A Normal Day

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Do I really want to go to work today? You thought as you looked in the mirror in your bedroom. You stared at yourself, thinking how such a small pizzeria could give you such misery. Molten Freddy was the real problem. He wouldn't stop sneaking up behind you and scaring you to death every time you came in! It got on your nerves. But you couldn't really tell him that... Or else, well, he'd probably get pissed off and try to kill me... Again.
A shiver runs down your spine as you remember that day.
"Hm..." You pondered the thought of changing the uniform to a white shirt and black pants instead of a purple shirt, white tie, and navy blue pants.
I mean, it's my pizzeria. I can change what I want. Though whatever I do, Molten is gonna make fun of it.
You decided against it for now, not really wanting Molten too bother you today as much as he does. You get your phone and your purple cap you always wear and head to work.
When you got there, Rockstar Chica and BB were outside.
"Guys?! What did I tell you about coming outside?! It's dangerous for you out here!" You exclaimed.
"We just wanted some fresh air and not be cooped up in that pizzeria all the time." Chica replied.
"Hello." BB commented. BB doesn't really have any other words to say other than "Hi" or "Hello". One of the reasons why everyone is annoyed by him.
You sigh, and go inside.
"Good morning~" You look up at the ceiling and see him flying down. You scream and hold out your hands.
You opened your eyes to see him right in front of you. Towering over you, since he was at least a foot taller than you. He smirked as he looked down at you. You began to feel your cheeks becoming red, and turned you head to side.
"H-hi, Molten." You say, and he steps out of the way for you to get past.
Why am I always like that! God dammit!
You see Rockstar Freddy on stage talking with Rockstar Bonnie.
"Hey guys," You greet as you walk on stage.
"Hey." They both say.
"Your here early, what's the occasion?" Bonnie asks you with curiosity.
"Wait- What are you talking about? It's 6:15." You say, getting confused.
"Uh... No. It's 5:30." Freddy says.
"What?! But how—" Then the realization came to me.

After scolding Helpy for what she did to all of my alarm clocks. I decided to head into the portal room to see if Lefty was there. Molten never lets us go in the portal. He never explains why we can't. We just... Can't. Lefty was playing on his tablet I got him last Christmas.
"Hey, Lefty." He looks up and smiles at you.
"Hey!" He was sitting on the ground with his legs dangling off the edge of the portal. In case you didn't know, there's a portal in our storage closet. We used to be able to go in there and play mini games, but one day it just spit us back out the way we came in and it hasn't worked since. That was like- two months ago?
"You're here early," He said.
"Yeah, Helpy messed with my alarms. I don't know how. But she did."
"Haha, that Helpy sure is a handful." He chuckles.
"Heh, you can say that again." You comment, looking down into the portal and wondering if it would ever work again.
"Behind you." Lefty said, and you turned around to see Molten coming in, looking angry.
"Lefty! Give it back!" He yelled.
"Woah! What's with the yellin? I was winning!" He whined. Molten marched over to him and swiped the tablet out of his hands.
"This one's mine, stupid!" He pushed Lefty into the portal just to have him fly back out and hit the floor, hard.
"Ow! Jeez! I didn't know! Y/n gave us both the exact same ones! Throw him in the portal not me!" Lefty argued, getting back up.
"Hey, don't blame this on me. Would you rather I gave you both nothing instead?" They both gasped.
"Whatever, I'm putting my name on this one so you don't steal it again!" Molten growled, storming out of the room. You quickly shoot a glare at Lefty.
"What!? Just because we're best friends doesn't mean he's gonna spare me. It's Molten!" He said in defense.
You sigh, "True... I'll let you off the hook now. But if you blame me for something else I'm gonna dismantle you!" You warn, and head out the room.
"What was that all about?" Freddy comes up to me, asking.
"Lefty accidentally stole Molten's iPad." You respond.
"Did he throw him in the-?"
"Yes. He threw him in the portal." I finished his sentence.
"He'll never learn, will he.." You shake your head in disappointment.
"No... He never will. Hey, I'm gonna check up on Molten. Did he go in the-"
"No. He stormed off to the kitchen." Everyone knows where Molten goes to cool down. Usually the vents, some place dark, or sometimes my office. But never has he gone in the kitchen.
You head into the kitchen to find Molten leaning up against the counter playing something on his iPad.
"Whatcha playin?" He grunts in response and continues to ignore me. You sigh, "Good talk...".
"... I'm watching YouTube." He says after a minute.
"Oh, cool." You observe him quietly, his arm supporting his weight on the counter while his other hand holds up the iPad.
He's... pretty strong for a guy completely made of wires... of other animatronics. I really hope that fact isn't actually true.
He snickers, and smiles a little when a funny scene comes up. I go to the refrigerator and take out some American Cheese and turkey slices, and go to the cabinet and take out the bread.
"You making a sandwich?" He asks, still focusing on his video.
"Hm? Yeah, I didn't have breakfast at home." You say. You don't elaborate cause You know he doesn't care. He never does. But You've gotten used to it.
"Right, cause Helpy reset your alarms."
"Stupid Helpy. She's supposed to help make my job easier not harder!" You complain, finishing making your sandwich and begin to eat it.
"Heh..." You look to Molten in confusion. "If Helpy is making your life harder why don't you just call her Hardy?" You chuckle at that.
"Good one." He smirks, but still doesn't look up at you.
Once you finished your sandwich, you begin to head out.
"Hey," You stop and turn around. "Thanks for checking on me..." This time he looked up.
"No problem, Molten." You say, and head out the kitchen and towards your office.
Time to do some paper work... Ugh....

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