The First Challenge

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I was with Harry in the champions tent as we were waiting for the first challenge to begin. I was nervous and worried as to how I was going to beat this challenge. I can hear the crowd cheering and the twins telling people to bet.

I look over to Harry and see him pacing around the tent. We both look at the tent door and see Hermione followed by Fred. Hermione goes to hug Harry and Fred comes to me and gives me a kiss.

We see a bright light flash and and notice it was Rita Skeeter, the same journalist who interviewed us.

"Young love! Ohh how.. stirring. If everything goes unfortunately today you might make the front page," she says looking over at the 4 of us.

Krum stand up and moved forward to Rita, "You have no business here, This tent is for champions and friends," he said.

She rolls her eyes and says, "Got what we wanted anyways," as she walks out with her crew. As she leaves Dumbledore walks.

"Good day champions, gather round please, now you've waited, you've wondered and at last the moment has arrived. The moment only five of you can fully appreciate," he said.

He shows us a bag and we pull out a dragon, I look to see what Harry got and he got the Hungarian Horntail. Harry looks at me as I pull out my dragon... The Boitatá dragon. I look at Harry and he looks back as he looks worried.

I hug him and wish him good luck. I watch as everyone goes before me. Harry leaves the tent as it's his turn and I hear everyone cheer and gasps. Soon I see Harry walk back into the tent.

I run to hug him, "Thank Merlin you're alive!" I yell. I let go as my turns comes up. I run out of the tent and see the dragon.

"Okay y/n, you're a Law, you've studied dragons, think," I say to myself. After a bit that's when it hits me.

"LUMOS MAXIMA" I yell pointing my wand straight at the eyes of the dragon. The dragon roars as it stumbles upon itself. I run towards the golden egg.

I see the dragon getting its vision back and it starts coming my way, I duck and roll forward moving away from its hit.

"LUMOS MAXIMA!" I yell again, giving myself time to grab the egg and run back to the tent.

(Fred's POV)

I see y/n run out and talking to herself. I get more worried the more she stays there. I know she can do this but I don't know if I can watch my new girlfriend possibly get hurt.

"LUMOS MAXIMA!!" She yells. I cheer as she makes her way to the golden egg. I get worried again as the dragon starts going her way and attempts to hit her.

"LUMOS MAXIMA!" she yelled again. She has time to grab the egg. As soon as she grabbed the egg I yell, "YES! THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!! THATS MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND!!"

(Y/n's POV)

I ran back into the tent to see the other 4 champions cheering me on. I smile as we all congratulate each other.

*In the Hogwarts castle*

I look over to Harry and see Ron and him had made up. The twins lift him up and most of the Gryffindor house cheers for him. He looks at me and smiles.

I start walking to my dorm since most of the Slytherin house hated me so they obviously weren't going to cheer. That is until I heard Harry talk, "Guys y/n did better than I did, did you see how easy it was for her."

The twins put Harry down as they come towards me to lift me up. They cheer and I can't help but smile widely. "My girlfriend beat that dragon! You all saw her c'mon cheer she did that!" Fred yells making me blush.

They put me down and I start walking towards my dorm. I asked Fred if he wanted to come and he said he would be there in a bit so I just started walking. As I was walking a certain platinum haired boy appeared in front of me. I rolled my eyes as I started walking around him but he kept stepping in front of me.

"Move Malfoy," I said with a stern tone. "Please just listen to me, I'm sorry, I really want to be with you," he said with a soft face. That's until he looked at my neck. His facial expression changed.

"You let that Weasley do that to you, Are you serious! Only I can do that," He yelled while moving closer to me.

"He's my boyfriend Malfoy, you on the other hand, cheated on me and had no hope in me, I don't need you," I yelled and pushed him off.

"Y/n!" Fred and George yelled. I looked at them as they ran towards me. "Is he bothering you y/n," George asked. I nodded and Fred glared at him. I knew they were going to try to do something but I pulled them away.

"I'm going to go with y/n to her dorm," Fred told George. He nodded and walked back to the Gryffindor common room.

We made it to my dorm and I let myself fall down on my bed. "Today was tiring," I say. "You were great out there love, how did you know what to do?" He asked. I sat up,

"Well I'm a Law, I'm expected to know more, so those nights where I should have been family bonding, were left to me studying all night, I studied dragons and remembered this dragon already has trouble seeing in daylight, so the spell made it lose its vision temporarily," I said.

"My very beautiful and smart girlfriend," he says smiling, I smile back, he cupped my cheek and kissed me. He leaned back and grabbed the golden egg.

"Open it," he said handing me the egg. I open it but only screams come out. Fred puts his hands over his ears as I close the egg.

"Well then, I have to figure this out now,Good thing the second challenge isn't till next week" I laugh.
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