1 - Muggle Studies

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July 24th, 1997


"You don't ever stop eating do you?" I chuckled, Lorelei snarfing food out of the bowl I'd left out for her in my bedroom.

Mother had brought her home, said Caroline gave Lorelei to her while leaving the train station. I couldn't stop asking myself why. Why'd she give up her cat? I was mind boggled. Not that I cared anyway, Lorelei kept me good company. She gave me a feeling of familiarity.

I'd wanted to write, but our mail was being monitored by death eaters. I didn't want to put her in danger by writing to the Weasley's address.

"Draco, the meeting is about to begin," Mother knocked on my door, calling me down.

"Coming," I mumbled, throwing on my suit.

The Death Eaters, along with The Dark Lord sat at the table, a woman I recognized hovering above the table.

I knew her; she was my muggle studies teacher. I shivered as I sat in my chair, knowing what this meant. She was to be killed; and I had to watch it with my own eyes.

"Severus, I was beginning to worry you had lost your way," The Dark Lord smiled, motioning for Snape to sit down.

"You've brought news I presume?"

"It will happen Saturday, at nightfall," Snape exclaimed.

"I've heard differently My Lord, the Potter boy is not to be moved until three days later, on the thirtieth, the night before his seventeenth birthday," one of the death eaters said.

"This is a false trail, the Auror Office no longer holds any protection against Harry Potter, his closest alliances believe we have infiltrated the Ministry," Snape hissed.

"What about you?" Voldemort pointed to another death eater. I didn't know most of their names, only knew faces. This one he trusted.

"One says many things, My Lord, who knows if the truth is among them?" he exclaimed.

"Spoken like a true politician," Voldemort laughed.

"Where will the boy be taken, Severus?"

"To a safe house, most likely the home of someone in the order, once he arrives there, it will be impractical to attack it, as it will be guarded with the most powerful of magic," he exclaimed.

"And the Bellegreen girl?"

"Most likely the form of magic used to protect it," Snape said.

My Mother grabbed my hand tightly under the table, my chest tightening at the mention of her.

"So we take out the girl,"

"If she can survive the killing curse I doubt any more death eaters knocking down her door would stop her from murdering the most of them, we need a separate plan for her," Snape exclaimed.

"My Lord?" Bellatrix peeped.

"Yes, Bella?"

"If I may, I would like to offer up myself to kill the girl," she smiled playfully, her jagged teeth sticking out of her gums as she spoke.

"As inspiring as I find your blood lust Bellatrix, the last time you faced her you ran,"

This statement made her shrink in her chair a little. I almost smiled at that, but I managed to keep a composed face.

"Back to the boy. I find an unfortunate complication is that my wand, and Potter's, share the same core. We can wound, but not fatally harm one another. Therefore, I will need someone else to volunteer up their wand for me to use when I kill the boy," he stood, walking behind my Dad's chair.

"Lucius? I require your wand," he held his hand out, my Father shakily handing it to him.

"Do I detect, elm?" The Dark Lord ran his hand along the wood, snapping the snake's head off the end.

"And the core?"

"Dragon heartstring my lord," Father whispered.

Voldemort used the wand to pull the hovering woman towards the middle of the table.

"To those unaware tonight we are joined by Miss Charity, teacher of muggle studies at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," Voldemort mocked her.

The death eaters began to laugh. I sat platonically. I was disgusted.

"It is Miss Charity's beliefs that muggles are not so different from us, she would, given her way, have us mate with them," he hissed.

The death eaters reactions were dramatic, but most out of all of them Bellatrix, who pretended to throw up on the table.

"To her the mixture of magic and muggle blood is not an abomination, but something to be encouraged," he continued.

God, when was this going to end? I just wanted to go cuddle with Lorelei in my bedroom for Merlin's Sake.

"Severus, Severus please, we're friends," she pleaded, looking over to him, his face blank.

"Avada Kedavra," Voldemort yelled, her body crashing down onto the wooden table, making me flinch. My hands began to tremble, the lines on my forehead creasing as my eyebrows raised in fear. A tear ran down her cheek as I stared at her dead body.

"Nagini, dinner," Voldemort let the snake run up the table, letting it chomp down on her body as I squeezed my eyes shut in horror, nausea filling my stomach. We were dismissed before I could watch any more.

I ran upstairs, bursting through my bedroom door to see Lorelei still sleeping on the bed, exactly where she was before. I locked the door, then ran into my bathroom, vomiting into the toilet. I shut my eyes as I sat on the bathroom floor, the tile cold beneath me. Lorelei ran up to me, nuzzling against my leg.

"When will this be over?" I panted, petting her head gently. She sat next to me, leaning against my side.

"When will I not have to watch people die anymore?"

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟒)Where stories live. Discover now