Part 1-Arguement

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Hello! Welcome to the second book on this account. These stories are from Eralious, who also writes the stories for the oneshot book. And if you come from the oneshot book, i'll say it again, GO TO PART #12. Thank you for your time.


The screaming from the kitchen made Tommy shiver, even though he was under multiple blankets. He hated it when Wil and Dad fought, and they all knew that the breaking point was coming. He got up from his warm oasis and went to find his other brother. He had only knocked once on the door before it opened.

"The yelling woke you up?" Techno asked with a slight frown. When his younger brother nodded, he let him in with a sigh and went to the kitchen.

"I want to travel the world, Dad! You've ruined every chance at that! I can't stay here forever!" Wil yelled, coming dangerously close to throwing the mug on the table at the older man.

"I'm trying to keep this family together! If you want to leave then just go!" Phil gestured to the door. Wil took him up on that offer, leaving with his keys, his phone, and a slammed door behind him.

Techno saw Phil register what had happened and he left the man to think over the night. He had a Tommy to tend to, again. Walking into his messy room, he saw the boy curled up in his desk chair. Tommy was always closer to Wil, but recently he'd gotten attached to Techno. He'd assumed since Wil wanted to leave him and Techno stayed.

"You can sleep in here if you want, I have to do some work though."

"He's not coming back, is he."

Techno paused before replying, "No clue."

"Did he leave because of me?"

"Course not."

Tommy just shrugged and attempted to hide his tears. He made his way to Techno's bed, curling up into a small ball, but able to see Techno at his desk. Techno sat down and continued to work, but kept glancing at the boy in his bed.

As the time ticked by, the boy kept fighting off sleep, forcing himself to stay awake. Finally, Techno swiveled his chair to look at him, "Tommy, I'm not going to be gone if you go to sleep. I'll be here in the morning, and in the next, and in the next. Please get some sleep, your stares throwing me off." he ended in a joke.

Eventually, the boy fell asleep and Techno joined him a few hours later.

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