she stares at me worried, "I don't know whether to tell him that Malfoy has been sending me letters, asking me about our deal," I said.

"What deal?" She asked. "Oh, well Draco and I share a birthday, first year we made a deal to always spend it together no matter what, just so we didn't have to spend it alone," I said.

"You should tell Fred, I think he'd understand," said Ginny. I nodded and went to Fred.

"Y/n good thing you're here, come on," Fred said, reaching for hand and pulling me out of the burrow.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "Shh it's a surprise," he said.

We walked a good distance until we reached a part of the field where he had decorated for us to have a picnic. It reminded me of what Draco did for us on the first birthday we shared...

"Come on love," Fred said. I walked over and sat down in front of him. He handed both of us food and a drink. "Do you like it? Mum helped me make it," he said with a proud smile.

"I love it Freddie," I said with a small smile. We spent time talking and laughing. He put the plates and cups away once we were done eating and came closer to me.

"I love you y/n" he said leaning in for a kiss. I smiled into the kiss. "So love what do you want to do for your birthday?" He asked.

"Oh um... that's what I wanted to talk to you about," I said nervously. "Come on then, tell me, anything my girlfriend wants, anything," he said whispered that last "anything" in my ear.

"Merlins sakes Fred, not that, get your mind out of the gutter," I laughed. "Okay okay, what do you want to do," he asked again.

I rubbed the back of my neck, "Actually, I wanted to spend it with Malfoy, you see we have this deal we made-," he cut me off.

"Malfoy? Seriously y/n, spending it with Malfoy?" He said. "We made a deal Fred, we wouldn't let each other spend it alone," I said. "You won't be alone, I'm here, we're all here," he said.

"Fred he will spend it alone, his family is too busy with other things," I said. "Is that who you've been writing to? Don't think I haven't seen the owls come back and forth and how you hide the letters," he said.

"Fred it's not like that, I just don't want him spending his birthday alone," I said.

"Bloody hell y/n, Malfoy is always involved isn't he? For the second task in the tri-wizard tournament, he was your "treasure" really? Now you want to spend your birthday with him instead of me," he said.

"That was a misunderstanding Fred, I promise it's not like that," I said. "Honestly y/n, do whatever you want, we're done," Fred said.

"I-, Fred!" I yelled as he walked off. Leaving me there alone, I walked back to the burrow after a while, I was going up to my room as I crashed into George and Ginny. Tears forming in my eyes I thought it was Fred, my mind was processing so much I didn't even recognize the difference in their voices.

"Y/n, are you okay," George said. I looked up at him and let the tears fall seeing Fred instead because of my blurry vision. George came to hug me but I pushed him away, I went to hug Ginny, she took me to my room followed by George.

I sat on my bed and saw George still standing there, "GET OUT, YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH FRED, LEAVE ME ALONE, YOU LEFT ME ALONE ISN'T THAT WHAT YOU WANTED," I yelled. Ginny was about to talk to me when I saw her tell George to leave.

"Y/n that was George, not Fred, what happened?" She said. "Fred ended things, I told him about wanting to spend my birthday with Draco and he got mad," I cried.

Ginny hugged me tightly trying to comfort me, I cried and cried my eyes out.

(George's POV)


"George leave, I don't think she realizes you're not Fred," Ginny said. I nodded and went to my room to find Fred.

"What in the bloody hell did you do to y/n," I said. "I broke up with her," he said.

"What in your right mind made you think that was okay? She literally lost her parents recently you git," I said. "She's the one that wanted to spend her birthday with Malfoy," Fred said.

"Why would she want to spend it with him?" I asked. "They have some deal, to spend it together so they don't spend it alone," Fred said.

"Fred If it's a deal then you should have respected that," I said. "Whatever, I'm going to bed," he said. "You're going to regret this Fred," I said.

(Y/n's POV)

After Ginny left my room I laid in bed staring at the ceiling, I was alone.

I sat up and grabbed a quill and parchment paper,

Dear Draco,

We will be spending our birthday together this year, sudden events have made there be no problem, I'll see you then.

- Law

I went back to bed after sending the letter off. I laid in bed once again staring at the ceiling until I fell asleep.
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