Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: The Skystar Rebellion

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Chapter 12: The Skystar Rebellion

The walk had taken longer than expected. Andromeda had led them to No-Man's-Land, and introduced them to Midnight, a dark black female with a scar across her right eye. Midnight, apparently, was one of Andromeda's best friends, and lived in this place. Skystar.
She lived alone, but not anymore. Skystar would soon host the whole of Andromeda's new rebellion: Andromeda would lead. Hunter, Orion, Sapphire, and Midnight would help. The gemstone sisters had came, too, surprising Andromeda.
Skystar was a place that was plentiful. Rivers galore, plenty of prey, and winter barely seemed cold. Spring was the longest season instead, coming in mid-January. It was perfect here.
Skystar was a place that wolves from no other kingdom would ever venture. There were many dens inside one big cave, which was huge: the Dome of Skystar. There was one den that led to a underground passageway, and underground Skystar was just as beautiful as the Skystar on the surface. Everyone loved it.
They, the wolves of the rebellion, were all gathered in the main cave of the Dome of Skystar. Andromeda stood on the high rock. On the lower rocks, Sapphire, Orion, Hunter, and Midnight stood.
It was the early morning, and the sun was smiling warmly down upon the life on earth. The sweet songs of the birds floated melodically air—they accompanied the harmonic, shrill calls of the elk, moose, caribou, and mule deer. It had been the chosen time for Andromeda's first ever speech as leader.
The watchers below waited as the High Council discussed. Andromeda sensed many stares boring into her, and she felt quite tense. Hunter, who stood nearby, gave her a reassuring smile—it always melted her nerves.
The wolves of the rebellion looked excited. They glanced at everyone around, including the council and Andromeda—even Midnight, who, like Andromeda thought beforehand, looked uncomfortable with this whole thing. But, with a cough, Midnight silenced the crowd. Andromeda took a deep breath.
"I have consulted with my friends," she began, silencing the chatting crowd, "and we have decided to name this rebellion 'the Skystar Rebellion,' after this place, that showed us generosity after we left my mother's lands.
"I would like to thank everybody who came. It takes great courage to leave someone who has much power, for justice. You have all proved to be worthy wolves. I would also like to say that my father has not stayed with my mother, Nor come with us. He has left to his sister's, Queen Kara's, lands. He will join us when he finally battle my mother, but for now, he remains hidden.
"As the Skystar Rebellion, we fight for justice. We are in the middle of a war. Queen Cora will stop at nothing to find us now. She wants revenge. But the main thing we, or I, at least, are doing this for—is the truth."
Andromeda paused, looking at everyone's curious faces, before continuing.
"I know that there's a wolf in the North-East Cave, hidden by my mother, locked away for a reason I don't know. I know my mother has lied to me about everything, about there being a destiny for me to fulfil, about the prophecy. Our job is to figure everything out."
It was the end of the speech, and it was a thrilling one. With a smile and a bow, Andromeda swept out the cave, sending the wolves in it into a vivid discussion.

 With a smile and a bow, Andromeda swept out the cave, sending the wolves in it into a vivid discussion

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