The boy who lived...

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"I know where he is," Harry said. He quickly stood up and we made our way out of the castle to the courtyard.

We quickly made our way through the battle going on shooting protective spells when needed.

"Ron! To your left!" I yelled. "To your right!" He yelled.

We kept running, there was a troll who tried hitting up with its staff but we hid just in time. As we got up to run giant spiders started chasing us.

"Bloody hell not the spiders again," Ron said. We all ran going through the trolls legs to pass and make it to the other side of the castle.

"No!" Hermione yelled. It brought our attention to Lavender laying lifeless on the floor and a death eater about to eat her.

Hermione blasted a ray of light at the death eater making him go flying. We continued to run just as the troll hit the side of the castle causing it to fall down.

We ran to the front of the main bridge and see dementors coming our way. All of a sudden a light comes from behind us making them go away.

We quickly turn to see who it was coming from and see Aberforth.

We run towards the boat house and once there we hide so we don't get caught.

"You have performed extra-ordinary magic with this wand, My Lord, in the last few hours alone," we heard Snape say.

"No! No! I am extra-ordinary, But the wand resists me ," Voldemort said. "There is no wand more powerful, Ollivander himself has said it, Tonight, when the boy comes, It will not fail you, I am sure...It answers to you and you only," Snape said.

"Does it?" Voldemort said. "My lord," Snape said. "The wand, does it truly answer to me?" Voldemort said.

There was silence for a while before they started talking again. "You're a clever man Severus, surely you know," Voldemort said. "Where does the loyalty lie?" Voldemort added.

"With you, of course, My Lord," Snape said.

"The Elder Wand cannot serve me properly, because I am not its true master, The Elder Wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner...You killed Dumbledore, Severus, While you live, the Elder Wand cannot truly be mine," Voldemort said.

"My Lord.." Snape said. "You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus,But only I can live forever," Voldemort said.

"Kill," Voldemort said.

I start standing up getting ready to run in the room and stop him but Ron pulls me back. We watch as the shadow of snape gets attacked and once it stops the shadow of Voldemort leaves.

Harry gets up and runs into the room followed by all of us. We see snape leaning against the wall, his neck covered with blood.

"Take them...take them please," Snape said. "Give me something! Quickly! A flask! Anything!" Harry yells.

Hermione reached into her bag and handed him a vile. We watched Harry collect Snape's tears.

"Take them to the Pensieve," Snape said. I walked down deeper into the boat house to see if Voldemort was there. Once I started walking back I saw Snape's lifeless body.

"He's gone-," I get cut off my a horrible pain in my head. I look at the trio and see they felt it too.

"You've fought valiantly, but in vain," Voldemort's voice said.

I felt a huge pain hit my chest making it hard to breathe, I dropped to the floor in agony.

"I do not wish this, Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste, I therefore command my forces to retreat...In their absence, dispose your dead with dignity, Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you, On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you, rather than face me yourself, There is no greater dishonor, Join me in the Forbidden Forrest... and confront your fate, If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me," Voldemort's voice finished.

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