50- "he's not a death eater,"

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After the situation with Draco we hadn't talked. Instead we were focused on Harry and Ron. Harry had a meeting with Dumbledore where he saw Tom Riddle before he came to Hogwarts. He told us that Dumbledore knew he could talk to snakes but didn't know he was going to become an evil wizard.

It was the day of quidditch try outs once again and Ron was trying out again since everyone had to. Hermione and I were in the stands watching the try outs.

Another boy who was trying out for the same position as Ron kept eyeing up Hermione, I think he was Cormac. I watch as Hermione looks midly uncomfortable as she looks back at Ron to ignore Cormac's stare.

Watching the Cormac play makes Ron look so shaky. I start to get worried as I knew how much Ron wanted this. It was down to the both of them for keeper.

It looks like they're going to do a shootout. I look over at Hermione who looks just as worried as I do. It was Cormac's turn to see if he was going to make the team but suddenly he flips over with his broom. I look at Hermione who had her mouth covered, I raised my eyebrows at her and let my jaw fall.

She gives me a small smile and a little shrug. Ron's turn end brilliantly and both Hermione and I clap.

"Isn't he brilliant?" the same girl we saw at Diagon Alley, Lavender Brown said. "She seems a bit obsessed doesn't she?" I whisper to Hermione. I watch as Cormac eyes up Hermione again. She once again looks uncomfortable and walks off.

I walk towards Cormac, touching his quidditch uniform flirtatiously, he seems to quickly move on from Hermione now giving me attention, I pull on his uniform making him closer to me.

"Stare at Hermione that way once more and I'll make sure you can never see again," I said as I let go of his uniform, I gave him a sarcastic smile and walked off.

After going to class I made my way to the trio and we walked to the Gryffindor common room. Harry was focused on his potions book while Ron was talking about quidditch.

"I've got to admit, thought I was going to miss that last one, Hope Cormac's not taking it so hard," Ron said. I watch as Hermione rolls her eyes making me laugh.

"Has a bit of a thing for you, Hermione...Cormac," Ron said. "He's vile," she said. "I don't think he's going to be going near Hermione anymore," I said laughing.

I watch as Ron slightly let's loose after hearing what I said. He glances across the room at Lavender, I lift one eyebrow as he looks back at me.

Harry comes towards us, "Do you know this spell?" He asked Hermione. "No I do not, and if you had any shred of self respect you'd turn that book in," she said.

"Not bloody likely, he's tied with y/n as top of class!" Ron said. Hermione gave Ron a glare before looking back at Harry, "I'd like to know who it belongs to, lets have a look," she said.

Harry pulled away before she could grab the book, "No," he said. Hermione continues to try and grab it out of his hands before Ginny walks in and takes it from him.

"Who's the half blood prince?" Ginny asked. "The Who?" I ask. "That's what it says right here, property of the half blood prince," Ginny said.

I shrugged and walked out heading to my dorm.I walked to my dorm and found Draco in my dorm. "What are you doing here?" I asked

"I wanted to talk," he said. "What do you want?" I said. "I wanted to apologize, I've been busy with something, also I wanted to ask you what you were doing so close to Cormac the other day," he said.

"Yea I heard that one before Draco, you've been busy all summer most of the time we've been back at school, and what I was doing with Cormac is none of your business," I said.

"What do you mean it's none of my business, I'm your boyfriend!" He said. "Oh really? Cause I thought you had something better to do than be with me," I said.

"Plus it wasn't even like that with Cormac, I just threatened to hurt his eyes if her looked at Hermione like an object again, I'm not interested in anyone in this bloody school," I said.

"Well that's good, cause you're mine," he said. "I said in this school, the trio and I are going to Hogsmeade tomorrow, so I don't know, maybe I'll find a guy there," I said.

I saw Draco get a mixture off anger and hurt over his face. "I have to find someone to please my needs since you won't, don't you think?" I said.

Draco walked towards me making me walk backwards into a wall. "You're mine, only I can satisfy you like that, if I find you with someone else, I'll just have to fuck you until you forget them," he said sending shivers down my spine.

I nodded and he made his way out of my dorm. Bloody hell, how is he capable of making me so flushed I thought to myself. I went to bed and drifted to sleep.

Once morning came I got ready and made my way to find the trio. Once I found them we made our way to the three broomsticks. We all got butterbeer and I see Ginny with Dean in the corner.

I notice that both Ron and Harry noticed them too. "They're just holding hands...and kissing," Hermione said. "I'd like to leave," Ron said. "You can't be serious," I said. "That's my sister," Ron said.

"So? What if she looked over here and saw you kissing me?" Hermione said to Ron. I choked on my butterbeer as Hermione said that. I looked at Ron who had a similar reaction.

"Harry, m'boy!" Slughorn said. I looked over to Slughorn but in doing so I made eye contact with Draco.

"Listen in the old days I used to throw a sort of dance, I wanted to invite you, Law, and Granger," Slughorn said. We all nod and thank him, well all of us but Ron.

We head out of the pub and make our way to school. As we were walking we see Katie bell and her friend arguing about something.

"Katie, you don't know what it could be," her friend yelled. We see Katie rise up six feet in the air, her hair a mess from the wind and shaking she's doing, she suddenly screams.

Ron and Harry run towards her and grip her ankles and as soon as they do she falls down onto the snow, she's still shaking and her eyes are rolled back leaving only the whites of her eyes visible.

"I warned her! I warned her not to touch it!" Her friend says. I look at what she was holding, I get closer to it before hearing Hagrid running to pick her up.

"Don't touch that! Only touch the wrapping, nothing else!" He yelled. I take my scarf off and wrap the box within my scarf. I carry it as we make our way to the castle.

Once we get to the castle we get questioned by McGonagall and Snape. We explain everything we saw.

"She was cursed wasn't she,"Harry asked. "Yes she was cursed," said McGonagall.

"It was Malfoy!" Harry said. "That's a very big accusation, what's your evidence," Snape says. "I just know," Harry said.

We all get sent to our dorm room. As we make our way to the dorms, I glare at Harry. "What?" He asked. "It can't be Malfoy, I saw him in the three broomsticks while we were there," I said.

"It is Malfoy, I just know it is," Harry said. I glared at him and walked off to my dorm.

I slammed the door to my dorm. "Malfoy isn't capable of hurting someone, bully yea, but hurting someone, no," I said to myself.

I spent the entire night talking to myself and agreeing with my self that Malfoy is not a death eater. He would never.....
Keep voting and sharing! I'm not sure if I will be posting tmrw. We'll see how things go!

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